

lipase:[英 [ˈlaɪpeɪz] 美 [ˈlɪpˌes, ˈlaɪˌpes] ]


lipase 基本解释


lipase 网络解释


1. 脂肪酶:减肥 化妆品OEM原料: 脂肪酶 来自:中国国际美容网PRCCNCOM 2008-1-23 脂肪酶 (lipase)的主要功能是分解油脂. 在化妆品中添加 脂肪酶,目的:探讨三术 减肥 汤对营养性肥胖大鼠血清总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)、胰 脂肪酶 (LPS)及瘦素(Lep)的影响,以阐明运脾

2. 脂酶:另外还有纤维素酶(cellulase)、蛋白酶(proteinase)、果胶酶(pectinase)、脂酶(lipase),过氧化氢酶(catalase)、药用酶(pharmaceuticals enzyme)等. 这里所说的酶大部分是利用微生物生产的菌体胞内酶(endoenzyme)和菌体胞外酶(exoenzyme)并用现代生物技术的方法提取得到的酶纯品,

3. 胰脂肪酶:(2) 脂类水解酶: 胰脂肪酶(lipase), 可分解为甘油三酯、甘油一酯和甘油, 最适PH为7.5~8.5. 胰脂肪酶只有在胰腺分泌的辅脂酶(colipase)存在的条件下才能发挥作用. (3) 蛋白水解酶: 主要有胰蛋白酶(trypsin)和糜蛋白酶(chymotrypsin),

4. 脂肪酵素:蛋白质分解酵素(Protease)木瓜酵素(Papain )凤梨酵素(Bromelain)醣类分解酵素淀粉分解酵素(Amylase) 葡萄糖淀粉酶(Glucoamylase) 转化酵素(Invertase)植物纤维酵素(Cellulase)乳糖酵素(Lactase)脂肪分解酵素 脂肪酵素(Lipase)


5. lipase:lipa; 脂肪酶

lipase 双语例句

1. The prolipase and mature lipase gene was amplified by PCR method using the genomic DNA isolated from Rhizopus chinensis CCTCCM201021. The target genes were then inserted into the expression vector pET-28a and expressed in E. coli BL21 with IPTG induction.

以华根霉(Rhizopus chinensis CCTCCM201021)为出发菌株,提取总DNA,PCR扩增出前导肽脂肪酶基因及成熟肽脂肪酶基因,克隆到原核载体pET-28a,转化E.coli BL21(DE3),诱导表达并纯化出活性目的蛋白。

2. Ultrasound and computed tomography of the abdomen showed diffuse enlargement of the pancreas, subhepatic fluid collection and a large cystic lesion in the subcapsular area of the spleen.



3. Ascorbyl benzoate was synthesized through lipase-catalyzed esterification in organic media, and its properties studied.


4. The quantity of hydrogen bond of PGLip lipase is apparently less than that of the protein Iglh as moulding board.


5. In patients with small cell lung cancer who develop epigastralgia and elevated level of lipase and amylase, we should consider the possibility of MIAP. Early diagnosis helps us to identify patients with good performance for chemotherapy, which may lead to resolve pancreatitis and improve the survival for them.


6. Blood sugar, plasma amylase and lipase concentrations, and ATP content in pancreatic tissue, were determined when the recipient rats were killed to perform histopathological study later. The percentages of normal, apoptotic, oncotic and necrotic cells were determined by flow cytometry.


7. The optimal conditions of cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromidereverse micellar system, and the most suitable reaction conditions of synthesis of ethyl oleate by Lipex lipase were determined.


8. Application of reverse micella enzyme system in oil industry; 2. Synthesis of ethyl oleate catalyzed by Lipex lipase in AOT/isooctane reverse micella r system was studied.



9. The effects of pressure and temperature on the reaction of lipase - catalyzed transesterification of methyl oleate and citronellol have been studied.


10. lipase

10. Lipase-catalyzed Synthesis of high stability phospholipid and its application were discussed.


11. Two processes for biodiesel synthesis, enzymatic lipase catalytic esterification from fatty acid and transesterification from oils and fats, was investigated.



12. Lipase-catalyzed optical resolution of R-mandelic acid via RS-ethyl mandelate in non-aqueous media was studied.


13. When lipase N435 was 2.5gL^(-1), RS-ethyl mandelate was 0.25gL^(-1), water to RS-ethyl mandelate was 5:1, the reaction temperature was 40℃, the speed of agitation was 200rmin^(-1), the R-ethyl mandelate conversion could reach 41.6%, and enantiomeric excess e.


14. For protein identification, proteins spots of interest on the gels stained with colloidal Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 were excised, digested in-gel with trypsin, and analyzed by peptide mass fingerprinting with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry. ERP60, trypsinogen, proelastase, lipaseandso on were identified.


15. It is concluded that milk-replacer with increase of vegetable protein had the negative effects for pre-weaning calves, as for decreased the activities of trypsin, chymotrypsin and lipase.



16. For fatty acids or alcohols with medium-chain length, the immobilized lipase has approximately the same substrate selectivity.


17. Tert-amyl alcohol was used as a reaction medium for Novozym 435 lipase-catalyzed methanolysis of soybean oil for biodiesel production.

叔戊醇作为反应介质,固定化脂肪酶Novozym 435催化大豆油与甲醇的转酯反应制备生物柴油。

18. Firstly, the methanolysis of different oils by alkali-catalysis and lipase-catalysis werestudied.


19. The optimal reaction parameters of methanolysis of soybean oil by lipase-catalysis weredetermined as follows: 15wt% of lipase, 55℃of temperature, petroleum ether as solution, methanol was added by 6 times.



20. In the culture phase, a great deal of protease, lipase, α_amylase and diastase were accumulated on the skin of beancurd. After 36 h, the thallus began to decay and the activity of all these enzymes began to decline.

培菌阶段在豆腐坯表面积累了大量的蛋白酶、脂肪酶、α_淀粉酶及糖化酶,培菌36 h后菌体开始老化,酶活有所下降。

lipase 英英释义


1. an enzyme secreted in the digestive tract that catalyzes the breakdown of fats into individual fatty acids that can be absorbed into the bloodstream