

cusp:[英 [kʌsp] 美 [kʌsp] ]


cusp 基本解释


名词尖头,尖端; 滩嘴; 歧点; 牙齿


cusp 网络解释

1. 尖点:即底板岩层失稳破坏形成底板突水的现象,属于突变理论研究的范畴,故煤层底板突水可以引用突变理论来研究.通过建立煤层底板突水的一个尖点(cusp)突变模型,对煤层底板失稳破坏发生突水的机理进行了分析.基于平衡曲面方程,

2. 齿尖:小齿的前端,生有尖锐的齿尖(cusp). 小齿分几种,原则上在1个中心齿(central tooth)的两翼有数个侧齿(lateral teeth),在其外侧,还有数个缘齿(marginal teeth),但在不同种类的动物中,有或无以及形态和数量等均成为分类的重要标志,

3. 尖端:不过美国总统欧巴马 (Barack Obama) 的经济顾问 Laura Tyson 则乐观表示,美国经济可能正处於复苏的 尖端 (cusp),且本季政府的刺激经济措施效力应可扩大 .

4. 尖角:此时可以利用造形工具(shape tool)点选任一节点,调整节点之曲率控制杆,或按鼠标右键之节点编辑工具,运用新增(add)、删除(delete)、到直线(to line)、到曲线(to curve)、尖角(cusp)、平滑(smooth)、相对称(symmetrical)等七种方式作微调(如图1左),

5. cusp:central unit for scientific photography; 中央科学摄影部

cusp 双语例句

1. BBC One viewers became addicted and entranced by Cranford, a small Cheshire market town in the early 1840s on the cusp of great change.


2. Derek Murphy was born in Portland, Oregon in 1979 - on the eve of Winter Solstice and in the middle of what astrologists call the'prophetic cusp.


3. Objective To study the influence of three kinds of cusp inclination of removable partial dentures on the abutment movement.

目的 研究不同牙尖斜度的可摘局部义齿对基牙各方向位移的影响。

4. For each break-up, a synthesis procedure is proposed for the synthesis of spherical four-bar mechanisms tracing a coupler curve with two prescribed cusps. By arranging the moving pivot and fixed pivot of the crank of a mechanism, the spherical four-bar mechanisms with two-cusp coupler curve can be discussed systematically.


5. The results showed the distance of margin was (380989±117933)μm, axial wall(545956±101848)μm, conical cusp (309389±112219)μm, occlusal(408278±96343)μm, in Nickel-Chromium-Ti Alloy metal crown.

结果 镍铬钛全冠边缘浮升量为(38 0 989± 1 1 7933)μm ,粘固剂厚度在轴壁为(5 4 5 95 6± 1 0 1 848)μm ,轴面角为(30 9389±1 1 2 2 1 9)μm ,面中央为(4 0 82 78± 9 6 343)μm 。

6. The Gigliati were rumoured to follow the Macedonian closely, when they were on the cusp of selling Adrian Mutu to Roma, but the Romanian's transfer eventually collapsed and the Viola's interest evaporated.


7. The youngster was on the cusp of a return but a scan on Sunday revealed a fresh strain in the bottom of his leg.


8. When they convected through cusp region, the time that precipitating particle acting on the plasma flux tube was different.


9. With an impending high ranking promotion and four years of stable relationship with his dream girl, DAPHNE RECTO, he is at the cusp of getting everything he`s always wanted.

ALAN ALVAREZ的生活似乎一切顺利,工作上,他即将获得升职,和自己的梦中情人DAPHNE RECTO也已经相处4年之久。


10. To fully exert the advantage of that Antarctic Zhongshan Station is located within polar cusp region and dayside auroral zone, we study the characteristics of cusp region convection and dayside auroral motility by the data of advanced instruments installed in Zhongshan station and HF Radar data from Syowa station, and investigate the relationship between them.


11. Upper molars showed low frequency of Carabelli cusps. Hypocone of upper second molars showed strong tendency of regression, but metacone had low regression tendency and a strong degree of compression.

上颚大臼齿部Carabelli cusp出现率极低,上颚第二大臼齿hypocone之退化倾向较强,metacone之退化情形较弱,而压扁程度较多。

12. A cusp catastrophe model is presented to describe the behavior of sliding along one deep incompetent structural plane of a gravity dam foundation, and the sufficient conditions leading to instability are discussed. It is found that the instability of sliding relies mainly on the stiffness ratio k, the homogeneity index of the medium m and the geometry-mechanic parameter ξ and that the reliability of the traditional limit analysis method is deficient.


13. cusp的翻译

13. The shape of the teeth is triangulum whose tip is the teeth cusp. The left and right teeth cusp oppose to each other forward to the pharyngeal cavity.


14. When an Infortune is posited on the cusp of the seventh house, the Native will be liable to great calamities, and if an Infortune be in Aspect with the Sun or Moon afflicted in the same place, the Native, though a Prince, shall suffer a world of troubles.

K! k2 _# Z3 u 凶星落在第七宫宫首位置的人,易遭受大难;若这颗凶星被刑伤,且同时与太阳或月亮具备相位,则盘主无论是平民还是王孙,一生厄运连连。

15. Mandibular: the height of canine cusp is biggest, which is 2.65mm; and next to incisor, which are 2.27mm and 2.26mm. Then, it is gradually decreased from first bicuspid to second bicuspid, first molar, which are 2.09mm, 1.74mm and 1.07mm, respectively.


16. In the end, applying cusp mutation model analyzed earth-sound monitoring information of working face 3406(1) of Huafeng Mine, correctly forecasted the rockburst risk on 10 March.


17. That's funny, Skylar, but I'm not the Cusp.

太可笑了,史凯乐,我不是 Cusp

18. cusp是什么意思

18. Five different force all 100 N were applied on buccal cusp tip:(1)PV: vertical force along tooth axis; (2)PB: 45 degree force from buccal to lingual direction.; (3)PL: 45 degree force from lingual to buccal direction.; (4)PM: 45 degree force from mesial to distal direction.; (5)PD: 45 degree force from distal to mesial direction.

咬合力设定为100 N且通过小臼齿颊侧咬头顶点,PV表示平行牙齿长轴的垂直咬合力、PB表示由颊侧45度方向往舌侧的侧方咬合力、PL表示由舌侧45度方向往颊侧的侧方咬合力、PM表示由近心45度方向往远心侧的侧方咬合力、PD表示由远心45度方向往近心侧的侧方咬合力。

19. cusp的意思

19. On the termination date, the cultured explants were all examined by Western blot, HE and transmission electron microscope. Our results showed that after 12-days in culture, the cultivation treated with AS-ODN reduced the synthesis of AMBN and had a deformed dental cusp with thinner enamel matrix. Ultrastructure analyses showed that there was hardly any cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the ameloblasts at the tip of the cusp of AS-ODN treatedexplants. However, on average the enamel matrix was thinner compared with that in the control group. Furthermore, the collagen fibers in extracellular matrix were found disorganized. These findings seemed to provide a direct experimental evidence that tended to indicate that the arrested AMBN translation in cultured tooth germs might result in the delay of the tooth development.

经用Western蛋白印迹检测表明,所设计的反义核酸对AMBN InRNA具有良好的封闭效果并成功阻断了牙胚对AMBN的表达;在缺乏AMBN情况下,与对照组相比,实验组牙胚在体外可以继续生长发育至钟状晚期,出现成釉细胞和成牙本质细胞的分化,成釉细胞可以分化成为分泌期型成釉细胞,胞浆中缺少合成蛋白质所必需的粗面内质网和高尔基氏体,缺乏溶酶体,表明对蛋白合成和脚的能力降低;实验组牙胚有牙尖形成和基质分泌,但牙尖形态异常,基质形成减少,牙尖周围基质最厚处为O.6卜m,明显薄于对照组的5.spin,基质中胶原纤维粗细不等,排列稀疏,3 第四军医大学硕士学位论文未见钙化现象,充分证明了AMBN在牙胚发育中参与釉质基质形成和矿化过程,影响胶原纤维和牙本质基质的合成,促进成釉细胞对蛋白质的合成和釉质基质蛋白降解。


20. Bracts oblong, obcordate, or obovate, with exserted or included, sometimes reflexed cusp.


cusp 词典解释

1. 介于两个状态之间的;将要进入特定状态的

If you say that someone or something is on the cusp, you mean they are between two states, or are about to be in a particular state.

e.g. I am sitting on the cusp of middle age...


e.g. Mr Short's behaviour is only on the cusp of acceptability.


cusp 单语例句

1. He specializes in buying up city landmarks and has done well enough that he's on the cusp of being made a partner at his firm.

2. So we have a shrinking, aging cohort of women standing on the cusp of history.

3. " This is a joint problem, " Obama said on the cusp of the NATO summit.

4. There are a billion people in the rest of the world who are at the cusp of explosive consumption growth.

5. The poetry section features six names, most of them born on the cusp of 1970.

6. China is on the cusp of a significant opportunity to become a global player in mobile communications.

7. The local brands are on the cusp of making it on the global arena.

8. On the cusp of being ousted by the Heat for a second straight season.

9. Your financial planning seems to be at the cusp of bearing fruit.

10. " We're right at the cusp of understanding this, " said Sherry Willis of Pennsylvania State University.

cuspcusp 英英释义


1. point formed by two intersecting arcs (as from the intrados of a Gothic arch)

2. small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth

3. a thin triangular flap of a heart valve

Synonym: leaflet