

accomplish:[英 [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] 美 [əˈkɑ:mplɪʃ] ]


过去式:accomplished;   过去分词:accomplished;   现在分词:accomplishing;

accomplish 基本解释

及物动词完成; 达到(目的); 走完(路程、距离等); 使完美


accomplish 相关例句


1. I accomplished two hours' work before dinner.


2. They didn't accomplish the purpose desired.


3. accomplish的解释

3. She has accomplished 95 years of her life.


4. The journey was accomplished in five weeks.


5. He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.


accomplish 网络解释

1. accomplish

1. 完成:如果他们很努力地去做一件事情,结果却失败了,他们可能就会得出结论,认为他们永远也不能完成(accomplish)某一特定(particular)的任务. 明显的比较有劣的方法,比如张榜公布学生的成绩,会产生严重后果. 希尔教授说到,

2. 成:他今年在高阶1A的50场比赛、180个打数打出.294/.390/.578 (.968),12支全垒打领先Florida State League,39分打点则排名联盟第二. 所以就如同球团副总裁Jim Fleming所说的,Stanton已经完成(accomplish)了这个阶段,随后他在6月5日上到2A.

3. 完成(任务等):graduate 毕业生 | accomplish 完成(任务等) | achievements 工作成就,业绩

accomplish 双语例句

1. We`ve used PDO`s beginTransaction and commit methods to accomplish this.


2. You can accomplish whatever you set your mind to do.


3. accomplish什么意思

3. Contract is a kind of formal specification language. It specifies behavioral dependency of a set of objects collaborated to accomplish some tasks.


4. accomplish

4. The world will expect you to accomplish something bef...


5. In order to accomplish it successfully, he must have the sympathy and insight that will enable him to trace to their cause the faults and errors manifest in his pupils.


6. In this article, a method of statement block is used to accomplish the procedure from source program to dominated flow graph.


7. In balance the Zhuge Xiansheng after the situation thinks the person of conditional at that time accomplish sth has 3 at that time, but it is difficult that Cao Cao is in talent many odd; Sun Quan is in husbands of sisters to be in power although Liu Biao of dimensional small; is kin but pedantry nearsightedness does not have a future.


8. accomplish的反义词

8. In order to solve the problems, some measures are carried out such as the on-line cleanout of slag conduit, the rebuilding of the medicament accession system, the scale-stopping dealing of slag water, the reuse of chemistry waster water, which accomplish significant social and economical benefits.


9. If the four classes could strictly abide by their rules and accomplish their duties so as to play their real role in the society, then society would surely be well governed.


10. Entire project being completed and handing over once my Fang Zhong Biao, our side swear to accomplish within proprietor instruction time.


11. In the light, to accomplish the historical mission endowed by the new era, Confucianism should absorb from Bahaism such successful experiences:1.Reform the outdated doctrines; 2.Stress both righteousness and interests; 3.Protect environment; 4.Better the educa


12. accomplish

12. By photoelectric transforming, a light signal of certain wavelength is converted to an electrical signal by PMT. The digital oscilloscope (TDS1012) can accomplish the function of A/D conversion and record the waveform. When the waveform data are transmitted to PC, the PC can send command to microprocessor for controlling the stepping-motor in order to adjust the detected wavelength by rotating the grating, and then the measurement is started at a new wavelength. By continuously adjusting the detected wavelength of the monochromator and recording the light signal with different wavelength, a serial of the waveform data is obtained. At last the computer can deal with the data to draw the TRS graph.


13. accomplish什么意思

13. I have stated that it is fruitless to argue what James may accomplish in the future because we live in the present.


14. In the section of parts recognition, a new system based on higher order neural networks is proposed for recognizing the shape of the parts. The total system consists of several subsystem, each corresponding the sets of models which have the same number of geometrical feature.. HONN is applied in each subsystem to accomplish PSRI recognition. The shortcoming including large amount of learning samples, slow learning rate, low success rate of recognition is overcome with HONN. Due to position, scale invariance and cycle shift of normalized feature parameters, only 2〓 order HONN is need to act as classifier. So the memory requirement is reduced dramatically compared with normal method applying HONN. Calculation efficiency is improved largely.


15. But beneath it all lay a austere affair -- how to acquisition a role afterwards retirement, and how to accomplish a success of what can be a catchy accord with those who appear after.


16. accomplish

16. Carbon changes into different forms as it move in a carbon cycle to accomplish energy transfer or acid-base balance.


17. European Union foreign ministers yesterday insisted they still wanted to lift the bloc's arms embargo on China - but admitted it could take more than a year to accomplish.


18. Linear seal technology with magnetic liquid is a new method for dynamic seal, which can accomplish linear seal and rotary motion seal.


19. accomplish的意思

19. In this paper, computer aided technology is adopted to develop an automatically programming system, which can accomplish the modeling of parts, process planning of twin-cutter turning, calculation of cutter location data, generation of NC code and simulation of the machining, and so on.



20. The system can accomplish not only the main functions such as spot welding procedure design, welding joints quality predicting, parameters optimization, machine learning for procedure knowledge, etc.


accomplish 词典解释

1. 完成;达成

If you accomplish something, you succeed in doing it.


e.g. If we'd all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal...


e.g. They are skeptical about how much will be accomplished by legislation.


accomplish 单语例句accomplish的解释

1. David Shoemaker created a checklist of things he wanted to accomplish in China when he embarked for Beijing last year.

2. By highlighting the areas in which even small investments can accomplish a great deal, the project influenced philanthropic organizations and governments.

3. I have a lot of great things ahead of me that I want to accomplish.

4. The advantage of this system makes it possible for us to make collective efforts to accomplish great and difficult tasks.

5. The Shanghai Commission for the Management of Language Use has been trying to accomplish a similar result over the past two years.

6. Sites could also customize policies for specific pages, something difficult to accomplish previously.

7. When determined to accomplish a task, they become dauntless and resolute.

8. As a gift for the upcoming Children's Day, the ocean world offered to help him accomplish his dream.

9. This has helped Binhai New Area become the first area to accomplish digitalization.

10. But it will take a long time to accomplish the objective of explicit division of SEHK and SFC roles.

accomplish 英英释义


1. put in effect

e.g. carry out a task

execute the decision of the people

He actioned the operation

Synonym: carry throughexecutecarry outactionfulfillfulfil

2. to gain with effort

e.g. she achieved her goal despite setbacks

Synonym: achieveattainreach