





3.挪威电讯码电讯(DIGI,6947,主要板基建)上市马股。不过,随着股东之一的挪威电讯商Telenor)增持股权至61%晋升为大股东 …


1.When Telenor refused to pay, arguing that it had not exhausted its appeals, another court seized most of Telenor's 30% stake in VimpelCom.就在Telenor拒绝支付赔偿,声称它还有继续上诉的权利时,另一家法院没收了Telenor在VimpelCom的30%的股份。

2.In Pakistan, the biggest financial network is not a bank, but a unit of Telenor, the Norwegian mobile phone operator.在挪威,最大的金融网络不是一间银行,而是挪威电信公司的一个单位,挪威手机运营商。

3.Of the small fry, only two disclose figures: Uninor, run by Telenor, a Norwegian firm; and Russian-backed Sistema.而那些小公司,仅有两家披露了财务数字:挪威Telenor公司运营的Uninor,还有具有俄罗斯背景的系统金融公司(Sistema)。

4.The Telenor data had to be "anonymized, " or stripped of identifying information, before the researchers could use it.挪威电讯的数据在被研究者使用前,肯定会做匿名化处理并删去可识别身份的信息。

5.Model image: This diagram shows the evolution of the largest network of Telenor iPhone users over time.模型图片:图片显示挪威电讯iPhone使用者中最大社交网络在一定时间内的演化。

6.But as Telenor points out, Mr Putin himself has admitted that Russia's courts are unpredictable and are in urgent need of reform.但就如Telenor所指出的,普金先生本人也承认俄罗斯法院难以预料,亟需改革。

7.Telenor says it bepeves the Farimex case is connected to its dispute with Alfa Group.Telenor表示,它相信Farimex案件与它和Alfa集团的争端有关。

8.It does not help that Russian state-owned firms have in the past benefited from judgments akin to those that Telenor is complaining about.俄罗斯国有企业过去受益于法院判决,就如同Telenor抱怨这些判决一样,于事无补。

9.Under an agreement to be announced today, ZTE will build a mobile network for as many as 4. 5m users for Telenor in Hungary.根据今天将宣布的协议,中兴通讯将为Telenor在匈牙利多达450万的用户建造一个移动网络。

10.Swedish rival Tele2 AB and Norwegian peer Telenor ASA are also expected to roll out a 4G network in 2010.瑞典竞争对手Tele2AB和挪威同行TelenorASA预计也将在2010年推出4G网络。