

inaccuracy:[英 [ɪn'ækjərəsɪ] 美 [ɪnˈækjərəsi] ]



inaccuracy 基本解释

名词不准确,误差; 不准确的说法

inaccuracy 网络解释

1. 不准确度:一.随机误差(Random Error,RE)或不精密度 (Imprecision)二.系统误差(Systematic Error,SE)或不准确度(Inaccuracy)两个检测系统对同批标本检测后,以公认的检测系统或方法(亦称为比较方法,Comparative method)为X,

2. 不准确:这样,西塞罗便厘定了翻译的两种基本方法,从而开拓了翻译理论和方法研究的园地. 自西塞罗以来,西方翻译理论史便围绕着直译与意译、死译与活译、忠实与不忠实、准确(accuracy)与不准确(inaccuracy)的问题向前发展.

3. 不精确度:in-situ seawater oxygenomter,海水溶解氧现场测定仪 | inaccuracy,不精确度 | inboard rotor,内重心转子

4. inaccuracy什么意思

4. 不精确性:in situ test 现场试验 | inaccuracy 不精确性 | incandescent lamp 白炽灯

inaccuracy 双语例句

1. By eliminating some factors, this paper makes a further analysis about the main reasons of this accident in order to find out feasible methods to deal with the similar situation in the future, and the purpose is to reduce the inaccuracy in construction, to enhance the quality, and to avoid similar accident.


2. inaccuracy

2. Maybe this blog have alot of inaccuracy and solecism, hence, If you specialize in English, help me correct it, Thanks!



3. Before you complain about what you believe is an inaccuracy please keep in mind that all the images are of war time uniforms, medals, service ribbons and accoutrements.


4. Adding the complex inspect circumstance and the inaccuracy of the sensor, the inspect data become illegible, inaccurate and bushtailed. Aimed at effectively disposing of the inspect data of estimation of mine ventilation system, this paper applies the information fusion technology in the estimation of mine ventilation system security for the first time. The main work is as follows:(1) Applying the D-S evidence theory and the BP neural network to dispose of the mine ventilation monitoring data, and comparing the two methods, the result indicates that the two methods are viable; yet because it is difficult to assign the basic reliability of the D-S evidence theory, as well as the output of the single BP neural network is instable, this paper proposes a fusion method combining the D-S evidence theory with the BP neural network, viz.


5. The mathematical model of the TAP reactor, the measurement of the diffusivities of packed powder beds and intraparticle diffusivities, and the sensitivity analysis of intraparticle diffusivity measurements were discussed. Some problems in the experiments and simulations used for intraparticle diffusivities measurement were discussed, including the non-agreement of the temperature dependence of the bed diffusivities with that predicted by Knudsen flow and the inaccuracy arising from the existence of a wide particle size distribution caused by the grinding of solid particles.


6. inaccuracy的反义词

6. This paper point out where is inaccuracy in the expressions of wighted standard square difference in the electric power standard 《DL/T5093-1999》, and put forward a accurate expressions about calculating wighted standard square difference in the statistic of soil parameters.

本文指出了《火力发电厂岩土工程勘测资料整编技术规定》(DL/T5 0 93- 1999)中加权标准差计算公式的不妥之处,并对岩土参数统计中的加权标准差计算公式进行了分析和推导。

7. Owing to the deficient background information of certain profession field, like the equipment used during the manufacturing and the raw material, it could bring about the inaccuracy outcome while estimate emissions such as result of electronics, auto parts manufacturing. Surveying all the flue material data, the difference between VOCs emissions and TEDs 6.0 database displayed we might tend to underestimate TEDs 6.0 database. Consequently it is vital to set up the local emission database by measure authentic emissions from the important source, for example, Electronics industry, chemical product manufacturing industry, petroleum industrial chemicals manufacturing industry, and revertex product manufacturing industry (toluene, benzene, pentane, propylene clear).

TEDs资料库中特定行业基本资料亦是缺失严重,制程使用之设备、原物料不清楚,致估算排放源排放量时产生误差,如电子业、汽车零件制造业;汇整实测烟道资料,估算VOCs排放量与资料库资料有些差异,TEDs 6.0资料库有低估之可能性,因此藉由实测建立本土化排放系数,主要来源物种:电子业、化学制品制造业、石油化工原料制造业、塑胶制品制造业(甲苯、苯、戊烷、丙烯晴)。

8. By using related information in the requirement traceability matrix to automatically predict the influence of requirement changes on the software projects, the invention turns the predicting of the influence of requirement changes into an objective, strict and quantitative process so as to obtain more accurate prediction results, thereby solving the instability and the inaccuracy caused by the conventional subjective estimation method to the maximum.


9. Job analysis is based on peoples subjective judgments, and may be subject to inaccuracy of job information.



10. The measurement inaccuracy is attributed to less moisture in lightweingt paper sheets in comparison with heavier paper sheets, and higher sensitivity to the changes of features of gage, paper morphology, environment conditons, and other factors in the on-line measurement.


11. inaccuracy什么意思

11. This paper described the working process of Intel 8253 chip in work mode 3 and pointed out the inaccuracy in describing this process in current academic textbooks.

介绍了 Intel 8253芯片在工作方式3下的工作过程,并指出了当前教材中对该部分内容介绍的不确切之处。

12. From the point of our country national condition, we are irrevocable rights and interests combines a magic art, what combine law limits to according with rights and interests is amalgamative, can use inaccuracy to know business praise buy a way.



13. We will not be liable for any failure to act or delay due to: a lack of sufficient available funds in your account; circumstances beyond our reasonable control; fire, flood or natural disasters; communication failures; labor disputes; any inaccuracy or ambiguity in your instructions; the action or inaction of others; or any applicable government or funds-transfer system rule, policy or regulation.


14. We expect to reduce the test time and the facility investment, and hopelly to get the same or less inaccuracy test results between reduced test items and original test items.


15. inaccuracy的近义词

15. This research aims to deduct the TFT-LCD test items on manufacturing process via applying Neural Network approach. We expect to reduce the test time and the facility investment, and hopelly to get the same or less inaccuracy test results between reduced test items and original test items.


16. Because be time going to work, rank order of seats just had change, nevertheless this inaccuracy admits, still did not say, anyway, baidu can scratch your one's very life.


17. This might be caused by nuclear deformation and nucleon pair effect, and the experimental inaccuracy should not be neglected.


18. inaccuracy什么意思

18. The decay of ~(99m)Tc source was used to verify experimentally that in the measurement of the number of atoms of a radioactive isotope in a sample at time t_0, the error introduced through the inaccuracy of its decay constant can be reduced to a much smaller value by the careful selection of the time of measurement or measurements of its radioactivity at around one life time (1/λ) after t_0 and doing the calculation.



19. I do not mind lying, 8ttt8.com I hate inaccuracy.


20. In precise control theory, robust control is an efficient solution to overcome the inaccuracy of models.


inaccuracy 词典解释

1. 不精确;不准确

The inaccuracy of a statement or measurement is the fact that it is not accurate or correct.


e.g. He was disturbed by the inaccuracy of the answers...


e.g. A reporter tries to guard against inaccuracies by checking with a variety of sources.


inaccuracy 单语例句

1. Qin said earlier this week that the correction was due to a " technical inaccuracy ".

2. He got the drawing and discovered some inaccuracy of installation size on it.

3. To support this charge, he cited an inaccuracy in Wikipedia's entry about himself.

4. The move came after Premier Wen Jiabao ordered stricter supervision of accounting information inaccuracy.

inaccuracy 英英释义


1. the quality of being inaccurate and having errors