



1.He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9: 00 am.他说,他赶时间,因为他在上午9点有一个约会。

2.Reported that close to Narathiwat Pattani around 9 am the day have taken place in a bomb attack, the attack left two soldiers injured.报道称,紧邻陶公府的北大年府当天上午9时左右也发生了一宗炸弹袭击事件,袭击事件造成两名军人受伤。

3.The outage happened just after 9 am and trading did not resume until 4pm , by which time many traders had given up and gone home .故障发生时早上9点刚过,直到下午4点才恢复交易,此时多数交易员已经放弃等待,返回家中。

4.If I send them a message at night, I can expect a reply say 1 or 2 pm the next day in Singapore, assuming they start work at 8 or 9 am.假设他们早上8、9点开始工作,如果晚上给他们发信息,那么我在新加坡时间第二天下午1、2点钟才能收到回复。

5.Around 9 AM, I try to check email, only to reapze I need to call my Internet provider because my connection is incredibly wonky.大概在九点左右,我去查看电子邮件,只为了去意识到我必须要呼叫我的网络供应者,因为我的连接非常地不稳定。

6.Lily: We have an appointment with a customer at 9 am, three interviews before lunch, and a project review this afternoon.早上九点要约见一个客户,午饭前有三个面试,下午有个工程检查。

7.But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me.但凡您肯出言,我的仆人便能得救。因为我本人就是一位听命于上的人,同时有部下听命于我。

8.They were told at 9: 30 am that the wait for a train into central Tokyo would be three hours.他们在上午9点30分被告知,前往东京市中心的列车还要等上三个小时。

9.Can ride a bike, arrive before 9 am, at the gate waiting, Do not be late.能骑自行车,上午9点前到达,在大门口等候,不要迟到。

10.The part of a day during which most businesses are operating, usually from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.一天中大部分商业都在营业的时间,通常是从星期一到星期五的早9点到晚5点。