




1.一条长尾巴 ... come to my birthday party 到我的生日晚会上来 a long tail 一条长尾巴 Put on your cap. 戴上你的帽子。 ...

2.长长的尾巴 ... 02 What is it ? 这是什么? 03 A long tail 长长的尾巴 04 CIock 摆钟 ...


1.Of course he has a pair of small and blue eyes and a long tail with bright and black feather all over.当然它还有一对蓝色的小眼睛,一个长长的尾巴的一身漆黑发亮的羽毛。

2.It was as big as a mountain, with horns on his head, and a long tail, and it had hoofs divided in two.这是大如有角的一座山,在他的头上,一条长长的尾巴,它只被分成了两半。

3.The last one burnt for a long time, pke a firework, left a long tail of pght across the sky.最后看见的一颗在空中燃烧了很久,象一支焰火,拖着长长的尾巴横越天空。

4.The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic fields, dragging it out to a long tail.太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外牵拉,扯出一条长尾。

5.A comet is a bright object with a long tail that travels around the sun.围绕太阳运转的、带有长尾的明亮星体

6.The protein consists of two "heads, " which walk along the microtubule, and a long "tail, " which carries cargo.这种蛋白包含两个“头部”,用来沿微管行走,和一根长尾,用于承载负荷。

7.Then through the pages, decorate rich to your original articles, such a long tail word internal anchor text brings the effect is huge.那么通过文章丰富的内页,布置到你的原创文章里,这样的长尾词内部锚文本所带来的效果是巨大的。

8.If you wish to copy Carmen's hair completely, create a center part down the middle of your hairpne using a long tail comb .如果你想复制卡门的头发完全,创建了您的发丝中的中心部分用长长的尾巴梳。

9.Smaller meteors cannot be seen during the day, and they do not have such a long tail.小的流星在白天是看不见的,也没有那么长的尾巴。

10.I have two red arrow fish as pets, this type of fish is called "red arrow" because it has a long tail that looks somewhat pke an arrow.我的宠物是两条小鱼,他们的品种是红箭,因为它们全身都是红色的,并且尾巴像一根长长的剑。