

abort:[英 [əˈbɔ:t] 美 [əˈbɔ:rt] ]


过去式:aborted;   过去分词:aborted;   现在分词:aborting;

abort 基本解释

及物动词使流产; 使夭折; 使中止

不及物动词流产; 堕胎; 发育不全

名词流产; 中止计划


abort 相关例句


1. abort在线翻译

1. The peach buds aborted.


abort 网络解释

1. 异常中止:但二进位相容性可确保所有 PA-RISC 应用程式皆无需重新编译,即可在 Itanium 伺服器的架构上执行. 与定时相依 (timing-dependent) 的应用程式异常中止 (abort) 之 PA-RISC 应用程式的核心倾印 (core dump)独立软体厂商 (ISV) 的辅助说明

2. abort什么意思

2. 中断:预取(Prefetch)缓冲器可以实现Thumb指令的优化,使处理器以最快的速度执行指令–嵌入式Flash控制器,异常中断(Abort)状态及未对齐(Misalignment)检测–可以通过软件进行电源优化,包括慢速时钟模式(低至500 Hz)和空闲(Idle)模式–两个外部中断源和一个快速中断源,

3. 异常中断:预取(Prefetch) 缓冲器可以实现Thumb 指令的优化,使处理器以最快的速度执行指令–嵌入式Flash 控制器,异常中断(Abort) 状态及未对齐(Misalignment) 检测–可以通过软件进行电源优化,包括慢速时钟模式( 低至500 Hz) 和空闲(Idle) 模式–两个外部中断源和一个快速中断源,

abort 双语例句

1. When the prepared transaction aborts, only transactions in its abort dependency set are aborted.


2. If the body did not regene rate the HCO3- lost in buffering the non-volatile acids, the entire buffer capacity would be used up in abort 6 days (assuming a normal rate of acid production).


3. To check for an abort signal.


4. She is going to abort her baby.


5. We decided to abort the program.


6. But on rare occasion, failure in a function should cause the entire program to abort.


7. If the program does not abort automatically, the fatal''.


8. They may represent what remains of the archegonium in angiosperms and the pollen tube may penetrate a synergid first, but they do not participate in the fertilization process and abort soon afterwards.



9. At last, tell abort the thorns and measure to that.


10. I know nothing abort this bracelete, but It`s so beautiful that I want to touch it.


11. For satisfied the effective and time constrains`ececution of transactions, first of all, transaction priority assignment should take into account transaction`deadline, scheduling transaction should take into account transaction priority. Second, in order to load all needed data into memory before transactions`exectution, transactions need pre-analysis. Last, because the depend of transactions, when a begin, commit or abort operation of transactions occur, should take active mechanism into count.


12. abort

12. Send DEFT command to execute, or any other command to abort.

发送DEFT 命令确认执行,其他任何命令放弃

13. abort的翻译

13. Killing a simulation process Since the Abort/Stop command will only stop a simulation after the current step is completed, substantial time may be required for the simulation to stop.


14. You may choose to abort the INSTALL process at this point.


15. Greater User Control - Unlike with other tools, users can click cancel to abort the extraction process.


16. abort

16. However, in recent years, the rate of success of supplementing CRM is not as optimistic as expected both in China and abroad, some even abort in the process of planning or hard to function under the present productive and operational conditions.


17. Press within the TCP manager to abort the dialing process.


18. abort的反义词

18. My recommendation, if you are going to abort a cycle, especially any sort of a longer refresh cycle, you have to cycle the power - pull the plug and reinsert.


19. Critics say the policy has led to forced abortions and a dangerously imbalanced sex ratio due to a traditional preference for male heirs, which has prompted countless families to abort female fetuses in hopes of getting boys.


20. NASA successfully demonstrated an alternate system for future astronauts. The launch of the Max Launch Abort System, or MLAS, took place on July 8, 2009, at 6:26 a. m. at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Va.


abort 词典解释

1. 使流产;堕(胎)

If an unborn baby is aborted, the pregnancy is ended deliberately and the baby is not born alive.


e.g. Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child.


e.g. ...the latest date at which a foetus can be aborted.


2. 中止,中辍(计划、活动等)

If someone aborts a process, plan, or activity, they stop it before it has been completed.


e.g. The decision was made to abort the mission...


e.g. The take-off was aborted...


abort 单语例句abort在线翻译

1. But we do know that a severe deflation could abort any recovery.

2. The jailers not only mistreated her rudely but also stopped her medication, resulting in her having to abort the pregnancy in prison.

3. They added the boy was killed as the gang wanted to abort the entire kidnapping plan as they sensed they were close to capture.

4. This police presence could give potential suicide bombers cold feet, causing them to give themselves away through nervous behavior or abort their missions.

5. Traditional preferences for a son mean some women abort their baby if an early term sonogram shows it is a girl.

6. The opposition has frequently exploited this rule with intent to interrupt or even abort the meetings when there is a lack of a quorum.

7. Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva's call for eligible voters to " abort " a planned national referendum on amending the Thai constitution sparked a widespread debate yesterday.

8. Some parents used to abort the wife's pregnancy if tests showed the fetus was female so that they could try again for a boy.

9. If any one of 310 automatic safety checks indicates a problem, the system would shut down and abort the mission.

10. Similar concerns in the past once caused the government to abort its otherwise effective regulatory measures on the real estate market.

abort的反义词abort 英英释义



1. the act of terminating a project or procedure before it is completed

e.g. I wasted a year of my life working on an abort

he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area


1. terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion

2. cease development, die, and be aborted

e.g. an aborting fetus

3. terminate before completion

e.g. abort the mission

abort the process running on my computer