

consume:[英 [kənˈsju:m] 美 [kənˈsu:m] ]


过去式:consumed;   过去分词:consumed;   现在分词:consuming;

consume 基本解释


及物动词消耗,消费; 耗尽,毁灭; 吃光,喝光; 烧毁

consume 相关例句


1. She consumed most of her time in reading.


2. His old car consumed much gasoline.


3. The boy was consumed with curiosity.



1. The flowers consumed away.


2. She consumed away with grief.


consume 网络解释


1. 食用:携带物品里显示物品的右边能作出 售卖(sell),装备(equip),分解(scrap),强化(enhance),食用(consume)等行动. 服务型角色能作出 修理(repair),使用药品(*ister),煮熟食物(cook)等行动. 越高级防具耐用度及吸收伤害比率会越高,

2. 耗費:.后悔是一种耗费(consume)精神的情绪,是比损失更大的损失(a bigger loss),比错误更大的错误. 往前看不要后悔,每个人都有无穷的潜力(potent),你往往只用了1/10,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性(inertia)所消灭.

consume 双语例句

1. God did something dramatic on Mount Carmel that day, when fire came to consume Elijah`s altar. It jolted the people into belief.



2. Your restraint produces capital and new technology for others, who can use the funds you don`t consume to produce new goods and new technologies.


3. In his litigation of claiming the hospital for compensation, the medical identification---the misdiagnosis and the wrong treatments didn`t constitute medical blunders---made by the Medical Association would not be adopted by the court because the staff constitution of the identification group was not compliable. This non-adoption upgraded the status of the other evidence helpful for xxx. But in this favorable situation, xxx`s lawyer took advantage of the ignorance of xxx, convincing him to remove the litigation. As medical institutions have a powerful force in society, and they can affect many aspects of the social life, lawing medical institutions not only consume time and energy, but also would brought adverse effects to his career.


4. consume

4. So therefore when you consume food, the food is stored as body fat or glycogen to be burnt for energy.



5. Since the 1950s and beyond our parents have over-consumed, and continue to do so, if anything increasingly among at least some of my peers you see a desire to consume less and act more sustainably.



6. Netizen Angell basked in Pure Brightness in post of the hair on the net the experience that small long holiday uses consumptive certificate in Hangzhou: The businessman meets the place that can use travel certificate to stick the mark of a travel certificate on the door, the businessman gives travel ticket when you are consumed, the businessman helps you strike a rule at the back of your notebook, knock full 10 chapters throw lottery box to await win a prize in a lottery. Disappear take time looks for the businessman that has consumptive certificate sign, consumption just can be touched 40 yuan completely consume certificate with 10 yuan.


7. It is a big bottleneck for the papermaking industry to excessively consume the forest resources.


8. In addition, the damage from Shadowguard will now consume charges of the Zandalarian Hero Charm's Unstable Power aura.


9. consume

9. Children aged from 4 to 8 should consume a maximum of 3000 IU.


10. ABSTRACT Human being is the main body to conduct production and also the main body to consume.



11. You need to consume, in random order, the items of a rather long list, and the most direct approach is painfully slow.


12. You can`t let debt consume your life.


13. Second, consume large amount of water.


14. consume的反义词

14. In C#, it is very easy to define and consume events, but in ACF, it's a little



15. For the strong city shall be desolate, the beautiful city shall be forsaken, and shall be left as a wilderness: there the calf shall feed, and there shall he lie down, and shall consume its branches.


16. Because of the high-speed development of Economy, the market has already become the main consume place that people have exchanged.


17. consume是什么意思

17. But it is the domestic economy which will consume most of Mr Obama`s time.


18. consume的近义词

18. Respondents who are Hong Kong people and consume in the restaurants are invited to participate in this questionnaire.


19. To reduce markedly the processing consume and increase the production yield and quality of the Chinese patent medicines make a profit on the international market for our enterprises that produce the Chinese patent medicines.



20. And I will scatter you among the nations and disperse you among the countries, and I will consume your uncleanness from you.

22:15 我必将你分散在列国,四散在各地,我也必从你中间除尽你的污秽。

consume 词典解释

1. 吃;喝;饮用

If you consume something, you eat or drink it.


e.g. Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.


e.g. ...serving chocolate ice-creams for the children to consume in the kitchen.


2. 消耗,耗费(燃料、能源或时间)

To consume an amount of fuel, energy, or time means to use it up.

e.g. Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.


e.g. ...plans which will consume hours of time and deplete your cash reserves.



...oil-consuming countries...


It is very space-consuming.


3. (火)烧毁,吞没,吞噬

If a fire consumes a building, it completely destroys it.

e.g. ...the fire which consumed the dwelling.


4. (使)沉溺,(使)沉迷,(使)充满(感情或思想)

If a feeling or idea consumes you, it affects you very strongly indeed.

e.g. The memories consumed him.


5. see also: consumed;consuming

consume 单语例句consume的近义词

1. The experts caution coffee drinkers not to consume too much caffeine because three or four hours later the coffee drinker can experience a low.

2. The Centre for Food Safety is advising people not to consume two types of canned soup that may have an odd smell.

3. To consume to the capacity of production is to live on the capital of nature rather than on its interest.

4. He says that the taxation is aimed at encouraging car owners to consume less oil and limit the environmental impact of cars.

5. Benard notes that LVMH will maintain its investments this year in everything from boutiques that consume less energy to carbon audits to water measurement.

6. Consumers of luxurious housing and cars should also be charged extra fees for the land, oil and other resources they consume or occupy.

7. But experts have shot back at this claim, saying that people tend to eat less grain as they consume more meat.

8. " The claimant did not consume any food at all throughout his hunger strike, " he said.

9. But CMOS are superior for moving pictures and consume less power, conserving precious battery life.

10. Be careful not to consume too many spicy foods, or minor health problems could put you out of commission for the day.

consume 英英释义



1. engage fully

e.g. The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy

2. serve oneself to, or consume regularly

e.g. Have another bowl of chicken soup!

I don't take sugar in my coffee

Synonym: ingesttake intakehave

3. use up (resources or materials)

e.g. this car consumes a lot of gas

We exhausted our savings

They run through 20 bottles of wine a week

Synonym: eat upuse upeatdepleteexhaustrun throughwipe out

4. spend extravagantly

e.g. waste not, want not

Synonym: squanderwasteware

5. eat immoderately

e.g. Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal

Synonym: devourdowngo through

6. destroy completely

e.g. The fire consumed the building