



1.d: please look straight ahead . let me check the distance between the pupils . it's 55mm. here is the prescription for you glasses.医生:请向前看。我量下瞳孔距离。55毫米。这是您的配镜处方。

2.Even as a cheap, plastic lens, the 18-55mm is sharp, sharp, sharp, and focuses so close that few people will need a dedicated macro lens.甚至作为一个廉价的塑料镜头,镜头,18-55mm是尖锐的,尖锐,锋利,并着重如此接近,几乎没有人将需要一个专门的微距镜头。

3.While it won't get as wide a shot as an 18-55mm kit they're much brighter lenses.虽然该镜头的角度不如18-55mm宽广,但成像要鲜艳许多。

4.Even so, it's still bulky and big. It weighs 27. 1 ounces, and is 5 inches wide and 6 inches deep with its included 18-to-55mm lens.即便如此,带有18-55mm镜头的她,重达27.1盎司(768.3克),5英寸宽(12.7厘米)和6英寸高(15.24厘米)的体积还是略显笨拙。