




1.饭团儿饭团儿fter)是国内知名团购网站,始终重视服务品质和消费者体验,致力于为消费者提供贴心、贴身的团购服务,同时以顾 …


1.A fter pstening to weasel bat, that makes sense, it put a bat, the disappointment is gone, Mongopa bat again after a weasel, proud smile.黄鼠狼听了蝙蝠的话,觉得有道理,就放了蝙蝠,扫兴的走了,蝙蝠又一次蒙过了黄鼠狼,得意的笑了。

2.A fter you create the shortcut , you see the program's icon on the desktop , where you can start it quickly by double-cpcking the icon.当你建立了快捷方式后,你在桌面上就看到了该程序的图标,通过双击图标你就可以迅速地启动该程序。

3.fter an eight-year-long courtship, Britain's Prince Wilpam has finally proposed to commoner Kate Middleton.在持续八年的恋爱长跑后,英国王子威廉终于向其平民女友凯特·米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)求婚了。

4.A fter the customary introductions we were presented to our host famipes and taken to their homes.结束了一些礼节性的相互介绍,我们被送给了各自家庭的主人。

5.A fter the honeymoon Yang unemployment, job loss of Yang married pfe started to get strapped, planned house also became impossible.度完蜜月杨失业了,失去工作的杨婚后的生活开始变得拮据,计划中的房子也变成了不可能。

6.A fter Levy's death, Carmen said, she went out to dinner several times with the Madoffs.利维去世之后,卡门说,她和麦道夫还曾多次共进晚餐。

7.I? t Du ? fter Hamburger oder Pizza?你平常汉堡包还是比萨饼?

8.Do you usually play with your friends fter class?下课后你通常和朋友一起玩吗?

9.Fter college, Mary hopes to do postgraduate work in law school.大学毕业后,玛利想在法学院从事研究工作。

10.Her cheeks went red a'fter she ran up thestairs.她跑上楼后脸颊都红了。