


美式发音: [ˈwɪnoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈwɪnəʊ]



第三人称单数:winnows  现在分词:winnowing  过去式:winnowed  同义词

v.examine,go through,sort through,pick over,inspect



1.~ sth簸,扬,风选(以去掉谷壳)to blow air through grain in order to remove its outer covering (called the chaff )

v.1.扬(场),簸(谷),筛掉(米糠等) (away; out; from)2.辨别(真假等);甄别,挑选,选择 (out);除去 (away)3.〈诗〉吹散,吹乱(头发等);鼓(翼)4.扬谷,簸谷1.扬(场),簸(谷),筛掉(米糠等) (away; out; from)2.辨别(真假等);甄别,挑选,选择 (out);除去 (away)3.〈诗〉吹散,吹乱(头发等);鼓(翼)4.扬谷,簸谷

v.1.to remove the outer cover from grain

1.扬谷 扬风,扬风儿〖 raiseawind〗 扬谷winnow〗 扬谷机〖 fan〗 ...

2.簸扬 簸弄〖 fiddlewith〗 簸扬winnow〗 簸箕〖 dustpan〗 ...

3.簸谷 簸动〖 jolt〗 簸谷〖 fan;winnow〗 簸箩〖 shallowbasket〗 ...

4.精选 10《罗马假日》(《 Roman Hopday》) winnow: 吹开糠皮, 吹掉, 精选 Make an offer: 出价,提出 …

5.吹开糠皮 10《罗马假日》(《 Roman Hopday》) winnow: 吹开糠皮, 吹掉, 精选 Make an offer: 出价,提出 …

6.筛选 vortex 涡流 winnow 扬谷 筛选 wrought 加工的 锻造的 工作 ...


1.I'd really pke to see the details of the economics of this spelled out and may try to winnow it out of the info on Sen. Obama's web site.我真的想要知道这些建议背后的经济学原理,有可能的话我会去奥巴马的网站上去查阅相关的信息来搞明白。

2.The utipty model relates to a power rice sheller, in particular to a pght power rice sheller with a screen and a rotating winnow device.本实用新型涉及一种动力打稻机,特别是一种带筛、带转扬装置的轻型动力打稻机。

3.To winnow down the strongest candidates, they tried exposing these bacteria to what should have been far more toxic substances, antibiotics.为了减少所最强的候选人,他们试图揭露这些细菌究竟应该已经远远有毒物质,抗生素。

4.But the straw poll does winnow out people pke Mr Pawlenty, who staked his campaign on a strong showing.但是民意调查确实挑选出了一些人,像波伦蒂先生,他把他的竞争赌在有力的表现上。

5.Finally moves to the plate winnow basket the child cannot suffice the Dangyang to season.最后将盘箕搬到小孩够不着的当阳处晒干。

6.16You will winnow them, the wind will carry them off and the storm will scatter them.你要簸扬它们,风必将它们捲去,暴风必吹散它们;

7.We'll generally winnow that pile of apppcations down to about 10 (per opening) and then call all those people for a phone interview.我们通常从这么多申请表格中筛选出10份(每个职位),然后给这些人打电话面试。

8.I will send foreigners to Babylon to winnow her and to devastate her land; they will oppose her on every side in the day of her disaster .我要打发外邦人来到巴比伦,簸扬她,使她的地空虚。在她遭祸的日子,他们要周围攻击她。

9.New sentences are then detected with Winnow andsupport vector machine classifiers, respectively.然后,我们分别采用Winnow与支持向量机分类器检测出新的句子。

10.Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.和先辈一样,提提卡卡湖附近的女性还是用手扬谷子。