



1.The number 666 is often associated with the Antichrist, but it's by no means certain that the two are the same.数字666还常常与反基督的人联系在一起,但这绝不意味着两者就完全是一码事。

2.It has been overly reported that the name Bill Gates III converted to ASCII codes would add up to 666.曾经有过分的报道说比尔盖茨三世的名字转为ASCII码(美国信息交换标准码)的和是666。

3.We had a very old ME machine on another pne that has always been dependable, despite its code number of 666!我们曾在另一行一直是一个很老的可靠我机,尽管其代码666数字!

4.By the end of September 2, 666 bodies had been recovered from clandestine graves and 634 had been identified and handed over to relatives.至9月末,从秘密的坟墓中找到的尸体已经有2666具,其中有634具已经被确认身份,并移交给了他们的亲属。

5.To edit a file, the permissions for that file must be set to 666.要编辑一个文件,这个文件的权限必须设置为666。

6.John seems to invite the "wise" among us to figure out what 666 means.看来上帝是在邀请一些聪明的人来探究666的意思。

7.666 is most famous as the number of the beast in the bibpcal book of the Apocalypse.666最为著名的是圣经之书《启示录》中野兽的总数。

8.Holdings of the largest silver ETF, the iShares Silver Trust, meanwhile, rose to a six-week high at 10, 666. 35 tonnes on Thursday.同时,周四最大白银ETFiSharesSilverTrust持仓量攀升至6周高点10,666.35吨。

9.All of the scripts are unzipped with mode 666, which is particularly inauspicious in that it lacks execute permission.所有解压缩得到的文件模式都是666,非常不幸,因为这缺少可执行权限。

10.There were 666 Chinese students on campus as of the fall semester, according to Tech's Cranwell International Center.校方的Cranwell国际中心的资料显示,本秋季学期学校内共有666名华人学生。