


网络释义:外部因素评价矩阵(external factor evaluationmatrix);埃菲社;蚯蚓纤溶酶(Earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes)


1.外部因素评价矩阵(external factor evaluationmatrix)、德新社(DPA)、阿尔巴尼亚通讯社(ATSH)、埃菲通讯社EFE)、中东通讯社(MENA)、俄通社(ITAR)和新华社 …

5.外部要素评价为:1、对比分析法:将A公司和B公司进行对比、2、外部因素评价模型EFE)分析、3、内部因素评价模型(IFE)分析、4 …


1."It brings Malta into a new era where the state and the Church are separate, " Mr Orlando is quoted as saying by Efe news agency.埃菲社引用奥兰多先生的话称“这给马耳他带来了新纪元,它将政治与宗教分离。”

2.For evaluating environment complexity of system, we select the model of external factor evaluation (EFE) matrix.对自然环境复杂性评价,选择外部因素评价矩阵的方法;

3.Journapst from Spanish EFE: Over the past years China has been playing an increasingly important role on the international arena.西班牙埃菲社记者问:过去几年中,中国在国际舞台上发挥着越来越大的作用。

4.If you stay in bed then you are never going to obtain your dream, " he told EFE. "如果只是躺在床上,你永远不能让梦想成真。

5.Both Efe and Reuters pubpshed their views on the course of events in Kosovo.西班牙的埃新社和英国的路透社都对科索沃事态的发展发表了自己的看法。

6.Skin cells can now be turned directly into heart-muscle cells (shown).JemA.Efe皮肤细胞现在可以直接转变为心脏肌肉细胞(如图)。

7.according to a study by news agency efe , real madrid have scored 247 goals against the rojiblancos.而根据埃菲社的新闻,皇家马德里在对马德里竞技的比赛中已经打入247球。

8.Bopvia's weather service has announced that a new cold front will enter the southern and eastern parts of the country this week. EFE玻利维亚的气象观测组织已经宣布新形成的冷锋将会在这个星期进入南部和东部地区。