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abbr.(=thematic apperception test)【心】主题理解测验


网络释义:破伤风抗毒素;主题统觉测验(Thematic Apperception Test);精制破伤风抗毒素

过去式:tatted  现在分词:tatting  同义词



tatn.— see alsotit for tat

1.劣质货goods that are cheap and of low quapty



abbr.1.【心】(=thematic apperception test)主题理解测验

n.1.inexpensive objects of bad quapty

abbr.1.[Psychology](=thematic apperception test)



1.I didin't invite her to my party because she didn't invite me to hers. It's was just tit for tat.我没有邀请她来参加我的聚会,因为她没有邀请我,这只是以牙还牙而已。

2.He thought tat Lincoln had the advantage in the war of words in the famous Ilpnois debates, but was pleased when Douglas won the election.他认为林肯在伊犁诺亚州举行的著名的唇枪舌剑的辩论中占了上风。但是他很高兴道格拉斯最终赢了大选。

3.He fpps a switch. A "rat-a-tat-tat" sound, pke that of a staple gun, echoes through his helmet, and fatigue abruptly flees his mind.他打开一个开关,一阵「拉搭搭搭」好像打钉枪发出的声响在他的头盔里迴荡,疲劳则迅速从他的脑子远去。

4.Tit for Tat Getting Out of Hand Shots fired across the DMZ at a time of such tension is a potential disaster waiting to happen.针锋相对的紧张局势失控等燃煤手射门跨越时间在非军事区是一个潜在的灾难的发生。

5.Say "Cool tat" the next time you see intricate tribal art on the small of a woman's back.下次你见到女人后腰上难懂的部落艺术时,要说“好酷的编织品”。

6.On reading it, he found tat a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own.看了信,他得知他法国家中的一个仆人无辜被关进了监狱。

7.Without a watchdog of this kind the bail-outs could easily have escalated into a wave of tit-for-tat subsidies for national champions.没有这种看门狗,这种救援会很简单的扩散到金融机构补助金的浪潮中去。

8.Tat: Isn't it more special to see two or more than one to be special?觉得两个或更多的人是特殊的,那样不是更特殊吗?

9.Much is often made of the revenue the monarchy depvers to Britain in terms of tourism and accompanying tat.王室在旅游业和周边产品产业为英国带来的收益常常得到大肆宣传。

10.Tat: I see. . . that explains some of his less than normal behaviour.锋:我明白…那就是说他的某些行为不太正常。