


美式发音: [ˈɡʌnmən] 英式发音: ['ɡʌnmən]



复数:gunmen  同义词

n.hit man,gangster,sniper,murderer,assassin



1.持枪歹徒;持枪杀人者a man who uses a gun to steal from or kill people


n.1.someone who uses a gun when fighting or committing a crime

1.枪手 annoy vt. 使恼怒 gunman n. 持枪歹徒 shrubbery n. 灌木丛 ...

3.持有武器的歹徒 Green Role 常规性质的特种作战 Gunman 持有武器的歹徒 HRT 人质抢救小组 ...

4.持枪者 scare: 惊恐,惊吓 gunman: 持枪者 apprehend: 逮捕,拘押 ...

5.持枪的歹徒 lone adj. 孤独的, 独立的 gunman n. 枪手, 制造枪械者, 持枪的歹徒 geometry n. 几何学 ...

6.美国俄亥俄州大学发生枪击 脊我图片 Ridge I 持枪匪徒图片 Gunman 1 法拉利轨迹白天图片 Ferrari track day 1 ...



1.The gunman reportedly was a 41-year-old man of Asian descent who'd recently been laid off from his job with IBM.据媒体报道,凶手41岁,是一名近期被IBM裁员的亚裔男子。

2.He said four bodies were found inside the temple and three were outside, including that of the gunman.他说,寺庙内发现了四具尸体,外面发现三具尸体,其中包括持枪者本人。

3.She watched at least five of her friends being hit by the gunman's bullets and watched as the bodies tumbled off the rock and into the lake.她目睹了至少五个朋友被枪手的子弹射中,眼睁睁地看着他们的尸体翻落岩石坠入湖中。

4.Eventually, they came upon gunman Anders Behring Breivik, standing with his hands over his head and his two weapons 15 meters behind him.最后他们突然发现了枪击者布雷维克(AndersBehringBreivik),他双手举在头顶,身后15米远有两件武器。

5.He said that after shooting the victims with one gun, the gunman shot them again in the head with a shotgun.他介绍说,扫射之后,枪手又掏出一支霰弹枪对着人们的头部射击。

6.And Saudi Arabian officials report that two of its border guards were killed when a gunman tried to force his way into Yemen.和沙特阿拉伯的官员报告说,边境警卫被打死时,两名枪手试图迫使他进入也门的方式。

7.Who was the gunman who shot Nathan when he was about to expose the Company to the world in a press conference?当Nathan在新闻发布会上准备揭露公司时,射杀了他的人是谁?

8.An AP cameraman saw a gunman take an unattended laptop and put some other objects into a bag and walk out of the hotel.一名美联社摄影记者看到一个枪手拿走了一台没人照看的笔记本和其他东西以后离开了旅馆。

9.Before Tilpe could fire again, Alexis jumped over the seat between her mother and the gunman and begged him not to shoot her mother.在提利再次开枪前,埃里克西跳到母亲与凶手前,恳求他不要开枪。

10.A woman who was on the bus told reporters her husband was killed when he tried to stop the gunman.一名幸存的女性说,他的丈夫试图制止这名持枪劫持者时被杀害。