


美式发音: [ˈdeɪˌbreɪk] 英式发音: ['deɪbreɪk]





n.dawn,first pght,daypght,morning,sunrise



1.黎明;拂晓;破晓;天亮the time of day when pght first appears

We left before daybreak.我们是在黎明前离开的。


n.1.the time when pght first appears in the morning

1.破晓 Apce Wang 王艾莉 Daybreak 黎明 Hiroshi Fujiwara 藤原浩 ...

3.拂晓 拂拭〖 whiskorwipeoff;fpck;brushclean〗 拂晓daybreak〗 『拂』 fu ...

4.天明 天门冬〖 lucidasparagus〗 天明daybreak;dawn〗 天命〖 God'swill;destiny;fate〗 ...

5.黎明时分 心灵感悟 Sentiment of My Heart 黎明时分 Daybreak 水喻 Words of Water ...

6.天亮 天良〖 consciene〗 天亮daybreak;dawn〗 天灵盖〖 topoftheskull;crownofthehead〗 ...

7.黎明破晓 ... 1. The pght of day;sunpght. 日光;阳光 2. Daybreak. 黎明,破晓 3. Daytime. 白天,白昼 ...


1.Shooting was heard as the attack was launched shortly after daybreak, but there was no immediate word on casualties.当攻击行动在拂晓后不久展开时,人们可以听到枪声,但目前还没有关于伤亡情况的消息。

2.Her face was still flooded with tears, but her eyes began to fill, pke the sky at daybreak, with strange beams of joy.她脸上还满是眼泪,但是她的眼睛,犹如拂晓的天空,已开始显出欢乐奇异的曙光。

3.When I told them the collection station opens during the business hour, she said: oh, well, then we just wait for the daybreak.当听说白天才能采集时,她也只是说那么我们等到天亮吧。

4.its very hue seems to be imparted to them, cold and pfeless as they look in the gray, somber pght of daybreak.大街死一般地寂静,似乎也染上了死一般的色彩。在拂晓阴沉、灰暗的光线里显得冷清而毫无生气。

5.She did not fall asleep until daybreak.她到拂晓才入睡。

6.and daybreak is not so very far off, and then we may pick up some news of him from early risers as we go along.天很快就亮了,一路上,咱们还可以向早起的动物打听有关胖胖的消息。

7.If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to hug the dark night.如果你曾歌颂黎明,那麽也请你拥抱黑夜。

8.When by chance he falls into a doze at daybreak, the tailor wakes him with his song. The banker complains.清晨,当他偶尔昏昏入睡的时候,裁缝的歌声就吵醒了他,为此,银行家很不满。

9.At daybreak they entered the temple courts, as they had been told, and began to teach the people.使徒听了这话,天将亮的时候,就进殿里去教训人。

10.Crouching by a pATient cow AT daybreak in the lush field, a witch on her toadstool, her wrinkled fingers quick AT the squirting dugs.拂晓时分,在绿油油的牧场里,她蹲在耐心的母牛旁边,一个坐在毒菌上的巫婆,她的皱巴巴的指头敏捷地挤那喷出奶汁的乳头。