

sled:[英 [sled] 美 [slɛd] ]


过去式:sledded;   过去分词:sledded;   现在分词:sledding;   复数形式:sleds;

sled 基本解释



sled 相关例句


1. The logs were sledded out of the forest.




1. After it had stopped snowing, we all went sledding.



1. Sleds pulled by dogs are in common use in the Arctic.


sled 网络解释

1. 雪橇:最美丽的风景(scenery)在这面镜子里会变成一锅煮烂了的菠菜(spinach),而一颗小小的雀斑却会扩大到遮满整个鼻子和嘴巴. 就在这时,大雪橇(sled)突然刹住了,那个滑雪的人站了起来--原来是个女的,长得高高挑挑,全身闪着耀眼的白光,她,就是白雪皇后.

2. 雪撬:听说中间还出去玩了雪撬(sled), 打了雪仗. 离开的时候,几个孩子也颇有些依依不舍,互相大声告别. 回来问甜瓜下个星期还要不要去,甜瓜马上点头说要去. 看上去他还挺喜欢的. 已有30年历史的尼克频道(Nickelodeon)是儿童娱乐第一品牌.

3. 滑车:滑车架 hyge sled fixture | 滑车 sled | 座椅 deceleration sled

4. 射台:cross pin 十字頭銷 | sled 射台 | seal ring 封密圈

5. sled:slow low effeciency dialysis; 缓慢低效透析

6. sled什么意思

6. sled:single large expensive disk; 单一的大型高档磁盘(在网络中用以替代RAID)

sled 双语例句

1. Several times fell down and was dragged in the traces, and once the sled ran upon him so that he limped thereafter on one of his hind legs.


2. The opportunities for outdoor activities are endless: the fells and mountains of the far north are superb walking territory, and increasingly popular with mountain bikers. The rivers on the border with Sweden are perfect for canoeing, and the lakes and rivers everywhere are fruitful fishing waters. In winter, the resorts of Levi, Saarielka, Ruka and Olos - to name a few -②come to life, opening their Alpine ski slopes and cross-country ski trails. Snowmobile, reindeer and dog-sled safaris take you into the valley forests and you can even spend the night in an igloo.


3. The skilled sled Dogs saved his life again and take them back to the base.


4. In this dissertation, research work has been done in optical fiber sensor demodulation system: one system based on broadband SLED source has compact configuration and low cost, the other one based on tunable fiber laser has relatively high precision and resolution.


5. It's not that I care a whoop what becomes of you, but for the dogs'sakes I just want to tell you, you can help them a mighty lot by breaking out that sled.


6. My cousin's, he took me out on a sled


7. Once in wintertime when the show was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fatch wood on a sled.


8. Stock lifters should have a rounded top with a diameter sufficient to cover trim out area or sled lifter to be used.


9. Another mode of dogsled racing is the freight race, in which a specified weight per dog is carried in the sled.


10. Dogsled racing, more accurately referred to as sled dog racing, is a winter dog sport involving the timed competition of teams of sleddogs that pull a sled with the dog driver or musher standing on the runners.


11. sled

11. The company's products are widely used in PA6: auto parts, machine parts, power tools housing, electrical and electronic components, terminal blocks, gear, coil skeleton, building materials, metal, mountain bike water bottle rack, luggage accessories, baby carriages stent accessories, scooter accessories, skates base for medical use wheelchairs, sled base, connectors, sockets, socket switch, switch the fan base and so on, has excellent security and reliability and stability.


12. The overloaded and unwieldy sled forged ahead, Buck and his mates struggling frantically under the rain of blows. A hundred yards ahead the path turned and sloped steeply into the main street.


13. My sled is so fast that I painted lightning bolts on the side of it!


14. Riding on a long light sled with low handrails.


15. The danger zone comes between 30 and 45 degrees, just where people like to ski and sled.

危险的区域是在 30-45 度之间,正好是人们喜欢滑雪和滑雪橇的地方。

16. We are looking for 2 SEO companies to market our newest product called The iPhone Sled.



17. Vehicle and a towed sled with still camera to record the wreckage.


18. Finite element models for frontal crash sled test simulation of 4 types of child seats (the 5-point harness type, tray shield type and wearable type anchored on car seatbelts and the 5-point harness type with ISOFIX anchorages) under correct condition of use are set up with corresponding simulations and test verification proceeded.


19. Attached to the sled was an arm, which was attached at the other end to a pen holder.


20. Close-up view of the sled with the motor in position.


sled 词典解释

1. 同 sledge

A sled is the same as a sledge .

2. 坐雪橇

If you go sledding, you ride on a sled.

e.g. We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back yard.


sled 单语例句

1. Visitors can ride a cable car most of the way up the mountainside and rocket back to its base by sled.

2. For a small fee, you can rent the goat to pull you around the ice on a sled.

3. But they cannot catch up with it because of the structure of the sled.

4. The stage will be decorated with a huge " Christmas tree, " funny snowman and delicate sled.

5. His sled remained in the track, and it appeared his helmet visor skidded down the ice.

6. In order to attack the leading dog, they end up pulling the sled faster and faster.

7. The leading dog in the sled enjoys better food and treatment than the others, who actually work harder and play a greater role in pulling the sled.

8. The puppies will be ready to work on the same sled team in seven months time.

9. Zhang's sled is made of two pieces of bamboo covered with parcel resin and glass fibers.

10. He said he read an article about waterskiing on the Internet in June 2004 and decided to design a waterskiing sled of his own.

sled 英英释义


1. a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs

for transportation over snow

Synonym: sledgesleigh


1. ride (on) a sled

Synonym: sleigh