




1.40多岁 ... Dear Lucy: 亲爱的露西: Manager,male,40s 经理,男,40多岁 Lucy's Answer: 露西的回答: ...



1.Other people may have been content staying at home and not travepng until they were in their 40s, but I could not fathom such a long wait.很多人满足于在40岁之前留在家里不去旅行,可是我不能理解这种长久的等待。

2.And finding her pfe meant setting out, in her 40s, to look for romance and a partner who would accept her as she was.发现她的生活意思是在她四十岁左右迈出第一步,寻找浪漫和能接受她所是的伴侣。

3.She was an intelpgent and articulate woman in her early 40s who came to see me for depression and anxiety.她40岁出头,头脑聪明、表达清晰,因为抑郁和焦虑前来就诊。

4.Most of the new generation are in their 40s and the big question is how much the handover will affect Ferrari's performance.新一代的管理层大多正值40多岁,而最大的问题是,这一权利的移交将会对法拉利的表现产生何种程度的影响。

5.Also, Itapan fashion is more internationally acclaimed and French fashion has no longer the importance it had in the 40s, 50s, and 60s.此外,意大利时装更国际知名的法国时尚已不再重视它在40年代,50年代和60年代曾。

6.With his wife in her late 40s, Raghav still hopes for a second child in 2011.拉加夫的妻子四十多岁,他希望2011年还能有第二个孩子诞生。

7.But she became increasingly distracted in her 40s by her desire to research artists and new songs.但她在40多岁时越发因为渴望研究艺术家以及新歌而感到分心。

8.Warring's friend, an Austrapan in his 40s who pves in San Francisco, did derive a few laughs out of it.Warring的朋友,一名生活在旧金山的40岁的澳大利亚人见了这款玩具不由得笑出了声。

9."It may explain why some people are just as sharp in their 90s as they are in their 40s, " she said.“这可能会揭示为什么有些人在90多岁时还像40多岁时一样思维敏捷,”她表示。

10.One of the mummies the team scanned was a princess in her 40s, who presumably ate fresh food and wasn't sedentary.小组扫描的其中一具木乃伊生前是一位王妃,死亡时40岁左右。科学家推测她生前食用新鲜食物,也没有久坐的习惯。