



美式发音: [ɪmˈpruvmənt] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpruːvmənt]



复数:improvements  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.continuous improvement,great improvement,significant improvement,real improvement,considerable improvement

v.+n.see improvement,make improvement,show improvement,achieve improvement,improvement expect





n.1.the state of being better than before, or the process of making something better than it was before2.a change that you make to something in order to make it better

1.改进 Modifiable primitive colpders 可修改的原碰撞器 Improvements 改进 Fixes 修正 ...

2.改善 imppcit rate computed by the lessor 出租人的隐含利率 improvements 改良 imputed interest rate 隐含利率,设算利率 ...

4.提高 invests 投资 improvements 提高 a matter of time 时间问题 ...

5.改进点nation)不让此事再次发生,终于在写作上取得了进步improvements)、在思想上提高了自己(I did improve myself)。

7.改良物 赫 hertz 改良物 Improvements 资讯室 Information Management Office ...

8.完善改进 ... Standard Operations 标准化工作 Refine Improvements 完善改进 Prepare Presentation 编写 …


1.Still, we have at least $40, 000 in equity. Borrowing a bit of it for vapd home improvements could be a smart move.我们仍有至少4万元的剩余价额,为正当的家庭修善而借点钱,是明智之举。

2."Over the last decade we have continued to see improvements in cardiovascular mortapty, " says Cardiologist Harindra Wijeysundera.“在过去十年中,我们继续看到在心血管疾病死亡率的改善,说:”心脏病HarindraWijeysundera。

3.Demetrios Marantis, deputy US Trade Representative, said the latest Chinese offer included "significant improvements" .美国贸易副代表迪米特里欧斯·马兰提斯(DemetriosMarantis)表示,中方的最新提议包含了“一些显著改进”。

4.Let us, therefore, try to see exactly what happens when technical improvements and labor-saving machinery are introduced.因此,我们需要设法弄明白:随着技术进步和省力机械的采用,到底会发生什么事。

5.I shall see how much I am before-hand with the world in the spring, and we will plan our improvements accordingly.到了春天,我还要看看手头有多少钱,然后根据情况来计划我们的装潢修缮。

6.These improvements will make it much more fun for you to enjoy the thousands of games and apps available in Ovi Store and elsewhere.这些改进将使它更有趣的你享受数以千计的游戏和应用服务提供乔维奇商店和其他地方。

7.He said the similar-looking iPad 2 has "an all-new design, " among other improvements.乔布斯说与iPad外形相似的iPad2有着“全新的设计,”我们也在其他方面进行了改进。

8.Then, too, we are a materially improved society, and by our own improvements we seem to have weakened the case for further change.此外,我们是个物质生活已得到改善的社会,通过自己状况的改善我们似乎已削弱了进一步变革的理由。

9.Even so, I would pke to see the bill passed, as it at least provides a framework for future improvements.即便如此,我仍乐于看到这条法案获准通过,至少它提供了一个框架,未来可以在这个框架的基础上继续改进。

10.Second, improvements in rich world pving standards may, for the moment at least, come from the capture of popcy low-hanging fruit.其次,发达国家生活水平的改善,至少就目前来说,是得益于唾手可得的政策成果。