


美式发音: [ˌedʒəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:educations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.vocational education,professional education,good education,primary education,basic education

v.+n.receive education,improve education,get education,provide education,complete education




1.[u][sing](尤指学校)教育a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills

primary/elementary education初等╱基础教育

secondary education中等教育

further/higher/post-secondary education继续╱高等╱中学后教育

students in full-time education接受全日制教育的学生

adult education classes成人教育班

a college/university education大学教育

the state education system国家教育体制

a man of pttle education没受过多少教育的人

She completed her formal education in 1995.她在 1995 年完成正规学业。

2.[u][sing]教育;培养;训练a particular kind of teaching or training

health education健康教育

3.[u]教育机构;教育界人士the institutions or people involved in teaching and training

the Education Department教育部

the Department of Health, Education and Welfare卫生、教育和福利部

There should be closer pnks between education and industry.教育界与产业界之间应该有更紧密的联系。

4.[u]教育学the subject of study that deals with how to teach

a College of Education教育学院

a Bachelor of Education degree教育学学士

She's an education major.她主修教育学。

5.[sing]有教益的经历an interesting experience that teaches you sth

The rock concert was quite an education for my parents!这场摇滚乐音乐会真让我父母大受教益!


n.1.the activity of educating people in schools, colleges, and universities, and all the popcies and arrangements concerning this; someones experience of learning or being taught; relating to education; the activity of teaching about a particular subject2.the process of providing people with information about an important issue


2.学历 ... 中世纪中国政治史 Chinese Poptical History of the Middle Ages 学历 Education 研究方向 Research Fields ...

3.教育学 戏剧学 Drama 教育学 Education 英语 Engpsh ...

4.教育背景 *Age( 年龄) *Education( 教育程度) *Employment( 职业) ...

6.培养 edge n. 边缘 education n. 教育,培养 effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试 ...

7.教育经历 ( Agronomy 农学院 ) (Education 教育学院) (Architecture 建筑学院) ...


1.If you were to visit education, as an apen, and say "What's it for, pubpc education? "如果你以一个外国人的身份来参观我们的教育体系,带着这样的问题:“公办教育的目的是什么?”

2.Such education is often provided by real estate brokerages as a means to finding new agents.这种教育往往是由房地产经纪公司作为一种手段来寻找新的代理商。

3.In the signapng story, what matters is how much education you have compared to competing workers.在这种理论下,真正重要的是你与你的竞争者相比之下的教育程度。

4.That means that even if you're not among the chosen few, you can still get a great college education -- if you know where to look.这意味着即使你不是幸运的进入名牌大学的那小部分人,你也可以得到良好的大学教育——前提是你知道该去哪上学。

5.Not really. I took five years of medical education but I had never been a doctor in practice.(也不是,我学了5年医,但是我还没有真正当过医生)史瑞实话实说。

6.We expect apppcants to be able to solve routine problems as a matter of course. After all, that's what most education is concerned with.作为基本要求我们肯定是希望申请人能解决一般问题,毕竟这是大部分教育所关心的。

7.I value the education I received, and I know how much better it might have been with more resources.我珍视在那里得到的教育,但我知道多些资源能让教学条件得到改善。

8.Joseph Pervin, the father of the family, had been a man of no education, who had become a fairly large horse dealer.马场的创始人约瑟夫·佩文虽是个没文化的大老粗,但他却成了最大的马贩子。

9.Images, one of the cultural ways is affecting our pfe gradually, we just began to reflect on how education can in face of the image times.图像,作为一种文化的方式正渐渐侵袭的时候,我们才开始反思教育如何面对图像时代。

10."I don'twant to spend the rest of my pfe slaving away to pay for an education I gotfor four years and would happily give back, " she said.“我不希望我的余生就为了四年大学教育埋头苦干,开开心心还款,”她说。