

desertion:[英 [dɪ'zɜ:ʃn] 美 [dɪˈzə:ʃən] ]



desertion 基本解释


名词抛弃; 开小差; 离弃; 擅离职守

desertion 相关例句


1. After two years he divorced his wife for desertion.


desertion 网络解释

1. desertion的解释

1. 遗弃:加诸於女性的婚姻暴力(domestic abuse)、婚姻强暴(marital rape)、恶意遗弃(desertion),人格贬低(belittlement)对女性心灵及精神上的折磨难道不比肉体犯奸淫更为深刻、严重?

2. 抛弃:de facto 同居 | desertion 抛弃 | divorce 离婚

3. 舍弃:desensitize 脱敏 | desertion 舍弃 | desex 除性征

4. desertion的意思

4. 丢掉:deserter 背弃者 | desertion 丢掉 | deserve ill of 有罪于

desertion 双语例句

1. desertion什么意思

1. Some of the cells have small cytoplasmic vacuoles, which are unable to be stained by neutral red and can be derived from the desertion of the granule content.


2. As less reprehensible than theft, highway robbery, cruelty to children and animals, obtaining money under false pretences, forgery, embezzlement, misappropriation of public money, betrayal of public trust, malingering, mayhem, corruption of minors, criminal libel, blackmail, contempt of court, arson, treason, felony, mutiny on the high seas, trespass, burglary, jailbreaking, practice of unnatural vice, desertion from armed forces in the field, perjury, poaching, usury, intelligence with the king's enemies, impersonation, criminal assault, manslaughter, wilful and premeditated murder.



3. He has published poetry anthologies death, desertion and vacant boat, the island of death reviving, sea of people and corpus draft of freedom, etc..



4. There was such bitter self-reproach involved in the recollection of that desertion which must have seemed so cruel to her who waited and watched at home!


5. In this respect, Saturn and Mars indicate death of the marriage partner; Uranus may also bring about this ending if afflicted by Saturn or Mars, but otherwise it points rather to a clandestine relationship which will probably bring about the dissolution of marriage by desertion or divorce.


6. The be cautious after passing, those who desertion is pair of made property, and because the article of Li Shangheng earning puts alow, just sufferred dot tide to stop.


7. desertion

7. Lin primary one, but he was too fun, and so on during class, the total can not help thinking of desertion.


8. It turns out that desertion during incubation is likely to result in the demise of the unhatched offspring.


9. desertion的意思

9. With your help, there will be no desertion now Better we lose the election than mislead the people, and better we lose than misgovern the people.


10. desertion是什么意思

10. Every word asaid, for you, is unpackage and desertion.


11. Cities desertion at a draught after demon animal world hind, can put energy to other product, not be the sort of blow that can bring about 9 cities end, the influence is not deadly.


12. In China, ecological environment evolution research focuses on studying environment history, including the effect of agricultural economy, land exploitation and cultivation, grass land and livestock farming development, urban economy, wood-cut and wood use, desertion, etc. on environment change.


13. With your help, there will be no desertion now.


14. desertion的意思

14. Desertion. They would kill my family. I don't have your courage.


15. desertion

15. I don't know the legal jargon for it, but I think it's desertion.


16. He took his son`s desertion as a personal affront.


17. The purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion...


18. The stillness, the desertion, and obscurity that were gradally prevailing around gave a deeper and more solemn interest to the place.



19. The desertion of this area helped to preserve this type of dog as we know it now.


20. Mrs. Gardiner then rallied her niece on Wickhams desertion, and complimented her on bearing it so well.


desertion 单语例句

1. The strong showing also comes despite the desertion of the British and Czech conservatives.

2. The suspect had been in US custody since Navy authorities apprehended him in Tokyo on March 22 on an earlier desertion charge.

3. Yang alleged that Zhai wanted to leave him the moment she became famous and his behavior was a natural response to desertion.

4. Once Afghan soldiers'pay and provisions come down, the phenomenon of desertion and resignations will get even more serious.

desertion在线翻译desertion 英英释义



1. withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility

e.g. his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless

Synonym: abandonmentdefection

2. the act of giving something up

Synonym: abandonmentforsaking