

retina:[英 [ˈretɪnə] 美 [ˈretənə] ]



retina 基本解释



retina 网络解释

1. 视网膜:(3)视网膜(retina) 是眼球壁的最内层,具有感光性能,前方与视网膜盲部相连续,二者交界处呈锯齿缘. 眼球后端的视网膜有视神经穿出. 视网膜主要由4层细胞组成,自外向内依次为色素上皮细胞、视细胞、双极细胞和节细胞.


2. 网膜:眼球运动的关系和眼部肌肉适应于网膜(retina)连续受到均匀的漫射光(diffused light)的影响,结果使那种与众不由强度(intensity)决定的,也就是说,是由每一种刺激与它的周围环境不同的程度决定的.


3. [視]網膜= 視網膜:6.视网膜 视网膜(retina)通常指能感光的视部而言,它与盲部交界处呈锯齿状,称锯齿缘(ora serrata). 视网膜分为色素上皮层和神经部. 视杆细胞(rod cell):视杆细胞的胞体位于外核层的内侧份,细胞核较小,染色较深. 视杆分内节与外节两段,

4. 网膜 视网膜:6.视网膜 视网膜(retina)通常指能感光的视部而言,它与盲部交界处呈锯齿状,称锯齿缘(ora serrata). 视网膜分为色素上皮层和神经部. 视杆细胞(rod cell):视杆细胞的胞体位于外核层的内侧份,细胞核较小,染色较深. 视杆分内节与外节两段,

retina 双语例句


1. The sexual passion is showed very clearly and the theme is against the tradition, the seriousness and the retina of art in Duchamp's works, which can decrease the distancebetween the artists and the audience of the present time, and the tension between the theme ofsexual passion and the visual image in his works can arouse the audience at the most toexplore the meaning world of the art work.



2. Erythropoietin is well known due to the important function in the erythrocytopoiesis, however, the recent studies have found that erythropoietin and its receptors also exist in retina and play a protective role during hypoxia/ischemia and light-induced retinal degeneration etc.


3. retina

3. Results Before treatment, in esotropic eyes, the latencies of P100 wave evoked through nasal retina...


4. Objective:To study the treatment and cause of recurrent detachment of retina.


5. He was operated on for detachment of the retina.



6. The cause and surgical treatment for recurrent detachment of retina in 40 cases (40 eyes) were analysed respectively.

对 4 0眼复发性视网膜脱离的原因和外科手术治疗进行分析。

7. retina在线翻译

7. It causes not only the secondary detachment of retina, but also causes to vision lose.


8. Blunt injury to the eyeball tends to be less dangerous, but, if severe, may cause rupture and collapse of the globe, loss of contents and detachment of the retina.


9. retina是什么意思

9. Lutein is dihydroxy-carotenoids with the ionone ring systems distributed widely in nature as well as the main component of the retina macular pigment in human eye.


10. For his entire life, Marcel Ducharnp is against the traditional art which aims to please retina.



11. We analyze the retina irradiation dose and the relative risk factors.


12. retina

12. When the same observation wa; made in the chromatir. these changes in CD spectra were obvious in 6 and 7 day retina, but barely detectable in 9 - day retina.


13. T ransducin showed a strong signal in the photoreceptor cells of retina which is p re sented at the inner segment and outer nuclear layer and absent from t he outer segment, outer plexi form layer and inner nuclear layer.


14. A method for calculating the Aerial Image Modulation of human retina for visible wavelength was presented.


15. Two days and two weeks after the light exposure, the DNA contents in the retina were significantly lower in 30 and 60 minutes exposure group, compared with the normal controls.


16. retina的意思

16. In this paper, the cirtopic luminous efficiencies of two common light sources of road lighting, high pressure sodium lamp and metal halide lamp is calculated based on the newest discovery of biologic effect produced by nerve cell on the human retina to light and cirtopic photometer system.



17. Methods The RPCs were isolated from legally allowed abortion embryonic retina without ocular deformity and were cultured in a selective medium.


18. FFA showed a great deal of blockage of dye and transmission defects in the paracentral and peripheral retina.


19. When you have PDR, abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina.


20. This is the loss or destruction of the sensory tissue of the retina.


retina 词典解释

1. 视网膜

Your retina is the area at the back of your eye. It receives the image that you see and then sends the image to your brain.

retina 单语例句

1. The cornea is the clear " window " covering the front of the eye, which allows light to pass through to the retina enabling us to see.

2. The woman's retina was detached in the incident, and she was rushed to a hospital by her family for emergency treatment.

3. Zhou went to hospital three days later and was told by doctors that he had suffered a detached retina.

4. Lynch insisted that every volunteer is nominated by tribal leaders and vetted by Americans with retina scans and fingerprinting.

5. The drugs apparently have a temporary effect on the retina, a different issue from NAION.

6. The disease results in damage to nerve cells in the retina and the optic nerve.

7. Taiwan researchers have discovered that banana peel extract can ease depression and protect the retina, a newspaper said Monday.

8. The program will identify people based on fingerprints and retina scans, and could make it easier for the government to route payments to the poor.

9. William Cordell of Lilly Research Laboratories in Indianapolis conducted a randomized study to look for changes in the retina among men taking Viagra or Cialis.

10. Gordon Brown has two minor tears in his retina, the British prime minister's office said on Saturday.

retina 英英释义


1. the innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball

it is continuous with the optic nerve