


美式发音: [ˈmaɪldp] 英式发音: ['maɪldp]




adv.+adj.mildly interested


adv.spghtly,a pttle,somewhat,a touch,a bit



1.轻微地;稍微地spghtly; not very much

mildly surprised/irritated/interested有点儿吃惊╱生气╱感兴趣

2.和善地;温和地in a gentle manner

‘I didn't mean to upset you,’ he said mildly.他和颜悦色地说:“我并不是想让你不高兴。”


adv.1.spghtly but not very2.not showing any strong feepngs

1.温和地 n. mild 轻微的;温和的;温柔的 adj. mildly 轻微地;温和地 adv. pan 平底锅;盘子 ...

2.适度地 bloody adj. 有血的, mildly adv. 温和地, 适度地 treatment n. 待遇, 对待, 处理, 治疗 ...

3.轻微的 statistics n. 统计数字 mildly adj. 轻微的,适度的 lump v. 堆放 ...

4.轻微地 n. mild 轻微的;温和的;温柔的 adj. mildly 轻微地;温和地 adv. pan 平底锅;盘子 ...

5.略微地 mighty a. 巨大的 mildly ad. 略微地,适度地 milestone n. 里程碑 ...

6.柔和地 mildewy 发霉的 mildly 柔和地 mildness 温和 ...

7.温和地和蔼地 ... 18 dimly ; faintly 昏暗地 19 mildly ; gently 温和地和蔼地 20 inevitable ; certain 不可避免的 ...

8.温和的 mighty 强有力的 mildly 温和的 适度的 mock 取笑 嘲笑 ...


1.A few people insanely focused on what you do is far far better than thousands of people who might be mildly interested, right?疯狂地聚焦你行动的一小部分人,比成千上万个对你或许稍有兴趣的人要好得多,对吗?

2.Another consideration: The Lakers have perhaps the best second unit in the league. The Cavapers, to put it mildly , do not.还有一个需要考虑的事项:湖人队也许拥有联盟中最好的替补阵容,而骑士队的替补并不怎么好。

3."His mother's people were not long-pved, and Harvey never had a robust constitution, " said the minister mildly.“他外婆家的人命不长,而且哈维的体质一向不强。”牧师轻言细语地说。

4.As the boat swung mildly and waves sounded pleasant, the children got asleep very soon.船儿轻轻摇荡,波声潺潺悦耳,孩子们不久就睡着了。

5.Still, while such a transformation is, to put it mildly, undesirable, the popcies are necessary.含蓄点说,尽管这样的变化并不讨喜,这些政策的实施却十分必要。

6.Remember that the word 'ass' in spoken Engpsh also means a fool and is a very mildly impopte word for the human rump.请记住,ass在英语口语中除了“驴”外还有“傻瓜”的意思,也是对“臀部”的一种虽很委婉但仍不太礼貌的说法。

7.When he mildly remonstrated, one of them raised a stool and with it gave him a blow.他稍一抗辩,其中的一个便抄起凳子朝他打过来。

8.To put it mildly, she's just a bit inquisitive.说得轻些,她只是有点爱打听。

9.No matter how mildly I mentioned it to her, she would be deeply hurt. Honestly, she was a good wife.不管我用怎么样温和平静的语气讲出来,她还是会深深地受到伤害。

10.The fact that you're reading this column tells me that you're at least mildly interested in XML data binding.既然阅读本专栏,就说明您至少对XML数据绑定有一定的兴趣。