

landmine:[英 [ˈlændmaɪn] 美 [ˈlændmaɪn] ]



landmine 基本解释




landmine 网络解释

1. 地雷:去吴哥城的途中也可以去地雷(Landmine)博物馆看看,这是个简陋私人博物馆,里面有各种地雷展示,还有创办人当年做战的故事和图画,中间的捐款台旁边有多种语言的翻译的回忆录,也包括中文,签名簿上意外发现了去年十月在虎跳认识的杭州驴友的大名,

2. 地雷 (名):landmass 大陆 (名) | landmine 地雷 (名) | landocracy 地主阶级 (名)

landmine 双语例句

1. One must be careful not to stray off the path in a landmine zone.



2. A worrior asked his candidate: What should I do if I step on a landmine?


3. By studying the past cases of landmine stocks, it could simply realized what reasons cause the landmine stocks. The company financial crisis is mostly happened by main stockholders act an undue behavior and borrow and land company`s assets to divert, or by using a subsidiary company to purchase a large amount of a parent company`s stocks and overlapping to hold both stocks.


4. This is Yang Zhiyuan undoubtedly revive ambuscade below countless landmine.


5. landmine的反义词

5. In the aspect of hyperparameter optimization, the equality between the FHS-SVM and the first level Bayesian inference is proved, and the evidence framework based hyperparameter optimization method for the Gaussian kernel FHS-SVM is proposed, which reduces the total misclassification risk of the detection result and improve the metallic landmine and unexploded ordnance discrimination performance.


6. The detection zone and damage zone of intelligent landmine group and targets` vulner ability were confirmed. constraints of target distribuˉ tion (of space constraint, time constraint and material constraint) were anlyzed in detail. The combination target funcˉ tion which optimizes targets` distribution was established considerin g things various priority principle. The result of the optimized distribution is reasonable.


7. In the eastern state of Jharkhand six paramilitary soldiers were killed in a landmine blast blamed on Maoist rebels, police said.


8. Based on the research of the properties of Ad hoc systems and of the previous algorithms, an improved Ad hoc system model were given and a novel algorithm was presented as ADLE (Ad hoc Distributed Leader Election), which was employed in the self-resume landmine field systems.

针对Ad hoc分布式互斥算法研究滞后的现状,研究了分布式互斥对象唯一标识在Ad hoc网络中的动态生成问题;提出了应用于小规模Ad hoc网络的ADMUTEX算法;进一步,提出了一种用于大规模网络的Ad hoc分布式领导者选举算法ADLE及该算法在自愈雷场系统中的应用实例。

9. Ground penetrating radar has proven to be an effective tool for plastic landmine detection.


10. In order to ensure intelligent landmine group`s eflective b lockage for one region for longer time, it is necesong to optimize target distribution of intelligent landmine group. The o ptimization can reduce power consumption of intelliˉ gent landmine group and achieve fluent internal communication within intelligent landmine group.


11. They question whether Gretchen set them up, so Lincoln goes back above ground to forcibly get her. She thinks the booby-trap looks like an anti-personnel landmine used in war and offers to defuse it.


12. The crux of the problem is that while the use of the weapon might be militarily justifiable during the day of the battle, or even the two weeks of the battle, or maybe even the two months of the battle, once peace is dedared the landmine does not recognize that peace.


13. Tourists are fascinated, but the government doesn't like Aki Ra's landmine museum.


14. He organizes commando to cut electrical wiring to dig landmine, make day bandit became;


15. It shows a radar screen with the dozen or so events he thinks could over the next decade potentially be the next landmine for the global economy.


16. The UN also works to improve medical and rehabilitation services for landmine victims.


17. The curves'humps are explained by introducing the constructive interference principle, the propagation characteristic of coupled seismic wave and the resonance effect between the seismic wave and the landmine.


18. Images rectification in the passive infrared landmine detection system


19. landmine的翻译

19. The game is over, I a single " landmine " have not been found, the results were " boss " to " fire ", connect " soldiers basic allowance " no allowance.


20. landmine的近义词

20. The self-localization method of the landmine node base on the time of arrival (TOA) ranging algorithm is studied. With the results of the near-ground propagation characteristics, the location and ranging error are analyzed, then the method of improving the self-localization precision are given.


landmine 单语例句

1. China fully honors its obligations under the amended Landmine Protocol to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.

2. He said the military officers were travelling from Wajir to Mandera in a convoy of three when one military vehicle drove over a landmine.

3. As they cleared out some dirt, they found the words " interlinking landmine " on the iron ball.

4. A woman who lost part of her leg when she stepped on a land mine won Angola's Miss Landmine Survivor contest.

5. Students playing in a garden recently were surprised when they suddenly unearthed an unexploded landmine.

6. China is now basically safe from landmine hazards on its own territory.

7. " We just regard our job as that of'landmine removers'", said Shen a team leader.

8. The AIG landmine has inflamed the debate, exacerbating conflict between stakeholders.