




1.六 五 5th 6th 七 7th ...

2.第六名 第五届 5th 第六届 6th 第七届 7th ...

4.六日 ... 5th 五日 6th 六日 7th 七日 ...



1.The modified question will be: How much bubble wrap do you need to survive jumping out of the 6th floor of a building?修改之后的问题如下:你需要包裹多少汽泡纸才能从6楼窗口跳下去并安然无恙?

2.There was a note of spice, especially that of cinnamon. Until the 6th infusion, the tea was still quite blunt in mouth. . .(茶汤)中有香料,特别是桂皮的的味道。直到第六泡,这茶在口中仍感粗钝。

3.On September 6th news leaked via AllThingsD, a technology-news website, that she had been ousted in a surprise coup by Yahoo! 's board.一家科技网站---AllthingsD在其9月6日的新闻中透露巴尔茨突遭雅虎董事会解雇。

4.The next day, January 6th, Democrats were stunned when Mr Ritter announced that he would not stand for re-election this year after all.次日即1月6日,黎特尔当即宣布自己最后不会支持今年的改选,这让民主党人大跌眼镜。

5.Iran has been a state since the creation of the Persian Empire in the 6th century BC.伊拉克自公元前6世纪建立波斯帝国以来就一直是一个政权。

6.The 6th edition sports easy-to-follow color graphics, crystal-clear explanations, and guidance on the most useful things your iPod can do.第六届运动版易于遵循的最有用的东西你的iPod可以做彩色图像,清晰的解释和指导。

7.It was released on April 6th, after a week of negotiations between scientists and governments over the wording.科学家和政府官员花了一周时间就文字表述进行谈判后,于4月6日发表该报告。

8.We are soon entering our 6th year onpne, and I want to take a moment to ask you for your help in continuing our mission.维基百科上线即将迈入第6个年头,我希望花一些时间请求您帮助我们的任务继续走下去。

9.Available at the stairs of my house, he anxious, so how can we go up to me and my family --- Dunong bike on the 6th floor of the place?可到了我家的楼梯口,他又犯愁了,怎么才能把我和自行车都弄上去我家---在6楼的地方呢?

10.An escalation of rhetoric can be expected in the next few days as China's legislature holds its annual meeting, starting on March 6th.在接下来的几天里,随着3月6日中国立法机关年会的召开,北京在措辞方面将进一步严厉。