

incite:[英 [ɪnˈsaɪt] 美 [ɪnˈsaɪt] ]


过去式:incited;   过去分词:incited;   现在分词:inciting;

incite 基本解释

及物动词煽动; 刺激; 激励; 促使

incite 相关例句


1. He was incited to achievement by rivalry.


2. Insults incite resentment.


3. He was charged with inciting people to rebel.


incite 网络解释

1. 激励:己方灭世军团魔兽对 位於菲尔(Vayl) 8吋范围内的目标模型做攻击与伤害掷骰时,有+2的效果;激励(Incite)的效果将会持续一回合. 目标敌方魔兽必须做领导测试,如果失败了,在菲尔(Vayl)的行动后,

2. 鼓动,引起:incisive 敏锐,尖刻的 | incite 鼓动,引起 | incline 倾,倾斜; 倾向,性近,爱好

3. 鼓动:implant 移植 | incite 鼓动 | interview 访问

4. incite

4. 激动:incitation 刺激 | incite 激动 | incitement 刺激

incite 双语例句

1. incite

1. Provincial Reeducation Through Labor Management Committee that the petition to the national authorities the issue of China's constitution grants citizens of a fundamental right, Xu Yun-in Jiangshan City People's Court, the petition Jiangshan City Council, incite, instigate the petition insufficient evidence.


2. They would have been their fault, but they are very innocent frame-up to other people, to incite others to interpersonal skills


3. Arena, as well as the desire of violence ECG. To incite or diluted no matter whether, inshort, those who keep the cell potential is excellent visual teasing game show of the rough.



4. He can't help anything but incite you do lawless thing


5. He assisted fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad, and later took an unpopular stand by announcing his support for the martyred John Brown, who in 1859 had sought to incite a slave rebellion in Harper's Ferry, Virginia.


6. incite什么意思

6. I must stress that I`m not trying to incite any social disharmony here, but my point is: the passion that charged the twenty-somethings 50 years ago, when they fought for their cause, is almost non-existent in the people of the same age group today.


7. incite什么意思

7. Or incite him to die, she also is defeated and no longer in affiliation.


8. Taiwan incite defection should be a good choice.


9. incite

9. I used to incite the Zhushao, they ignore me.


10. I hope it could incite Terry's language ability by watching it.



11. Sleep 11:30. Flounder came to me and I read what I told him I wanted to CDMA incite their two Now. 10:00 Cui put the answer on the hair over, I not depressed by the organization.


12. As I walked around this place I felt more than ever the true Tibetan essence. The Tibetan people seem deeply connected with the spiritual side of life and as I saw them kneel to pray, spin prayer wheels and incite mantras, I sensed the dedication and passion they held towards their faith.


13. incite的意思

13. Objects, like those by Thomas Grnfeld, are nice hunting trophies or Wolpertinger souvenirs, nice for the hallstand at home or in the windowsill, and seem to elicit mere cries of oh goodness or funny, they do not incite the mind to any pondering.

Thomas Grnfeld的作品,可以是不错的奖杯或Wolpertinger纪念品,也可以挂在家里的帽架或者是窗台上,似乎也能引发惊叹和有趣的感觉,但它们不会引起任何思考。

14. To achieve these ends, he worked to divide Iraqis and incite civil war.


15. What he hopes for is some breakthrough on the many fronts where he has been trying to incite a war with Iran, martial law within the US, and some sort of fantasy about the world finally embracing him as the ruler of the new world.


16. incite是什么意思

16. What better way to do it than to send anthrax through the mails to incite panic and a war against Islam?


17. The action for foreigners to incite a war, the production of cocaine, manufacture of the terrorists, and trigger a species of disease, however the American people are striving to clean the dirty of the world.


18. incite在线翻译

18. His goals in Iraq were clear: He wanted to stop the rise of democracy, drive coalition forces out, incite a civil war, and turn that country into a safe haven from which al Qaida could launch new attacks on America and other free nations.


19. Someone knifing one victim may well strangle another, or incite them to suicide, but it is unlikely that the three deadly deeds could be committed at the expense of the same person.


20. The generals can not help, having to say: Descend that incident of temple at the beginning, is the 屠 shore 贾 to incite of, he is false to spread the royal mandate, and to a minister hair ream, otherwise, who dare to launch the turmoil!


incite 词典解释

1. 鼓动;煽动

If someone incites people to behave in a violent or illegal way, they encourage people to behave in that way, usually by making them excited or angry.


e.g. He incited his fellow citizens to take their revenge...


e.g. The party agreed not to incite its supporters to violence...


incite 单语例句

1. But Huang was never to know his work would incite warped passion, greed and desire - all quite contrary to his Taoist teachings.

2. The district judge had concluded that Yue's intention was to seek attention rather than incite violence when he made the posting.

3. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday would incite rage among Arabs and Muslims.

4. Currently, most blog service providers encourage provoking behaviors on blogs and even incite disputes between bloggers.

5. The works incite in people deeper love for the country, a grand family of thriving life and harmony.

6. Rather than encouraging charity among residents, the administrative measures pushing for donations will very likely incite revulsion.

7. Urgent actions are needed to incite our drug and vaccine industries to limit the damages the flu pandemic would cause.

8. Those who resort to virulent criticisms may think that's the best way to incite action or an official response.

9. He then began to incite others to join in the riot in order to avoid being implicated for distorting the village election.

10. Manila is using the incident to incite national sentiment and has damaged bilateral relations, he said.

incite 英英释义


1. provoke or stir up

e.g. incite a riot

set off great unrest among the people

Synonym: instigateset offstir up

2. urge on

cause to act

e.g. The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window

Synonym: prodegg on

3. give an incentive for action

e.g. This moved me to sacrifice my career

Synonym: motivateactuatepropelmoveprompt