

tame:[英 [teɪm] 美 [tem] ]


过去式:tamed;   过去分词:tamed;   现在分词:taming;

tame 基本解释


形容词驯服的; 平淡的; 无精打采的

动词驯服; 抑制

tame 同义词




tame 反义词


tame 相关例句


1. tame的翻译

1. Cows are tame animals.


2. The reactor was built for tame atomic energy use.



1. She is an expert in taming animals.


2. This urge to take revenge is something that we have to tame.




1. She has tamed down considerably.


tame 网络解释

1. 甲基叔戊基醚:第一章: 甲基叔戊基醚(TAME)简介第二章: 甲基叔戊基醚(TAME)国内外生产工艺及技术进展第三章: 甲基叔戊基醚(TAME)用途第四章: 甲基叔戊基醚(TAME)国内外生产状况及生产厂家第五章: 甲基叔戊基醚(TAME)市场行情第六章: 甲基

2. tame的反义词

2. 驯化:自由建构主义相信,在频繁的社会互动中,通过行为体之间的相互教化和学习,自由民主国家用以建立国内秩序的规范和原则可以扩散到国际社会并为不同类型的国家所内化,从而能够有效地驯化( tame)国家权力之运行,甚至存在最终消除权力政治考虑之可能;

3. tame:tertiary amyl methyl ether; 甲基叔戊基醚

tame 双语例句

1. The world is the world of wild storms kept tame with the music of beauty.


2. Dressed in a simple white shift dress, miniature white roses attempting to tame her long dark curls, Lisa had been happier than she had ever thought possible.


3. tame

3. The use of canned hunting, where wild animals are placed in a confined area and shot at close range by a'hunter', who has typically paid a large sum for a guaranteed trophy, is a particularly emotive issue, with many of the victims hand-reared and semi-tame.


4. The voice of the submissive man who had spoken, was flat and tame in its extreme submission


5. Nobody, it seems, has a clear plan for how to tame Somalia`s unruly seas.


6. The pigeons are so tame they will sit on your shoulder.


7. When winter came and the tame to catch fish in the ice, they took it in turn to take out the sleigh


8. tame什么意思

8. A vegetarian, the Indian economist made a plea for people around the world to tame their carnivorous impulses.


9. tame

9. Only when kQ/I is tame it is possible for us to classify all the finite dimensional kQ/I-modules.


10. tame在线翻译

10. The tour books advise that the toughest and most spectacular climbing is from the Prato side, Bormio side approach is more tame. With 48 hairpins, this road is regarded as one of the finest continuous hairpin routes in the Alps. Photo by Emiliano De Angeli and mcs

旅游书提到最艰难及最惊人的攀登是从普拉托旁侧,从尔米奥边侧靠近更惊险,有48个U型急转弯,这条路被认为是阿尔卑斯山脉路况最好的连续急转弯路照片来源 Emiliano De Angeli and mcs

11. tame在线翻译

11. It may be risque or a more tame form of praise, depending on her body language toward you.


12. His triumph over pessimism, built homes, system containers, tame animals, cultivated land, by all means in search of food.


13. Depiction of the tear running super braid class racing car hack master Jun meteorite is the theme of inside neck electric unitary film ye House, including community with a transcript of running all the top pure point overlooking the car boasts extended, for example, sub-Ferrari Enzo, F360 tablets F430; Porsche Carrera GT tobacco; Ford GT explosion; CCX; Benz SLR Duo; Lamborghini Murcielago evil, Gallardo; Saleen S7 and other official, and the beads and the majority of vehicles are cast for the film system tame flood of people's private Ping Daniel Sadek collection.

这部以超辫级跑扯车劈赛车陨为钧主控题的脖电酉影咋里面辕,包社含了誊各类顶粹尖夸跑俯车延,例如Ferrari Enzo判,F360粒,F430;Porsche Carrera GT烟;Ford GT爆;CCX;Benz SLR跺;Lamborghini Murcielago邪,Gallardo;Saleen S7等仕,而珠且大部分车铸都是为该片子制驯作淹人Daniel Sadek的私平家珍藏。

14. It took him several months to tame the wild horse.


15. But in her audacious attempt to tame her tragic destiny, the Little Sparrow - her nickname - flew so high she could not fail to burn her wings.



16. Tame cattle descend from the impressive Auroch that was fi rst tamed about 8, 000 years ago in Asia.


17. To cry 罗马: Travel to the moon kimi ha memuri yume wo toku dare mo i nai hoshi no hikari ayatsuri nagara tsuyoku naru tame wasureta egao kitto futari nara tori motosu kizuite I'm here waiting for you ima to ha chigau merai ga attemo I'm here waiting for you sakebi tsuzukete kitto kokoro ha tsunagu ito wo dakutteru ano koro no watashi me wo samasu youni no need?

to cry 中文翻译:旅行月光中你安睡着,徜徉在梦中在无人的夜空,操纵着星光要变得坚强,那被遗忘的笑容一定两个人某天能够取回看着吧我就在这里等着你就算未来会与现在不同我就在这里等着你时时刻刻呼唤心一定由那红线紧紧牵绊着那刻的我,仿佛睁开了双眼没有必要?

18. By using both a Bollinger band and a Donchian channel, we try to tame the volatility beast.


19. What I saw that day in Madrid was tame compared to what happened in Italy and Brazil.


20. It is full of practical advice about how to tame the mind and negative emotions and how to practice in daily life.


tame 词典解释

1. (动物)驯化的,驯服的

A tame animal or bird is one that is not afraid of humans.

e.g. The deer never became tame; they would run away if you approached them.


2. 乏味的;没劲的

If you say that something or someone is tame, you are criticizing them for being weak and uninteresting, rather than forceful or shocking.

e.g. Some of today's political demonstrations look rather tame...


e.g. The report was pretty tame stuff.



There was no excuse though when Thomas shot tamely wide from eight yards.

托马斯在 8 码外一脚软弱无力的射门将球打飞,这回的确是没什么借口可言。

3. 驯化,驯服(野生动物或鸟)

If someone tames a wild animal or bird, they train it not to be afraid of humans and to do what they say.

e.g. The Amazons were believed to have been the first to tame horses.


4. 制服;控制;驾驭

If you tame someone or something that is dangerous, uncontrolled, or likely to cause trouble, you bring them under control.

e.g. Two regiments of cavalry were called out to tame the crowds.


tame 单语例句tame的翻译

1. Jiang helped build his reputation by showing he was able to tame Li Na, a former firebrand who quickly butted heads with each new coach.

2. These measures echoed the central government's call to tame price rises.

3. Bremen captain Baumann then somehow managed to sidefoot a tame cross past his own goalkeeper despite no pressure from the Gladbach attackers.

4. A thumping winner off a tame Simon serve brought up championship point which he converted after Simon dumped a volley into the net.

5. The owner and her neighbors cherish the pig as it obeys their commands exactly and has always been tame and clean.

6. Some investors have also speculated it may allow the yuan to rise at a faster clip to tame imported inflation.

7. The once " silent and tame " workers start to claim their rights and do not want to compromise for poor treatment any more.

8. So controlling liquidity in the banking system is critical if the PBoC is to tame inflation.

9. That's as the top policymakers will be under increasing pressure to control overall credit growth to tame rising inflation and asset bubbles.

10. The CBRC draft arrives at a time when many Chinese banks face a liquidity crunch, as the government has implemented tightening measures this year to tame soaring inflation.