

impede:[英 [ɪmˈpi:d] 美 [ɪmˈpid] ]


过去式:impeded;   过去分词:impeded;   现在分词:impeding;

impede 基本解释

及物动词阻碍; 妨碍; 阻止

impede 相关例句


1. What impedes your making an early start?


2. The attempt to rescue the climbers was impeded by bad weather.


3. impede什么意思

3. The deep snow impeded travel.


impede 网络解释


1. 阻碍:这种反抗的心理(negativism)将会阻碍(impede)团体的进步. 会自吹自擂(boast)或者做一些别的行为来吸引团体的注意. 会透露一些与团体当下的状况无关的感受或内在看法;是属於个人内心的一些表达,却会因此转移(distract)了团体所专注的工作.

2. 阻止:争议中的补贴产生的后果导致申诉国争议中的进口货被阻止(impede)返销进入补贴授予国市场或者被排挤出该市场;第二,争议中的补贴产生的后果导致申诉国争议中的出口货被阻止(impede)进入第三国市场或者被排挤出该市场;

3. 妨碍:服务自由原则不仅旨在取消那些以国籍为基础的歧视性限制措施,而且还要求取消那些针对本国服务提供者和其他成员国服务提供者非歧视地实施的任何限制性措施,只要后者可能阻止(prohibit)或者妨碍(impede)在另一成员国依法开

4. 阻碍,阻抗:impedance transducer 阻抗传感器,阻抗换能器 | impede 阻碍,阻抗 | impediography 超声阻抗描记术

impede 双语例句

1. impede

1. The development and listing of New Zealand derivative products offshore would impede the formation of a broad and deep market in New Zealand, disadvantaging New Zealand market participants and, ultimately, the New Zealand economy.


2. The conditions here as the uncertainty attached must be caused by natural or non-occurrence. In real life, because of the conditions of success or non-achievement by the interests or the interests of the parties is not very likely to lead to irregular conditions or impede achievement or non-achievement, that constitute the conditions of fiction and non-achievement.


3. However, there are various patent infringements that impede the realization of this goal.


4. Police alleged Ryan Alexander Jenkins removed the teeth and fingers of Jasmine Fiore, presumably to impede authorities in their efforts to identify the naked body after it was found stuffed in a suitcase in a California trash bin over the weekend.


5. This holy synod, moreover, declares and decrees that all and singular prohibitions and all processes, sentences, constitu- tions, censures and any other things whatsoever that were issued by him and might impede the aforesaid, are without effect; and it invalidates, revokes and annuls them; saving always the other penalties which the law decrees for the above cases.

这个神圣的主教,而且,宣布和法令,即所有与奇异的禁令和所有过程,句子,constitu筹措,责难和任何其他东西的事都是他发出的,并可能阻碍基于上述理由,是没有效力的;而且无效,撤销和annuls ;储蓄始终是其他刑罚,其中法律法规,为达到上述案件。

6. For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors. 109, if she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific 每 a valid, verifiable, intellectual method that anyone, whether man or woman, can perform 每 the definition not only precludes the critic-as-artist approach, but may also impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking, especially about sex roles.

ㄘ梁如她叁踬权主义文悝评蹦隅义为谛夤腔睿褪悝性腔"一跺衄效腔,褫证妗腔,烩性腔,无蹦咸踬饮褫以使用腔源杨"饶系ㄛ这跺隅义祥躺蔚龉拨裁蚕评模作为眙术模腔源杨ㄛ奥且褫夔颇郯鬼饶些寻求蜊曹悝术赐腔现状腔挚其思维ㄛ特梗是衄寿性梗褒伎腔思维腔人蝇腔妗用主义腔政笥醴梓腔伧憩难句类型:复杂修饰,插入语,抽象词解释:这句话在原文中紧接着上例的难句,句中的插入语虽然长,但是并不打断正常的语义,因此不算难懂;但是 but also 之后的分句中的宾语 accomplishment 的修饰成分实在太复杂,而且充斥着各色的极端抽象的词汇,没有一定的词汇功底,这句话的意思是不容易看懂的。

7. impede的解释

7. Especially in nonresistant strata, in order to keep borehole wall stability we usually raise the drilling fluid density, but it seriously impede the rate of penetration.


8. The highly hydrophobic property of the ND4L may impede its mitochondrial import.


9. Template patterns and sometimes change the structure of the concrete pouring of the traditional template type is the widening of the fixed panel. This structure methods to hinder depot and fresh concrete for the entire peace and tamping impede layer chiseling cleared pouring deck hinder the preparatory work, not for mechanized operation.


10. As much as I like you, I cannot let my personal feelings impede the progress of my people.


11. The different frequencys` floods have an important effect on the social and economic development of the districts of Lower weihe River in shaanxi province, and seriorsly impede the social and economic development of Guanzhong Plain on Lower weihe River.


12. impede的意思

12. To impede the force or movement of.


13. Flavius Aetius, a great general of the Western Roman Empire, son of the valiant Flavius Gaudentius, is leading his army in search of the crude Huns----those horsemen who are from Mongolian Plateau and are given to slaughtering, the wilderness of deserts and prairie makes them crazy and boorish. they poured out of mongolia like powerful tidal waves, pushed through the lofty Altai moutains and swept the whole Central Asia, chopping down all those who dare to impede them. they trample on the bodies of Scythians, Alans, Goths and Burgundians, dashing over Central Asia and East Europe like a gust of whirl wind.



14. Arab plastic can impede the formation of sugar crystals, used to make candy in the crystallization of resistance against Crystal Analysis, also effective emulsified Naitang of milk fat, to avoid overflow and also for polishing the surface of chocolate, chocolate only soluble I, do not dissolve in hand in the cola carbonated drinks, such as plastic used in the Arab emulsion, distributed essential oils and oil-soluble pigment, to avoid them in storage during the oil and pigment floating bottlenecks and the pigment laps; Arab with vegetable oil and plastic resin For drinks, such as a cloud of fog appearance in order to increase the diversity of drinks.


15. I also hope you will not impede this trust and confidence I repose in you.


16. As to there being any quantity of snow fallen or likely to fall to impede their return, that was a mere joke; he was afraid they would find no difficulty.


17. impede的反义词

17. As the season trudges along, every fifth day we forget all about Hughes` and Kennedy`s troubles and watch a potential milestone season unravel for Wang. We hold our breath with every pitch thrown hoping that the problematic fingernail does not flare up and impede on his march to October. Last night you could hear the gasps from the raucous crowd when in the fifth inning, Wang summoned Jose Molina to the mound after a pitch and was seen flicking his right thumb. Manager Joe Girardi and Head Trainer Gene Monahan immediately jogged to the mound, hoping their worst fears were not realized. At that point you could immediately feel the sense of urgency in the organization. This was their gem, their only bridge between now and championship number 27.9 M# u7 Y s# W O

随著这个令人心情沉重的球季持续进行著,每5天我们就可以忘掉所有关於休斯和甘乃迪的困扰,并且看到王小民开创可能是一个生涯里程碑的球季,在他投出每一球时,我们屏气敛息希望他那常搞飞机的指甲别出状况,而妨碍到他进军十月份的比赛,昨晚第五局王小民投出一球之后,招手要莫里那上投手丘,并且轻轻活动他的右拇指时,你可以听到喧闹的观众中传来阵阵的喘气声,总教练吉拉帝和主任防护员Gene Monahan马上跑上投手丘,希望他们最害怕的事情千万别发生,在那个时候你可以立即感受到球团里面的焦急感,这是他们的瑰宝,他们通往第27座世界冠军头衔的唯一桥梁。2 V# T6 h+ 9 o$ P' J

18. As the season trudges along, every fifth day we forget all about Hughes` and Kennedy`s troubles and watch a potential milestone season unravel for Wang. We hold our breath with every pitch thrown hoping that the problematic fingernail does not flare up and impede on his march to October. Last night you could hear the gasps from the raucous crowd when in the fifth inning, Wang summoned Jose Molina to the mound after a pitch and was seen flicking his right thumb. Manager Joe Girardi and Head Trainer Gene Monahan immediately jogged to the mound, hoping their worst fears were not realized. At that point you could immediately feel the sense of urgency in the organization. This was their gem, their only bridge between now and championship number 27.王建民加油站 g# l1 h2 {% I

随著这个令人心情沉重的球季持续进行著,每5天我们就可以忘掉所有关於休斯和甘乃迪的困扰,并且看到王小民开创可能是一个生涯里程碑的球季,在他投出每一球时,我们屏气敛息希望他那常搞飞机的指甲别出状况,而妨碍到他进军十月份的比赛,昨晚第五局王小民投出一球之后,招手要莫里那上投手丘,并且轻轻活动他的右拇指时,你可以听到喧闹的观众中传来阵阵的喘气声,总教练吉拉帝和主任防护员Gene Monahan马上跑上投手丘,希望他们最害怕的事情千万别发生,在那个时候你可以立即感受到球团里面的焦急感,这是他们的瑰宝,他们通往第27座世界冠军头衔的唯一桥梁。

19. Therefore, abuse of intellectual property protection may impede the process of trade liberalization.


20. I A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any vessel following a traffic lane.


impede 词典解释

1. 妨碍;阻碍;阻止

If you impede someone or something, you make their movement, development, or progress difficult.

e.g. Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.


impede 单语例句

1. Chairman Bernard Chan of the subcommittee admitted the definition of a charity was " vague " but he denied claims that the proposal may impede charitable works.

2. GUANGZHOU - China's Chief Justice has told judges to resist meddling and interference from local authorities who try to impede public litigation against them.

3. Events again proved that no difficulties or obstacles can impede the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

4. The United States accused Syria on Friday of adopting tactics " honed by Iran " to impede a UN watchdog probe into alleged covert nuclear activity.

5. The rules should not impede on the growth of the Web as a venue for healthy public discourse about issues of public concern.

6. Monopolies impede technical advancement and in the long term harm economic progress.

7. Prosecutors insisted that Bonds understood that his false statements would impede the government's investigation and that he was intentionally misleading and evasive.

8. Huang called on local governments to eliminate regulations and policies that exclude products from other places and impede fair competition.

9. To do so would both impede the pace of recovery and diminish the quality of the final result.

10. Fitch said it would examine the capital controls that can impede Chinese companies transferring US dollars onshore in an upcoming report.

impede的近义词impede 英英释义



1. block passage through

e.g. obstruct the path

Synonym: obstructobturateoccludejamblockclose up

2. be a hindrance or obstacle to

e.g. She is impeding the progress of our project

Synonym: hinder