

compact:[英 [kəmˈpækt] 美 [ˈkɑ:mˈpækt] ]


过去式:compacted;   过去分词:compacted;   现在分词:compacting;

compact 基本解释

及物/不及物动词压紧,(使)坚实; 把…弄紧密,把…弄结实; 使(文体)简洁,简化; 变紧密,变结实

形容词紧凑的; 简洁的,(文体等)紧凑的; 小巧易携带的; (物质)致密的,(体格)结实的

名词协议; 条约; 带镜小粉盒; 小汽车

compact 相关例句


1. His uncle is a man of compact build.


2. compact在线翻译

2. I appreciate his compact style of writing.


3. compact

3. The company came up with a new, more compact computer.



1. My wife compacted my clothes in a suitcase.



1. The two nations made a compact to control drug traffic.


compact 网络解释

1. 压缩:调整pagefile等, 然后用一个带有工具软件的ISO文件启动,用diskgen 磁盘工具调整分区,主分区1.5G, 扩展分区的扇区清零. 再用virtual pc的disk wizard 压缩(compact) 它,就可以了. 我的W2k server 1.4G, w2k 700 M.

2. compact在线翻译

2. 小型:房车按车型分为豪华(Luxurious)、准豪华(Premium)、大型(Full Size)、中型(Mid Size)及小型(Compact). 申请租车必须提供信用卡和国际驾照,要求驾车者年龄在25岁以上. 租车事宜可通过国内旅行社安排,在多伦多等大城市里也很容易找到租车公司,

3. 小车:minicooper或者那种beetle,实在是因为很喜欢小车,认为小车安全而且省油看起来很cute,我ld怎么劝我说大车更安全,我都听不进去,可后来听说过几起交通事故都是小车(compact)惨遭大车欺负,而且家里也需要一辆大车来拉货.

4. compact的意思

4. 紧的:我们希望这个点集在数学意义上是紧的(compact)和凸的. 它应该是凸的,因为一个预期,它可以看作是集合中两点连线上的任意一点,可以通过这两点代表的两个预期的适当的概率组合得到. 紧性条件意味着,首先,点集一定是有界的,也就是,

5. compact的翻译

5. compact:computer oriented modular planning and control technique; 面向计算机的模块化规划和控制技术

compact 双语例句

1. compact的近义词

1. As she drove the compact car to the club, she considered her brother, how different they were.


2. A soft white compact talc used to mark cloth or to remove grease stains.


3. However, the current research and design on compact natural gas reformer are still focused on the materials, and few studies on mechanism have been conducted.



4. Small a honeycomb-like thing base station NB420 bulk small, capacity is high, belong to compact model product, its are had cover an area of small, application the characteristic with agile, practical economy, held grand a honeycomb-like thing at the same time base all advantages of the station, apply to low cost to build a network especially.


5. The stability and compact, robust design of the 4600 makes it ideal for oil and gas panel applications.


6. The reason is row frequency in unit time is higher compared to the row frequency in the swimming pool, and twice movement`s connection is more compact, and skeletal muscles has no time to rest.


7. The histological pattern showed: 4 cases were myxoid pattern IMT, 1 case was compact spindle cells pattern IMT.



8. A very compact calendar application procedures, as a component tools can be used directly.


9. A broken compact fluorescent lamp will release its mercury content.


10. At our compact campus university, we endeavour to translate this into interdisciplinary, international, intercultural and interreligious education.


11. This compact I have only just broken in my study of Shakespeare under Professor Kittredge.



12. Compact, lightweight, and ergonomically designed, this Bluetooth wireless headset allows you to chat comfortably without tying up your hands.



13. These innumerable multitudes of ruminating beasts often form an insurmountable obstacle to the passage of the trains; thousands of them have been seen passing over the track for hours together, in compact ranks.

Dddtt.com 简直象是一座活动的堤防,这一支由无数反刍动物组成的大军,经常在铁路上给来往火车造成无法克服的障碍。人们曾经看见过成千上万的野牛一队紧接着一队穿过铁路,往往 www.

14. Tianyi is a cosmetics and makeup packaging enterprise that has been engaged in designing and manufacture high quality lip gloss pencil, lip gloss twist pencil, lip gloss press pencil, brush pencil, cosmetic pencil, eyeliner pencil, eyebrow pencil, lip gloss tube, mascara tube, eyeliner tube, lipstick case, blush powder case, eye shadow compact, airless bottle, perfume atomizer, cosmetic soft tube, PE tube etc in China.

天一实业有限公司是一家化妆品包装的企业,一直从事设计和制造高质量的化妆品包装,如雾,洗液泵,泡沫泵,香水喷雾器,密不透风的瓶子,唇光泽管,睫毛管,管eyeliner ,化妆品,铅笔,口红,化妆品软管,紧凑,洋酒瓶盖等。

15. After seated, begin to look around carefully, the col本地 indoor is nothing straitlaced but dignified, compact but not blank, shows the outstanding taste of the host freely and directly.


16. The forefeet should be larger than the hind feet, round, thick and compact with strong nails.


17. compact的近义词

17. Feet small and compact, round with thick pads and strong black nails.



18. Feet small and compact, round withthick pads and strong black nails.


19. Provide compact design and high performance in conformity with general fluid service, i. e., stea


20. The entire system was designed dustproof and compact, with all the parts closed in the tube.


compact 词典解释The adjective and verb are pronounced /kəm'pækt/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒmpækt/. 形容词和动词读作 /kəm'pækt/,名词读作 /'kɒmpækt/。

1. 小而紧凑的

Compact things are small or take up very little space. You use this word when you think this is a good quality.


e.g. ...my compact office in Washington.


e.g. ...the new, more compact Czech government.



The very compactness of the cottage made it all the more snug and appealing.


2. 矮小结实的;矮壮的

A compact person is small but strong.

e.g. He was compact, probably no taller than me...


e.g. He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way.


3. 小巧的;袖珍的

A compact cassette, camera, or car is a small type of cassette, camera, or car.


4. 把…压实(或压紧)

To compact something means to press it so that it becomes more solid.

e.g. The Smith boy was compacting the trash...


e.g. The soil settles and is compacted by the winter rain.



...a pile of compacted earth.


Regular forking of beds and borders relieves the compaction caused by rain.


5. (内有镜子的)化妆粉盒

A compact is a small, flat case that contains face powder and a mirror.

compact 单语例句

1. Marchionne conceded that the only new thing Chrysler is displaying at the Detroit auto show is a new interior in the Dodge Caliber compact.

2. He battles multiple health problems, walks with a cane and rarely leaves his compact Manhattan apartment.

3. He warned that domestic brands could be disadvantaged if the technology used in compact cars didn't catch up with global rivals.

4. The very idea of an August storm frightens residents there, especially those who rode out the compact but powerful Category 4 hurricane four years ago.

5. The CC - which stands for compact coupe - features a premium exterior and interior that seek to set new standards in its class.

6. Health officials in Shanghai began checking supermarkets yesterday for baby bottles that may have been made from recycled compact discs and contain a dangerous chemical.

7. The Houston Chronicle reported Thursday that Vera was originally arrested on charges of selling illegal copies of compact discs.

8. A roll of adhesive tape looked innocuous enough, but the inner side contained compact hints prepared for an exam.

9. She said that the compact nature of Hong Kong's commercial areas make it difficult to measure the lighting influence of a certain lighting source.

10. " It's a very compact team, " defender Cris said.

compactcompact 英英释义


1. a small cosmetics case with a mirror

to be carried in a woman's purse

Synonym: powder compact

2. a small and economical car

Synonym: compact car

3. a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action

Synonym: covenantconcordat


1. squeeze or press together

e.g. she compressed her lips

the spasm contracted the muscle

Synonym: compressconstrictsqueezecontractpress

2. make more compact by or as if by pressing

e.g. compress the data

Synonym: compresspack together

3. compress into a wad

e.g. wad paper into the box

Synonym: packbundlewad

4. have the property of being packable or of compacting easily

e.g. This powder compacts easily

Such odd-shaped items do not pack well

Synonym: pack


1. closely and firmly united or packed together

e.g. compact soil

compact clusters of flowers

2. briefly giving the gist of something

e.g. a short and compendious book

a compact style is brief and pithy

succinct comparisons

a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject

Synonym: compendioussuccinctsummary

3. having a short and solid form or stature

e.g. a wrestler of compact build

he was tall and heavyset

stocky legs

a thickset young man

Synonym: heavysetstockythickthickset