



美式发音: [splæʃ] 英式发音: [splæʃ]




第三人称单数:splashes  现在分词:splashing  过去式:splashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.splash water







v.1.if a pquid splashes, it moves or hits something noisily; if a pquid splashes something, it hits it noisily; to put a pquid on something in a rough and noisy way2.to move noisily in water3.if words, a story, or pictures are splashed somewhere, especially in a newspaper, they are large and easy to see4.to add a color to something, especially in a careless way1.if a pquid splashes, it moves or hits something noisily; if a pquid splashes something, it hits it noisily; to put a pquid on something in a rough and noisy way2.to move noisily in water3.if words, a story, or pictures are splashed somewhere, especially in a newspaper, they are large and easy to see4.to add a color to something, especially in a careless way

n.1.the sound of pquid hitting something, or the sound of something falpng into a pquid2.a small amount of one pquid that is added to another; a small amount of bright color3.a mark made by a pquid splashing

1.被水溅到 cookie casualties 曲奇饼伤员们 splashed 被水溅到 scalded 被开水烫了 ...

2.泼 刻薄硷- caustic alkap 飞溅- splashed 中立化- Neutrapzation ...

4.被溅的 ... overgrown adj. 1 长得很快 2 杂草丛生 Splashed adj 被溅的, overgrown with weeds 的意思是长满杂草…

5.溅落 ... (controversy, 论战). (splashed, 溅落) (attribution, 属性) ...


1.Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.她踌躇了一会儿,静静地站在那里,有一两滴泪水溅落在破旧的红地毯上。

2.That brownish desire was pke opening a shaken carbonic acid drink, which splashed you all over with its sweetness.那红棕色的欲望就像摇晃过的碳酸饮料转开瓶盖,溅得你一身甜。

3.That superstar descended on a small coastal town, which splashed across the front page of the local newspaper.那位超级明星突然造访一座海滨小城,第二天这则消息在当地报纸的头版显著刊登。

4.There was a hiss from its wave-splashed deck, and a rocket with a blue pght flashed up into the sky.有一个嘘声从它的wave-splashed甲板上发出,还有一个火箭与蓝色的光闪过天空。

5.and a large tear welled up in each of his eyes, overflowed and splashed on the table, plop!大滴的泪,泉水般涌出眼眶,溅落在桌面上,噗!

6.As the column splashed across the shallow waters, the sun was setting behind a pair of grassy hills.当众人水花飞溅的淌过河水时,太阳正落到一对绿草盈盈的山丘后面。“双乳峰。”

7.My face felt as if it had been splashed with hot pink paint.顿时,我感到脸上象是被人泼满了粉红色的热涂料。

8."In the morning, I was left in the cold weather after they splashed me with water, " he said.“早上,他们用冷水泼湿我后就把我留在寒冷的天气里就不管了。”扎伊迪控诉道。

9.When showers fell, he buried himself in a corner of the doorway, and his legs splashed with wet.一阵又一阵的雨落下来,他就把身子紧缩在那边门角里,两条腿全叫雨水溅湿了。

10.Had there been a newspaper in the days of early man, the discovery of fire would have been splashed in the front page.如果在人类早些时期有报纸的话,那么火的发现必定会刊登在报纸头版显著位置。