

versus:[英 [ˈvɜ:səs] 美 [ˈvɜ:rsəs] ]


versus 基本解释

介词对抗; (表示两队或双方对阵)对; (比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对

versus 相关例句


1. versus在线翻译

1. The big match tonight is England versus Spain.


versus 网络解释

1. 千年决斗:最令人震惊的是以拍摄B级片见长的北村龙平,他的(VERSUS)几乎没有任何主题,纯粹是为了暴力而拍,近两个小时的影片从头战到尾,我们会感慨人类竟是如此脆弱.

2. 二线品牌纬尚时:创始人、设计师:詹尼.韦尔萨切(Gianni Versace)1946年出生于意大利.二线品牌:纬尚时(Versus)男装品牌:范思哲经典V2(Versace Classic V2)普拉达(Prada)创始人:马里奥.普拉达兄弟(Mario Prada and brother)设计师:马里奥.普拉达,

3. versus:v.; 对

versus 双语例句

1. Results The concentration-versus-time data in both groups were fitted to a one-compartment model.

结果 22名受试者单剂空腹口服国产品和进口品后的体内过程均符合血管外一室模型。

2. versus在线翻译

2. Depending on the image method and point source approximation method, the physic model was established, and the formula of photo-current versus surface recombination velocity was obtained.


3. Regardless of how you break down a renting versus homeownership argument, there is one universal fact.


4. The more degree shaded treatments were, the more biomass was allocated to the below-ground parts, resulting in the less ratios between above-ground and below-ground biomass. Shaded treatments limited sexual reproductive ability of V. spinulosa, which has reproduced less of ramets and winter tubers under shaded conditions versus natural conditions. V. spinulosa adapted the change of light by means of refuging life-history strategy.


5. Which of the following statements best describes attribute sampling versus variable sampling?


6. versus的近义词

6. If the op amp's data sheet doesn't specify capacitive load drive or open loop output resistance, and has no graph of overshoot versus capacitive load, then to assure stability you must assume that any load capacitance will require some sort of compensation technique.


7. versus是什么意思

7. The impact of anesthetic technique (regional versus general versus combination of both) on the complication rate has not been established.


8. The once connection of power plant、transformer substation refer versus user running part.


9. versus的解释

9. I try to view these soundbites as a new form of language- haiku versus open verse, a Zen fountain versus a mountain stream, flowers in a windowsill box versus a field of poppies ready to take you to a land deep in the opiated imagination.


10. Compared to NHAL, HAL has a high incidence of outer marrow infiltration, leukocyte stasis syndrome, DIC and early mortality rate. The complete remission rate was 28.9% for patients with hyperleukocytosis versus 57.1% for patients with non hyperleukocytosis.

L。其它371例非高白细胞急性白血病患者作为对照组。1.2 治疗方法①降白细胞:ALL应用白细胞单采术和环磷华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院血液科(武汉,430022)酰胺0.2~0.4 g/d静脉注射;AML和其它患者应用白细胞单采术和羟基脲2~4 g/d服。

11. It's feudal autocracy versus people's democracy.


12. Adult male 129/SvEv micewere exposed to either isoflurane 1 or 1.5 minimum alveolarconcentration both in 40% O2 in air or to 40% O2 in airalone for a period of 80 min, and hippocampal 5-HTlevels were measured by microdialysis coupled with high performanceliquid chromatography. Within 20–40 min of administration, both doses of isoflurane similarly produced a significant decreasein hippocampal 5-HT to 41.5%± 11.0% and 36.4%±13.9% of the baseline level in the isoflurane 1 MAC and 1.5MAC groups, respectively. Furthermore, when additional dialysateswere obtained on termination of anesthesia in the isoflurane1.5 MAC group, the decrease in extracellular 5-HT levels persistedfor several hours. To determine if isoflurane-induced changesin extracellular 5-HT involve the serotonin transporter, similar microdialysis studies were performed in C57BL/6 wild-type and homozygous SERT knockoutmice exposed to either 1 MAC isoflurane in 40% O2 in air orto 40% O2 in air alone for a period of 80 min. Isoflurane produceda significant decrease in hippocampal 5-HT in SERT +/+ and SERT–/–, and this decrease was larger in SERT –/–compared with SERT +/+: to 22.4%± 8.5% versus 50.2%± 17.4% of the baseline 5-HT level, respectively.

海马5-羟色胺水平采用微量渗析和高效液相色谱检测。20-40min 后,1MAC 和1.5MAC 的异氟醚均显著降低海马5-羟色胺水平(分别为基础水平的41.5%+11.0%和36.4%+13.9%),且在1.5MAC 组,微量渗析发现麻醉结束后几小时仍有5-羟色胺的降低,为了明确异氟醚降低5-羟色胺是否由5-羟色胺转移子所致,C57BL/6 野生型小鼠和纯合型 SERT 基因敲除小鼠 SERT的小鼠在吸入40%O2和1 MAC 异氟醚或仅吸入40%O2,微量渗析发现异氟醚在 SERT和 SERT的小鼠中均有5-羟色胺的降低,SERT降低更明显(22.4%+8.5%V.S.50.2%+17.4%)。

13. The correlation between influencing of farming inheritance versus the continuous orchard`s practicing showed the tendency of modern concepts. The young generations of the farmers` families turned their life carriers into non-agricultural sites. The youngsters had no willingness to work and stay in the rural areas. Pushing the elders continuing their farming carriers.


14. Suppression subtractive hybridization complementary DNA libraries identified differentially expressed genes in liver tissue of winter flounder collected from the highly impacted Raritan-Hudson estuary versus those from less industrialized estuaries farther south in New Jersey.


15. MOBILITY:Mobility, as defined by the 1988 Mobility Analysis for the TRADOC Wheeled-Versus-Track Study, is the ability to move freely and rapidly over the terrain of interest to accomplish varied combat objectives.1 Mobility is thus measured by a system`s freedom of movement (percent of the terrain over which the vehicle is mobile) and its average speed or travel time over that terrain.

机动性:机动性的情况来源于1988年训练与条令司令部(全称Training and Doctrine Command)进行的轮式和履带式车辆运动分析比较的研究。其研究的主要能容是测试作战平台面在完成不同的作战目标时可能会遇到的各种地貌上的运动速度和能力。所以首先机动性就有了一个测试标准就是该武器平台的机动性能(该车辆能在百分之多少的地形上行驶)和它在该地形上行驶时的平均速度或者是耗时多少。

16. Meanwhile, it is conducive to a better understanding of the variation relationship of the flame radiation emissivity versus wavelength.

摘 要:通过对优化算法的尝试利用从气体燃烧火焰发出的辐射光谱拟合分析出火焰燃烧温度的方法,简化了传统测温用双色法所要求的火焰绝对辐射强度的标定,同时有助于了解火焰辐射黑度随波长的变化规律。

17. versus的翻译

17. How do you decide when you should start from scratch and throw away existing code versus refactor it?


18. Liquid phase extraction recombined solid phase extraction was utilized to distill the S-ODNs in the bio-sample, after concentrated; the extracts were determined by the method of NGCE in the presence of internal standard. The validity study showed the method was with good base number specificity; the body fluid and the homogenate do not interfere with the detection and separation of the S-ODNs following the extraction. The limit of quantitation is 0.5μg·mL〓, and the curve plotted as the initial concentrations of PS20 versus the normalized area was linear with the square of the correlation coefficients of 0.992 from 0.5μg·mL〓 to 10μg·mL〓.


19. Comparison of atrioventricular and total cavopulmonary connections versus atriopulmonary anastomosis for repair of tricuspid atresia in dogs Objective: To compare the hemodynamic effect and energy loss in atrioventricular and total cavopulmonary connections versus atriopulmonary anastomosis for modified Fontan procedures in dogs.


20. Objective To review the current condition, test method and progress of the animal model of xeno graft versus host disease.

目的 综述异种移植物抗宿主反应动物模型的研究现状、检测方法及进展情况。

versus 词典解释

1. 与…相对;与…相比

You use versus to indicate that two figures, ideas, or choices are opposed.

e.g. Only 18.8% of the class of 1982 had some kind of diploma four years after high school, versus 45% of the class of 1972.

1982年那一届只有18.8% 的学生在中学毕业4年后获得了某种文凭,而1972年那一届这一比例是45%。

e.g. ...bottle-feeding versus breastfeeding.


2. (体育比赛中)与…对阵,与…竞争

Versus is used to indicate that two teams or people are competing against each other in a sporting event.

e.g. Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.


e.g. ...Greg Norman and Michael Campbell versus Retief Goosen and David Frost.


versus 单语例句versus

1. The new ultraviolet observations were compared with similar observations made in laboratories, where researchers determined how much UV light would be reflected by water versus other material.

2. The Canadian dollar has gained 10 percent against the US currency and 23 percent versus the euro during that period.

3. Vince Carter had 16 points and Loren Woods netted 14 for Toronto, which rebounded from its first loss of the season on Tuesday versus the Sacramento Kings.

4. Those with casual partners said they used condoms 47 percent of the time, versus 37 percent among those in steady relationships.

5. One revision would raise the proportion of corporate charitable giving versus annual profits that can be exempted from taxes to 12 percent from 10 percent.

6. AC Milan captain Paolo Maldini will be playing for his fifth European club crown versus Liverpool on Wednesday.

7. The reddish coloring was deeper on my fake note versus the real one.

8. But there is increasing public concern over the benefits of combusting the waste versus the health risk from pollutants emitted during combustion.

9. I also look for slower import growth of 36 percent YoY versus 51 percent previously, with the YoY growth being boosted by higher commodity prices.

10. The CEOs were culled from my study of compensation versus performance for 542 chief executives.
