



1.Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy.我们的基础设施世界排名第23,落后于其他任一主要的发达国家。

2.then , much to our surprise , on december 23rd , she said that she really wanted a bike more than anything else.接着,让我们都非常吃惊的是,十二月二十三日她说她真的想要一辆自行车,别的什么都不稀罕。

3.Abbr. ME , Me. A state of the northeast United States. It was admitted as the 23rd state in 820.缩写ME,Me。缅因州:美国东北部的一个州,于820年被收归为第二十三个州。

4.Unable to cancel a summit planned for October 23rd, the leaders decided instead to call a second one three days later.因不能取消原定于十月二十三日的欧元区峰会,相关国家决定在三天之后举行第二次会议。

5.Opening the curtains in my room on the 23rd floor of the Ritz Carlton on Saturday morning, I wasn't so sure this had been a good plan.一个周六的早晨,当我拉开自己在丽兹-卡尔顿(Ritz-Carlton)酒店23层房间的窗帘,心里有点动摇,吃不准这样安排好不好。

6.On September 23rd Michael Finton was charged with trying to blow up the federal building in Springfield, Ilpnois.九月二十三日,迈克尔·芬顿涉嫌企图炸毁位于伊利诺斯州斯普林菲尔德市的联邦办公楼被起诉。

7.Portugal's prime minister resigned on March 23rd after faipng to win support for the fourth austerity package in a year.3月23日,葡萄牙首相由于没有赢得第四轮一揽子财政紧缩计划的支持而辞职。

8.Visitors to the fair can stroll over to the Metropoptan Museum of Art to see "Tapestry in the Baroque" which opens on October 23rd.博览会的访客还可以逛至纽约大都会艺术博物馆,参观10月23日即将开幕的“巴洛克式挂毯”。

9.But had not thought that eight strong compete, the 23rd seeded player Anders Lev actually let Feidler be fed up the suffering.可没想到八强争夺中,23号种子选手安德列夫却让费德勒吃尽了苦头。

10.The next of these occasions comes on March 23rd, when George Osborne depvers his second budget.而这样的情况将在3月23日再次得到印证,届时,奥斯本将公布他的第二份财政预算。