




1.50公斤 ... Astrological sign: taurus 星座:金牛座 Weight:50kg 体重:50公斤 Name:Viviana Sun 姓名:孙 …


1.The need for new infrastructure is vast, but the price of a 50kg bag of cement is three times higher than in neighbouring countries.大规模的全新的基础设施需要建设,然而一袋50公斤水泥的价格要比邻国高出三倍。

2.But the pmit would not buy much more than a 50kg sack of rice at prevaipng retail prices.但是限制人们不能以现有的市场价格购买超过50kg的大米。

3.North Korea is expected to own up to possessing 30-40kg of plutonium; America estimates the true figure could be 40-50kg.比如说朝鲜希望拥有30-40公斤的钚原料;而美国估计真实的数字可能是40-50公斤。

4.Live swine, weighing less than 50kg, other than pure-bred breeding animals.猪,重量少于50公斤者,纯种繁殖用除外。

5.Metals kegs with membrane bags inside, weighing 50kg net each. Keep free from contamination and Moisture.金属桶内衬塑料薄膜袋,每桶净重50公斤。防止污染或受潮。

6.For welding carbon steel and 50Kg grade atmospheric corrosion-resistant steel.用于碳钢及50公斤级耐候钢的焊接。

7.The FD50N robot from Kawasaki has been specifically developed for a payload capacity of 50kg.该机器人由川崎FD50N已专门开发的负载能力50公斤。

8.The traditional home theatre, particularly heavy , commonly reaches 50kg, so it is moil when moving.传统家庭影院特别笨重,一般都在近百斤,搬动起来非常费劲。

9.At the prevaipng black-market rate, the sum represented just $30, barely enough to buy a 50kg sack of rice.按照现行黑市汇率,10万旧币只相当于30美元,仅仅够买一袋50公斤的大米。

10.Annual per capita potato consumption is contracting, from 63 kg in 1990 to a less than 50kg in 2006.马铃薯的年人均消费量正在减少,从1990年的63公斤减少到2006年的不到50公斤。