

evaluate:[英 [ɪˈvæljueɪt] 美 [ɪˈvæljuˌet] ]


过去式:evaluated;   过去分词:evaluated;   现在分词:evaluating;

evaluate 基本解释


及物动词评价; 求…的值(或数); 对…评价; [数学、逻辑学]求…的数值


evaluate 网络解释

1. evaluate

1. 评估:access)媒体(1)分析(analyze)媒体讯息(2)乐用:达到愉快(pleasure)使用(3)运用:沟通思想(communicate)传达讯息(1) 评估(evaluate)媒体内容(2)产制(produce)各种媒介讯息(3)接近使用(access)媒体以上三种信息对学生而言较为抽象,

2. 计算:赋值语句序列点(Sequence Point)和附加效果(Side Effect)在计算c = a 时,当c的值计算(Evaluate)出来时,a的值也增加了一,a的值加一就是计算前面表达式的附加效果.

3. evaluate的解释

3. 估价:在所有 情况下,我们仅仅是被调整(be justified)到某种有限程度的预期( expectation) 中,我们仅仅是对新事例做出预期,却给不出任何普遍规则(general rule),只能 按照经常变更的环-境来估价(evaluate).

evaluate 双语例句

1. Objective To evaluate the clinical effects and mechanism of anticholinergics in treating high altitude pulmonary edema.

目的 评估抗胆碱药对高原肺水肿的临床疗效及探讨其作用机制。

2. evaluate的反义词

2. Improved environmental laws and new ways to evaluate officials are key.


3. evaluate是什么意思

3. Methods Apply this baits in the organic glass box, simulated field or restaurant, and then evaluate the control effects of this baits to B. germanila.


4. Immunohistofluorescent staining was used to identify the binding specificity of GEBP11 in gastric cancer tissues. 5. GEBP11 was labeled with ~(99)Tc~mO_4~- using direct labeling method, and was labeled with ~(131)I using NBS labeling method. Then the labeled peptides were validated for radiochemical yield, specific activity, and in vitro. stability. 6. The bioactivity of ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 or ~(131)I-GEBP11 was validated by cell receptor autoradiography in cultured HUVECs. 7. Receptor binding assay was performed in vitro. to analyze quantitatively the binding specificity and affinity of GEBP11 to HUVEC, the receptor intensity on HUVEC, and the difference of affinity of GEBP11 binding to Co-HUVEC and HUVEC. 8. The radioactivity of all organs of nude mice injected with ~(131)I-GEBP11 was determined and the radioactivity of all organs per g was calculated to analyze the specific distribution of ~(131)I-GEBP11.9. Gamma camera images of nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric carcinoma injected with ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 was obtained 0.5-24 h after being injected to identify the targeting ability of labeled peptide to tumor tissues. 10. MTT assay on HUVECs and antitumor assay in nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric cancer were performed to evaluate the effects of ~(131)I-GEBP11 on HUVECs and xenografts. 11. Immunohistochemical staining was used for MVD counting in tumor. 12. H. E. staining, blood cells analysis and blood biochemical indicator analysis were performed to investigate the injury of liver and bone marrow. 13. Tube formation assay in matrigel, CAM angiogenesis assay and angionenesis induced by matrigel in mice were performed to identify the effects of GEBP11 on angiogenesis.

1、通过蓝色噬斑形成实验及GEBP11、IN11噬菌体在荷瘤裸鼠体内的竞争抑制实验检测噬菌体体内归巢的特异性;2、免疫荧光技术检测GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠体内的结合特异性;3、免疫细胞化学或荧光检测GEBP11在Co-HUVECs中的定位及内化;4、免疫组织荧光检测GEBP11在人胃癌组织中的结合特异性;5、采用直接法~(99)Tc~mO_4~-标记GEBP11,采用NBS法~(131)I标记GEBP11,纸层析法测定标记率、放射化学纯度等;6、放射自显影鉴定GEBP11同位素探针的结合活性;7、受体放射配基结合分析实验鉴定受体亲和力及受体细胞密度;8、同位素示踪技术检测~(131)I-GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠体内的生物学分布;9、SPECT成像技术进行荷人胃癌裸鼠体内~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11显像;10、MTT细胞增殖实验、荷瘤鼠抑瘤实验评价~(131)I-GEBP11对内皮细胞及荷瘤鼠肿瘤的抑制能力;11、免疫组织化学染色计数瘤组织MVD;12、病理学HE染色、血液血细胞分析及生化指标检测观察肝脏损伤及骨髓抑制情况;13、Matrigel管状结构形成实验、鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管生成抑制实验、小鼠体内Matrigel Plug诱导血管生成实验分析GEBP11对血管生成的影响;14、MTT细胞增殖实验、细胞周期及凋亡分析、细胞侵袭迁移实验、细胞粘附实验探讨GEBP11抑制血管生成的细胞机制;15、基因表达谱芯片技术筛选GEBP11短肽作用Co-HUVECs后的差异表达基因。

5. In view of the existing situation, in association with the scientific research projection of the evaluation and reinforcement of Wubu Yellow River Steel Highway Bridge of Shaanxi province, the paper inquires into the method of how to evaluate the residue fatigue life of the existing steel highway bridges and how to analyze their fatigue damage according to the structural reliability theory.


6. AIM: To evaluate the effect of wearing cylindrical lens on dry eyes.



7. RVR remains the strongest predictor of SVR and studies to evaluate the impact of prolonging treatment to 48 weeks in patients with HCV GT 2 or 3 who do not achieve an RVR are warranted.


8. In order to be able to objectively evaluate 印张, people need a clue eyes impression measurement and evaluation system.


9. In recent years, the quantitation of ASGP receptor by 99mTc-labeling neogalactoalbumin SPECT scintiscan is the up-to-date method that is applied to quantitatively evaluate hepatic function reserve.


10. Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome of lumbar degenerative de novo scoliosis.


11. evaluate

11. The following are the main works of this thesis: For a machine, the degree of complexity of its running condition directly corresponds to its dynamic behaviour. To evaluate the degree of complexity of running condition, Chapter 2 proposes two methods: qualitative graphic method --recurrence plot and quantitative estimation criterion.


12. evaluate的近义词

12. Objective To evaluate the clinical results of the surgical treatment via articular process approach for thoracic disc herniation.

目的 评价采用经关节突入路手术治疗胸椎间盘突出症的疗效。

13. evaluate的意思

13. Furthermore, information technology and internet accelerate business administration field steps into a new era. Traditionally, measuring corporation value as fiscal and tangible asset been antiquated, the intangible assets such as core-competence, innovation take place. Therefore, scholars propose a new measure methodology—intellectual capital which can explain why the corporation market value surpass book value. This measure methodology will assist high-level managers to identify what is the important asset when corporation faces the competition across internal and external environment systematically. It has become a significant index to evaluate corporation value currently.


14. evaluate在线翻译

14. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of transrectal ultrasound-guided ethanol sclerotherapy in the treatment of Müllerian duct cyst accempanied with ejaculatory duct obstruction.


15. Objective To evaluate Low-dose MSCT scanning in detection more traumatism disease and its significance in radioprotection.


16. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of decreasing uropoiesis dysfunction and sexual disturbance after the dilatation radical correction of rectal neoplasm of reservation autonomic nerve.

目的 评价保留植物神经的直肠癌扩大根治术对减少术后泌尿功能和性功能障碍的作用。

17. evaluate在线翻译

17. The aim of our study was to evaluate the opinions of patients at a Brazilian university hospital regarding SLT.



18. Objective:To evaluate the effect of brain natriuretic peptide level on risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome. Methods:By using ELISA, the plasma concentration of BNP in eighty patients with AMI was tested, and was compared with control of 30 healthy adults.


19. objective:to evaluate the effect of brain natriuretic peptide level on risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome. methods:by using elisa, the plasma concentration of bnp in eighty patients with ami was tested, and was compared with control of 30 healthy adults. results:the plasma bnp concentration of ami patients was significantly higher than that in patients with unstable angina and bnp level of uap group was higher than that of control group(p.05 all).the bnp level was significantly higher in patients with cardiovascular accidental events than that without(p.05).after treatment the bnp level significantly decreased(p.05).conclusion:the plasma bnp concentration significantly increases, and is a good index for risk stratification in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

目的:探讨血浆脑钠素水平与急性冠脉综合征预后的关系。方法:用酶联免役吸附法检测120例acs患者[分为st抬高心肌梗死组、无st抬高心肌梗死组和不稳定心绞痛组]入院和出院时血浆bnp水平,并与30例正常健康人作对照,随访观察6个月。结果:血浆bnp水平:acs患者stemi组、nstemi组的明显高于uap组,uap组的高于对照组(p.05;发生心衰、死亡患者的血浆bnp水平高于未发生者(p.05;acs患者经过治疗后血浆bnp水平低于治疗前(p.05。结论:acs 患者血浆bnp水平明显升高,血浆bnp水平是acs患者预后的预测因子,亦可作为判断acs患者疗效及指导治疗的指标。

20. Objective To evaluate the feature of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in elderly hypertensions.

目的 探讨老年高血压的动态血压特点。方法采用无创动态血压仪监测并比较12例正常老年对照组、51例非老年高血压组、52例老年高血压组的ABPM各参数。

evaluate 词典解释

1. 评估;评价

If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them, for example about how good or bad they are.

e.g. They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation...


e.g. The market situation is difficult to evaluate.



...the opinions and evaluations of college supervisors...


Evaluation is standard practice for all training arranged through the school.

对学校组织的所有培训进行评估是例行的做法。evaluate 单语例句evaluate

1. We can also call on " the best and brightest experts " from Intel Corporation to help evaluate projects and provide guidance for our portfolio companies.

2. CFIUS being limited to evaluating foreign investments lacks sufficient authority and capability to evaluate the volumes of sophisticated technology entering the country daily.

3. The local government has now invited experts to evaluate the optimal capacity of West Lake, and will soon cap the daily number of visitors.

4. China Life Asset Management Co Ltd and Aetos Capital LP have formed a strategic partnership to identify and evaluate real estate investment opportunities throughout China.

5. He will be accompanied by a cardiologist and intensive care specialists to evaluate the situation and is expected to submit a report about it.

6. The government has to closely monitor the situation to evaluate the actual impact on production after the fall harvest.

7. Many foreign countries only categorize hospitals according to the patients'needs and do not evaluate their levels.

8. Censorship is necessary, but how do we evaluate the rationality of the decisions made by the censor officials?

9. He said other factors could be used to evaluate the performance of a chain store, such as service quality and profitability.

10. Unocal said it would evaluate the CNOOC offer but made it clear that its board would stick by a recommendation on a deal with Chevron.

evaluateevaluate 英英释义


1. form a critical opinion of

e.g. I cannot judge some works of modern art

How do you evaluate this grant proposal?We shouldn't pass judgment on other people

Synonym: pass judgmentjudge

2. evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of

e.g. I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional

access all the factors when taking a risk

Synonym: measurevaluateassessappraisevalue