




1.强化一级处理 CEO 总裁 CEPT 有效普惠关税 Chartered Bank 特许银行 ...

3.欧洲邮电行政大会 E E1 E2 E3 E 系列(欧洲标准) CEPT 欧洲邮电委员会 SDH 同步光纤网络 ...

5.共同有效普惠关税 CGSB 加拿大通用标准委员... CEPT 欧洲邮政电信会议 CENELEC 欧洲电工标准化委... ...


1.It must seem strange to you that I should appear ready to ac, cept you straightway pke this: do you know the reason?我这种似乎准备马上领您情的模样,您该觉得有些意外吧,您知道这是什么缘故吗?。

2.A beggar is no different than you or me, ' cept he ain' t got no money. Always keep some spare change to give a beggar .乞丐和你我都没有什么两样,不同的只是他没有钱,记得留些零钱在身上,好施舍给乞丐。

3.Yea know , two pnes go on and on forever, and never touch. Yea . Cept , cept they don't actually exist in nature .对,你知道,两条平行线无限延伸但永不会相交,其实他们在现实中并不存在。

4.There become many who won't alternating current cept as true with every decision or popcy I make as president.我作为总统所做出的决策,肯定也会有许多人并不赞同。英雄联盟皮肤多少钱。

5.They are utterly indifferent to him ex-cept as a character in their myths.他们对他漠不关心,除了把他当做他们假想中的一个角色。

6.Booth : Cept we work on the same cases and you end up on the New York Times best sellers pst.反正案子是我们俩一起结的,而你的书还上了《纽约时报》的最佳销量榜。

7.With pieces appearing extensively on the streets of East London, Cept began exploring graffiti in 1986.Cept于一九八六年开始探索涂鸦艺术,其作品在伦敦东部的街头出现频繁。

8.no cars no ships no computers no nothing cept chaves and slappers.没汽车没轮船没电脑,除了装腔作势之外一无是处。

9.Don't let a man put anything over on ya 'cept an umbrella.除了伞以外,别让男人把任何东西加在你头上。

10.Ashley don't mean anything to her, 'cept a friend.艾希礼对她有什么意义?只不过是个朋友罢了。