

trait:[英 [treɪt] 美 [tret] ]



trait 基本解释


名词特点,特性; 少许


trait 相关例句


1. The priest preached a sermon with a trait of humor.


2. trait的解释

2. Jim's two most pleasing traits are generosity and energy.


trait 情景对话


B:Are you a multi-tasked individual?/ Do you work well under stress or pressure?


A:Yes, I think so.The trait is needed in my current/ previous position and I know I can handle it well.



B:What is your strongest trait?



A:Helpfulness and caring./Adaptability and sense of humor./Cheerfulness and friendliness.


B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?


A:They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends./They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.


B:What personality traits do you admire?


A:(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going./(I like) people who possess the can do spirit.


trait 网络解释

1. 品质:尽量选择规模较大、产品质(trait)量和服务质量较好的品牌企业的产品这些企业技术力量雄厚,产品配方设计较为科学、合理,对原材料(Material)的质量控制(control)较严,生产设备先进,企业管理水平较高,产品质(trait)量较有保证.

2. 特点:而European cartographer是按照不同的地形地貌的特点(trait)为画的. 即道路及水面道的画法及表示法是不同的. 而该Spain Map的作者显然犯了一个错误,他没有注意到二者在画法上的差异,而以为native American与他自己的画法一致.

3. 特征:有的文化学家说,特征(trait),有面对面的关系之小社群,都是构成文化的恒常基本单位. 哈瑞斯()说文化的最小单位是行子(Actone). [39]这些建构各有其相当的理由. 可是,关于这方面的问题似乎尚未作基本的研究. 显然得很,就特征而论,

trait 双语例句

1. trait

1. A: The trait is needed in my current position and I know I ca n handle it well.


2. trait

2. Here it needs to be said that it is very difficult to get rid of the mask trait completely.


3. trait什么意思

3. At any moment a particular trait of your character may turn out to be of special help.


4. trait什么意思

4. Using the definition of trait theory of personalityvariable for reference, this dissertation also attempts to establish a metatheoretical model forthe Chinese personality, which consists of six factors:basic tendencies, characteristicadaptation, self, objective biography, external influences and dynamic process.


5. Moderateness is the soul of our traditional culture; Elegance is the connatural trait of tea culture; Austerity is the mutual spirit of Zen-Tea; Concentration of extreme subtleties of meaning into the simplest of actions is what all Buddhists pursue.


6. trait什么意思

6. The viewpoint that seed recalcitrance is a compound quantitative trait is a new and further cognition, which will be a help for studying causes and resolve of seed recalcitrance on species-specific basis.


7. trait的意思

7. F段第四行, 跳读后句子变为:A sociobiologist claims that this instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors.


8. A F2 population derived from a cross between apetalous line` APT02 `and normal petalled cultivar `ZS NO.4` was used for molecular markers and mapping of the gene controlling petal-loss trait in Brassica napus.20 pairs of AFLP primers and 170 pairs of SRAP primers were selected between two parents.



9. On the other hand, it might be postulated that the deviation is due to a genetically transmitted trait, so that deviant children could resonate to their deviant parents.


10. On the other hand, it might be postulated that the deviation is due to a genetically transmitted trait, so that deviant children could resonate to their deviant parents. In fact, language deficient families do exist, although it is not yet certain that the mechanism is necessarily the one postulated here. However, there is another reason why marked deviations of latent structure have a low chance for dissemination.


11. Study of a trait or disease begins with the affected person (the proband, propositus, proposita, or index case).



12. The trait that Wang Hui and Huang Gongwang had in common is that both of them had constant observation of the nature.


13. Mullerian mimicry - In this type of mimicry two dangerous species evolve the same signaling trait to the mutual benefit of both.


14. trait是什么意思

14. Plumage color is a important economy trait.


15. trait的近义词

15. The trait of resoluteness as firmness of character or purpose.


16. The trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose.



17. A modified approach of multiple trait composite interval mapping of quantitative trait loci is proposed in this paper.


18. Quantitative trait loci and G E interactions for these traits were detected using mixed-model-based composite interval mapping method.


19. trait

19. These results suggested that silique wall chlorophyll content was a typical quantitative trait controlled by many minor-effect genes and influenced by environment. Molecular markers linked with these QTLs will help to understand the genetic basis of silique wall chlorophyll content and related photosynthetic traits.


20. trait在线翻译

20. Urban density has shape, and a trait of dispersion


trait 词典解释

1. 特征;特点;特性

A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has.

e.g. The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood...


e.g. Creativity is a human trait.


trait 单语例句

1. Beijingers share this Chinese character trait and it is often displayed in the capital's parks.

2. Other critics have suggested that the spectating behaviours resulted from people's cowardice, a trait closely connected to China's geography and long feudal past.

3. Is it a phase associated with adolescence or a trait of female psychology?

4. " Peter has such a trait in his character as healthy adventurism, " Maslovskiy said.

5. Awareness of and attitude toward sanitation is a cultural trait, which somehow seems deficient among many of today's Chinese.

6. Access and use of energy sources proved that in the modern world they were the national trait that separates rich from poor countries.

7. Goat embryos with the gene were then inserted into the wombs of surrogate mothers who gave birth to baby goats carrying the new trait.

8. As a result, masculinity is a trait that few men think worth pursuing.

9. He has since become a midfield lynchpin, but he also lacks the clinical finishing touch that was his father's main trait.

10. She displays a confidence no matter what she is talking about, a trait she has exuded throughout her adult life.

trait 英英释义



1. a distinguishing feature of your personal nature