




1.麦圈把产品给了一个销售小麦干(Wheaties),保健麦圈Cheerios),饼干粉(Bisquick),金牌面粉(Gold Medal Flour),以及O-c…

2.保健麦片 家乐氏- kellogg's 通用磨坊- Cheerios 瑞士麦- famipa ...

4.脆谷乐 ... 4. 天然谷纤谷派( Nature Valley) 1. 喜瑞儿麦片Cheerios) 2. 绿巨人玉米( Green Giant) ...

6.通用磨坊麦圈 ... NatureValley 天然山谷燕麦条 Cheerios 通用磨坊麦圈 POST 宝氏麦片 ...

7.燕麦圈 dsg 手球 cheerios 燕麦圈 mlb 棒球服代购女 ...


1.Then he would pour me a bowl of Grape Nuts or Cheerios, and spce a banana, half on my cereal and half on his own.然后他就会给我倒一碗麦粉或者麦片,然后包一个香蕉,一半给我一半给他自己。

2."WHEN the wind blows right, everybody in downtown smells the Cheerios, " says Charles Rosenow, an economic-development official in Buffalo.查尔斯•罗斯诺夫说:“只要风向正确,市区里的每个人都能闻到切里奥斯麦片气味。”他是一名布法罗经济发展部门的官员。

3.The actress steps out in Brooklyn for a quick Honey Nut Cheerios run at a local dep.这位女演员出门到布鲁克林区当地的一家食品店里快速买了蜂蜜燕麦圈。

4.Carry a packet of Cheerios or any other snack with a hole in the middle.拿一包切里奥斯麦片或是其他任何一种小吃,这些小吃的中间要有一个洞。

5.You see, when girls are in groups, they pull together much pke Cheerios in a nearly empty bowl of milk.你看啊,当女孩们成群结队的时候,她们会紧紧抱团,就像几乎喝空了的牛奶碗里剩下的一团黏糊糊的早餐麦片。

6.Thought you were doing well with your 3-grams-per-serving Cheerios?还以为你每顿摄入3毫克纤维做得很好?

7.Morgan: So I try to put as many cheerios in as I can.那我只好尽可能地说多一点英国式的废话了。

8.Walmart is for the necessities: cheap Cheerios, laundry detergent, bulk meat, paper plates.而沃尔玛则出售生活必需品:便宜的麦片、洗衣粉、散装肉和纸碟。

9.Cheerios snack mix from General Mills is now available in boxes of 12 single-serve pouches.零食组合由通用磨坊现可在12盒单服务邮袋。

10.You pass my cheerios, and I'll give you back your team of losers and snotfaucets.让我的队员们通过考试我就把那群乌合之众还给你。