

polyp:[英 [ˈpɒlɪp] 美 [ˈpɑ:lɪp] ]



polyp 基本解释


polyp 网络解释

1. polyp的翻译

1. 息肉:也有研究在探讨食用蔬果与息肉(polyp)发生与生长间的关系. 息肉多半生长在肠道,最终可发展成结肠癌. 研究人员认为这可能是因为叶酸在DNA合成与修复的过程中扮演的角色,使得它具有对抗乳癌与结肠癌等癌症的功效.

2. 珊瑚虫:我用手在墙上捉到了一只珊瑚虫(POLYP),然后把它用在我自己身上,现在我可以潜泳了. 然后用图钉在自己身上放了点血出来. 现在从中间地上的洞口离开这个房间. 我出现在深海里,在左边的一个贝壳里,我找到了一颗黑色珍珠,

3. polyp

3. 水螅体:生活史从固著的水螅体(polyp)开始,高约1公釐. 过一些时候,水螅体下端出芽,长出水母体. 转钩手水母(G. vertens)螫人有毒,在暖海中密集成群,有害於游泳者. 人被螫後,感觉皮肤灼痛,很快起疱,局部水肿,1030分钟後感到乏力. 开始麻木,


4. 水螅型:水母的一种--灯塔水母(Turritopsisnutricula)在性成熟后会重新回到水螅型(Polyp)状态,并且可以无限重复这一过程. 该报称,这种水母是唯一一种只要不被吃掉或病死,在理论上就会长生不老的生物. 灯塔水母长约4至5毫米,

polyp 双语例句

1. Results showed that no obvious difference in spore germination was observed between different pH.


2. polyp的翻译

2. On MPR imaging, calculus appeared radiopaque or radiolucent; In polyp and carcinoma, the size, location and surface of lesion were clearly demonstrated.



3. Methods:61 patients with the different laryngeal diseases included polyp nodule, paralysio of vocal cord, inflammatory granuloma pipilloma stenosis eyst, angiolymphangioma in laryns and lingual lymfphadenosis which were treated by Ho:YAG laser via fibsobranchocopy.


4. Colonic adenomatous polyp is one of the high risk factors of colorectal tumors.


5. Be engaged in clinical over 20 years, and being good at disposing common ailment and severe cases in anorectum section, masculine branch and urinary surgery, especially in operation on internal pile, external pile, combined hemorrhoid, anal fissure, colorectal Polyp, pruritus ani, rectocele, prolapse of ring-like hemorrhoids.


6. polyp什么意思

6. Serum gastrin obviously uprose when there was erosion, ulcer, polyp, ect. There was a significant difference between the group above-mentioned and the group without such kinds of combinations.


7. Group. Conclusion: SP and VIP might play significant roles in the patho genesis of nasal polyp.


8. Patient-related, polyp-related, and procedure-related ariables were ealuated as potential risk factors for IPPB.


9. OBJECTIES: The aims of this prospectie study were to document the incidence of colon immediate postpolypectomy bleeding according to grade, and to identify potential risk factors of IPPB in patients who hae receied complete colonoscopy and polypectomy because of a colorectal polyp.


10. polyp

10. Two colonoscopic views of a small polyp that proved to be a tubular adenoma is seen below.


11. Forty cases(46 sides of sick maxillary sinus)with polyp or cyst or chronic suppurative inflammation were treated by maxillary sinus endoscopy through nasal vestibule.


12. A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part, such as a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.


13. Why did he go in for colon polyp removal?


14. Methods The expression of TTF-1 in the tissues of 39 cases of laryngeal carcinoma, 39 cases of laryngeal peri-carcinoma samples, 13 cases of chorditis nodulosa and 17 cases of polyp of cord was detected by EnVison immunohistochemistry.

方法采用EnV ison方法检测喉癌及其癌旁组织各39例、声带小结13例及声带息肉17例中TTF-1的表达情况。

15. Objective:To explore how to treat anesthetic complications of various kinds of benign vocal cords lesion, including chorditis nodulosa, polyp of cord, Reinke's edema and vocal cyst during phonomicrosurgery.


16. polyp的解释

16. 38 patients with nasal polyp and 15 control cases were chosen. Their IL-5 concentration in tissue homogenate were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. All samples were stained with Chromotrope 2R histochemical and SP immunohistochemical method separately to examine eosinophil and IgE+ cells in nasal polyp.

方法采用免疫组化SP法检测38例鼻息肉,15例正常鼻腔粘膜组织中IgE阳性细胞表达情况;采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测以上病例中IL-5含量;采用Chromotrope 2R特染方法检测以上病例中Eos浸润情况。


17. The Meta-analysis on the risk factors of colorectal cancer from fourteen case-control studies in China, 1988~2000, showed that chronic diarrhea, mucous and blood stool, polyp in large intestine, constipation and appendicitis were the risk factors of colorectal cancer; fiy-cooked fish, fatty food, smoking, psychic attack and family history of cancer were also the risk factors, but dietary fiber and light physical activities were the protective factors.


18. Objective: To investigate the hysteroscopic treatment of the submucous myoma of uterus and the cervical polyp.


19. Results The cervical erosion Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ prevalence rate respectively is 18.7%, 10.25% and 2.55%, the cervix of the uterus polyp prevalence rate is 17.98%, the cervix of the uterus enlargement is 23.97%, cervix of the uterus condyloma 0.40%, post-natal lacerated wound 4.19%.

结果 宫颈糜烂Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度和Ⅲ度的患病率分别为18.73%、10.25%和2.55%,宫颈息肉患病率为17.98%,宫颈肥大为23.97%,宫颈湿疣0.40%,产后裂伤为4.19%。

20. polyp的解释

20. Results In the 137 cases of protrusion lesion of gastric fundus, there were gastric carcinoma (7 cases), gastric ulcers (76 cases), gastritis (27 cases), gastric polyp (10cases), gastric leiomyoma (4 cases), gastric lipoma (3 cases) and organs oppression of extra gastric wall (10 cases).

结果 137例胃底隆起性病变中,7例为胃癌,76例为胃溃疡,27例为胃炎,10例为胃息肉,4例为平滑肌瘤,3例为脂肪瘤,10例为胃壁外脏器压迫。

polyp 词典解释

1. (人体内、尤指鼻内生长的)息肉

A polyp is a small unhealthy growth on a surface inside your body, especially inside your nose.

e.g. It takes ten years or more for a benign polyp to turn malignant.


2. 水螅(体)

A polyp is a small animal that lives in the sea. It has a hollow body like a tube and long parts called tentacles around its mouth.

polyp 单语例句

1. The problem could be caused by a polyp in the nose or infected sinuses, she said.

2. If left untreated a very small percentage of a specific type of polyp can grow and become cancerous.

polyp 英英释义


1. one of two forms that coelenterates take (e.g. a hydra or coral): usually sedentary with a hollow cylindrical body usually with a ring of tentacles around the mouth

e.g. in some species of coelenterate, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase

2. a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane

Synonym: polypus