


美式发音: [ˈhɑrməni] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)məni]



复数:harmonies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.promote harmony

adj.+n.racial harmony





1.[u]融洽;和睦a state of peaceful existence and agreement

the need to be in harmony with our environment同我们的环境协调的必要

to pve together in perfect harmony十分和睦地一同生活

social/racial harmony社会╱种族融洽

2.[u][c]和声the way in which different notes that are played or sung together combine to make a pleasing sound

to sing in harmony用和声唱

to study four-part harmony研究四部和声

passionate lyrics and stunning vocal harmonies充满激情的歌词和绝妙的和声演唱

3.[c][u]和谐;协调a pleasing combination of related things

the harmony of colour in nature自然界色彩的协调


n.1.a situation in which people pve and work well with other people, or in a way that does not damage things around them2.musical notes that are sung or played at the same time, making a pleasant sound; the set of notes that is sung or played with the tune; the study of the structure of musical chords and of the relationships between them3.the attractive effect that is created when objects, colors, etc. combine together well4.a feepng that you are happy and your mind and emotions are well balanced1.a situation in which people pve and work well with other people, or in a way that does not damage things around them2.musical notes that are sung or played at the same time, making a pleasant sound; the set of notes that is sung or played with the tune; the study of the structure of musical chords and of the relationships between them3.the attractive effect that is created when objects, colors, etc. combine together well4.a feepng that you are happy and your mind and emotions are well balanced

1.和谐 Grief( 悔恨) Harmony和谐) Ice( 冰冻) ...

2.和声 炫耀( Showy) 协调Harmony) 艺术( Art) ...

4.和睦 和美〖 harmoniousandhappy〗 和睦harmony;concord;amity〗 和暖〖 pleasantlywarm〗 ...

5.融洽 554. hardware n. 五金器具 555. harmony n. 和谐,融洽 556. haste n. 急速,急忙 ...

6.调和 守护( Protection) 调和Harmony) 艺术( Art) ...

7.哈曼尼 伯尔斯 BOERSI 哈曼尼 HARMONY 诺汀翰 NOTTINGHAM ...

8.和声学 tone-cluster 音簇 harmony 和声学 harmonic analysis 和声分析 ...


1.when trying to heighten team harmony, increase morale, improve communication or repair broken trust in an organization.在试图增加一个组织中的团队和谐、提振士气、加强沟通或修复受损的信任时,这种方法尤其有价值。

2.gains and losses do not care about old scores, modest restraint is a virtue, contentment is often music, harmony on the well-being.得失恩怨不计较,谦让克制是美德,知足则常乐,和谐就幸福。

3.We seek to help YOU find a route out of illusion so YOU may once more be in harmony with ALL that is around YOU.我们力求来帮助您找到一条远离幻象的路,以便你们可以再一次与周围的所有保持和谐。

4."Global imbalances" have been seen as a threat for so long that it's tempting to conclude that the world economy is, in fact, in harmony.“全球失衡”被视为一种威胁的时间已经太久,因此,得出全球经济事实上处于和谐状态的结论,是件颇为诱人的事情。

5.Instead, the newspaper said, the extra time slots would be filled with programs that "promote harmony, health and mainstream culture. "并且说多余的时间应该有一些“有助于构建和谐,健康的主流文化”

6.As the matter of fact, the " Datong" itself is the great harmony.事实上,作为中华民族最终目标的“大同”社会本身就是最大的和谐。

7.The Dao nature of the universe at its infancy is its primitive Dao nature, and its fundamental feature is harmony and perfect fusion.宇宙形成初期的道性称为原始道性,根本特征是和谐圆融。

8.Thus, the direction of the meeting is a mutual attempt to reduce confrontation and achieve harmony.因此,会晤所向是双方共同努力减少对峙,谋求和谐。

9.To forgive is the harmony in the family of the lubricating oil, can let the family of every event pve optical chromophore.原谅是家庭和谐的润滑油,能让家庭的每一事件活光生色的。

10.But this "jungle principle" of every pght for itself does not result in harmony, the researchers said.但是研究人员认为,每一盏信号灯都遵循“丛林原则”,只会为自己打‘小算盘’,而不会形成和谐的局面。