

fallible:[英 [ˈfæləbl] 美 [ˈfæləbəl] ]


fallible 基本解释



fallible 相关例句


1. fallible的意思

1. Everybody is fallible.


2. All men are fallible.


fallible 网络解释

1. 易错的:7、谬误 falsehood | 8、易错的 fallible | 9、骗子 swindler

2. 易犯错误的:Anthropological:人类学的 | Fallible:易犯错误的 | Fallacy:谬论

3. 容易犯错误的:9. incorrigible 根深蒂固的 | 10. fallible 容易犯错误的 | 11. negligible 微不足道的

4. fallible的翻译

4. 易错的,可能犯错的:combination: 组合 | fallible: 易错的;可能犯错的 | scour: 快速搜索

fallible 双语例句

1. However, humans are fallible and are limited to individual experience.


2. He is only a boy, after all, and therefore fallible.


3. fallible什么意思

3. We must believe in the weak and fallible local church.


4. It is the American story, a story of flawed and fallible people


5. Under such circumstances love for the best of men can be no more than a commitment to the fallible.


6. fallible什么意思

6. A brand new start is often necessary because as human beings we are fallible and in need of forgiveness.


7. Men, as we both know, are fallible.


8. But such claims about conceivability seem as at least as fragile and fallible as intuitions about what is metaphysically possible.


9. Theological knowledge cannot be fallible: it must be beyond doubt.


10. fallible的意思

10. Were the verdict unanimous, it would still be imperfect and fallible, if it did not receive the papal approbation.


11. Finally it should be observed that fallible provisional teaching, as such, derives its binding force principally from the fact that it emanates from an authority which is competent, if need be, to convert it into infallible definitive teaching.


12. They were fallible men, it seems, and we take the liberty, not only to differ from them in religious opinion, but to condemn them and their opinions too; and I must presume that in taking these freedoms in thinking and speaking about matters of faith or religion, we are in the right; for, though it is said there are very great liberties of this kind taken in New York, yet I have heard of no information preferred by Mr.


13. In the traditional casting process design, it demands technologist to master plenty of theory and referring to many correlative manuals, and it is cockamamie and fallible to design the size of riser. However, riser design is not only the key of casting process, but also very important for CAE simulation.

传统的冒口设计需要综合大量的理论知识并查阅很多相关的手册,计算繁琐且易于出错,而冒口设计不仅是铸造工艺中关键的一步,同时又与CAE模拟紧密相连,设计好铸造工艺的零件可以直接输入到CAE 软件上进行模拟。

14. fallible

14. It` both time-wasting and fallible to use manual accounting, checking and inquiring.


15. fallible在线翻译

15. This incident, whether it be true or not, is at any rate thoroughly in keeping with the spirit of the age and such a spirit is incompatible with belief in a fallible Church.


16. As to the Galileo affair, it is quite enough to point out the fact that the condemnation of the heliocentric theory was the work of a fallible tribunal.


17. In order to perceive the distance which exists between the divine and the human, it is enough to compare the rude tremulous symbols which my fallible hand scribbles on the end pages of a book with the organic letters inside: exact, delicate, intensely black, inimitably symmetric.


18. The indubitable fact that our perception of material objects is fallible does not entail that it is inferential.


19. For no one can reasonably hold that fallible doctrinal teaching is irreformable or deny the right of later generations to question the correctness of earlier fallible definitions and call for their revision or correction, or even for their total abandonment.


20. In the discharge of this trust, I will only say that I have, with good intentions, contributed towards the organization and administration of the government the best exertions of which a very fallible judgment was capable.


fallible 词典解释

1. 可能出错的;会犯错的

If you say that someone or something is fallible, you mean that they are not perfect and are likely to make mistakes or to fail in what they are doing.


e.g. They are only human and all too fallible...


e.g. The system has proved fallible time after time...



Errors may have been made due to human fallibility...


The fallibility of science is one of the great betrayals of our times.

科学的不可靠是我们的时代最大的一种背叛。fallible 单语例句

1. The IPCC is as fallible as the human beings that comprise it.

2. There are many variables and at the heart of the matter is the fallible human being.

3. Everybody is fallible and can be corrupt when the power in his or her hands is under no effective supervision.

falliblefallible 英英释义


1. likely to fail or make errors

e.g. everyone is fallible to some degree

2. wanting in moral strength, courage, or will

having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings

e.g. I'm only a fallible human

frail humanity

Synonym: frailimperfectweak