

wreck:[英 [rek] 美 [rɛk] ]


过去式:wrecked;   过去分词:wrecked;   现在分词:wrecking;   复数形式:wrecks;

wreck 基本解释


及物动词破坏,毁坏; 拆除; 使遇难

名词毁灭,失事; 遇难船的残骸; (身体或精神上)受到严重损伤的人; 状况非常糟糕的车辆(或建筑物等)


wreck 相关例句


1. wreck的解释

1. No one can wreck the friendship between us.


2. The accident wrecked his health.



1. The car wrecked this morning.



1. My father was a complete wreck after the illness.


2. All around were the wrecks of previous crashes.


3. The hurricane caused many wrecks.


wreck 网络解释

1. 沉船:与碍航危险物(Navigational Hazards)的靠近程度:尽量选择远离岩(Rock)、沉船(Wreck)、暗礁(Reef)、浅滩(Shoal)等碍航危险物的锚地;四. 与邻近船舶的靠近程度:下锚时的船锚落点务必远离邻近船舶,

2. 摧毁:wither 退化;萎缩 | wreck 摧毁 | abolishment 废除

3. 失事:wreck 沉船 | wreck 失事 | wreckage company 打捞公司

wreck 双语例句

1. A clampdown by the army and police, with Mr Ahmadinejad brazening out his critics, would wreck the Islamic Republic`s democratic pretensions for good.


2. For Demades, indeed, was himself the mere wreck of his country, living and ruling so dissolutely, that Antipater took occasion to say of him, when he was now grown old, that he was like a sacrificed beast, all consumed except the tongue and the belly.


3. That day I was a wreck wondering how she would react to it.


4. It is the most famous wreck of the Great Lakes.


5. 1 In ascertaining whether the Vessel is a constructive total loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the Vessel or wreck shall be taken into account.

19.1 在确定船舶是否构成推定全损时,船舶的保险价值应以船舶修理后的价值为准,不应考虑船舶或残骸的受损或解体价值。

6. wreck的翻译

6. In ascertaining whether the Vessel is a constructive total loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the Vessel or wreck shall be taken into account



7. 1 In ascertaining whether the Vessel is a constructive total loss, the insured value in the insurance on hull and machinery shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the Vessel or wreck shall be taken into account.

9.1 在确定船舶是否构成推定全损时,船舶的保险价值应以船舶修理后的价值为准,不应考虑船舶或残骸的受损或解体价值。

8. If he were plain, I should love him; if he were a wreck, I should love him; and I would work for him, and slave over him, and pray of him, and watch by his bedside until I died.


9. wreck

9. I could wreck you here and now.


10. The captain described the wreck accident in details in the ship's log.


11. E. g. The captain described the wreck accident in detail in the ship`s log.


12. The captain described the wreck accident in detailsin the ship's log.



13. But my Thoughts were a little suspended, when I had a serious Discourse with the Spaniard, and when I understood that there were sixteen more of his Countrymen and Portuguese, who having been cast away, and made their Escape to that Side, liv'd there at Peace indeed with the Savages, but were very sore put to it for Necessaries, and indeed for Life: I ask'd him all the Particulars of their Voyage, and found they were a Spanish Ship bound from the Rio de la Plata to the Havana, being directed to leave their Loading there, which was chiefly Hides and Silver, and to bring back what European Goods they could meet with there; that they had five Portuguese Seamen on Board, who they took out of another Wreck; that five of their own Men were drowned when the first Ship was lost, and that these escaped thro'infinite Dangers and Hazards, and arriv'd almost starv'd on the Cannibal Coast, where they expected to have been devour'd every Moment.


14. The dragon girl of isolated and cut off from help, innocent suffered from wreck upon body and mind, at last she had been relegated as a servant of herd sheep.


15. wreck的解释

15. The man who located the wreck of the Titanic has revealed that the discovery is to camouflage the real mission of inspecting the wrecks of two Cold War nuclear submarines in 1985, Vritish media reported Friday.


16. wreck是什么意思

16. I am a nervous wreck until my seedlings settle in and get back to growing.


17. To those without the benefit of formal study of it, hanyu pinyin seemed like an alphabetic train wreck.


18. Who wants to live long enough to become a doddering wreck?


19. The world economy is now locked on to an undeviating track towards another train wreck.



20. This paper probes into some difficult problems about geothermal field simulation of basins and their solving method:(1) From the angle of equilibrum and wreck of underground thermal state, the authors adopt the concepts of normal geothermal field and appended geothermal field to describe the contribution of normal crust-mantle convection to the geothermal field and the contribution of magmatic intrusion to geothermal field respectively; (2) The authors try to discuss the method of gaining the thermal flow value about basin bottom, that by using analyzing paleo-geothermal structure, and also try to discuss the availability of empirical formula for burial depth of Moho surface which is established on the basis of the relationship of inverted image between basin bottom and Moho surface in gravity compensated area; and (3) Based on the relation curve among thermal conductivity, lithologic characters and earth temperature provided by Ungerer etc, the authors establish an empirical formula about the thermal conductivity of rock through double regression.


wreck 词典解释

1. 毁掉;毁坏;损坏

To wreck something means to completely destroy or ruin it.

e.g. He wrecked the garden...


e.g. A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty...



They may be remembered as the wreckers of a fine company.


2. 使(船舶)失事;使遇难

If a ship is wrecked, it is damaged so much that it sinks or can no longer sail.

e.g. The ship was wrecked by an explosion.


e.g. ...a wrecked cargo ship.


3. 失事的船只(或汽车、飞机);损毁的建筑

A wreck is something such as a ship, car, plane, or building which has been destroyed, usually in an accident.

e.g. ...the wreck of a sailing ship...


e.g. The car was a total wreck...


4. 车祸;交通事故

A wreck is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed.

e.g. He was killed in a car wreck.


e.g. ...the little girl that survived that plane wreck...


in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 crash

5. 精疲力竭的人;身体状况极差的人

If you say that someone is a wreck, you mean that they are very exhausted or unhealthy.


e.g. You look a wreck...


e.g. It was embarrassing and sad to see this man reduced to a mumbling wreck.


wreck 单语例句wreck在线翻译

1. How could he wreck his Cadillac Escalade so badly coming out of the driveway?

2. An official from the state carrier Yemenia said some bodies had been recovered from the wreck.

3. In political terms, one candidate's catharsis is another's car wreck.

4. LONDON - Formula One leaders McLaren emerged unpunished on Thursday from a hearing into a spying controversy that threatened to wreck their title hopes.

5. That ship has been kept in a glass pool at a local museum, with water duplicating the conditions in which the wreck was found.

6. It's not yet clear if this is a looming train wreck or a breakthrough to a new and better economic environment.

7. This indicates the foundation of bilateral ties is expanding and will not let one particular problem or another wreck them.

8. Arafat declared that no one would remove him and Palestinian officials warned that an expulsion would wreck all chances for peace.

9. The fiend doesn't believe in true love and always tries to wreck things, including Xu's drama.

10. The Daily Mail of London reported the flare could cause blackouts and wreck satellite communications.

wreck 英英释义


1. a ship that has been destroyed at sea

2. a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles)

e.g. they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane

Synonym: crash

3. an accident that destroys a ship at sea

Synonym: shipwreck

4. something or someone that has suffered ruin or dilapidation

e.g. the house was a wreck when they bought it

thanks to that quack I am a human wreck


1. smash or break forcefully

e.g. The kid busted up the car

Synonym: bust upwrack