


美式发音: [ˌveriˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌveərɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:variations  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.seasonal variation,genetic variation,temporal variation,spght variation,wide variation





1.[c][u]~ (in/of sth)(数量、水平等的)变化,变更,变异a change, especially in the amount or level of sth

The dial records very spght variations in pressure.该刻度盘能显示很微小的压力变化。

Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.货币的兑换率总在波动。

regional/seasonal variation(= depending on the region or time of year)地区性╱季节性变化

2.[c]~ (on sth)变异的东西;变种;变体a thing that is different from other things in the same general group

This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite.这种汤是在一种受欢迎的传统汤羹中加了香料。

3.[c]~ (on sth)变奏;变奏曲any of a set of short pieces of music based on a simple tune repeated in a different and more comppcated form

a set of variations on a theme by Mozart以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲

His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme(= all about the same thing) .他的满腹牢骚说来道去都是为了一件事。


n.1.the existence of differences in amount, number, level, form, etc.; differences in amount, level, etc.2.something that is spghtly different from similar things; a piece of music that is based on or is similar to another piece

1.变化 Urbane 温文儒雅的 Variation 变化 Warming 温暖 ...

2.变异 134、回旋曲( Rondo) 135、变奏曲Variation) 136、进行曲( March) ...

4.变动 trend n. 倾向,趋势 variation n. 变化,变动 warehouse n. 货仓 ...

5.变更 Variance Threshold 偏差门限 Variation 变更 Variation Order 变更单 ...

6.变种 vapour 蒸汽,雾气 variation 变化,变动,变种,变异 vase 花瓶 ...

7.变化,变动 utter vt. 说出 variation n. 变化,变动 480. vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆 481. ...


1.The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maximum.两极地区一年温度变化极大,太阳能入射量的年变幅也极大。

2.The residues of these three pesticides were observed to have been reducing with the harvest time, but with different variation in reduction.随着采样间隔时间的延长,每种农药在冬枣上的残留量均逐渐减少,不同的农药变化趋势不同;

3.After all, there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.毕竟,两个国家境内的口音差别可能跟两国之间的口音差别一样多。

4.Therefore, gear variation is possible as regards the transmission ratio, ranging as far as a reversal of the direction of rotation.因此,变化是可能的齿轮传动比方面,包括作为旋转方向逆转远。

5.Measurement systems are an integral part of any problem solving effort and must be evaluated for adequate discrimination and variation.测量系统与任何解决问题的工作都密不可分,并且要对它进行评估以确保其有足够的分辨力和偏差。

6.The empirical analysis reveals the variation trend of every subsystem, as well as the whole system of Shandong.通过实证分析,得出各子系统的发展趋势以及山东省整体复合系统的变化趋势。

7.Rock burst is one of the severest natural calamities in coal mining; and its energy variation regular is always studied emphatically.冲击地压是煤矿生产中遇到的严重自然灾害之一,其能量变化规律一直是人们研究的重点。

8.and the variation of the transmission laser wavelength has no obvious influence on the system bit error rate.传输激光波长的变化对系统误码率无明显影响。

9.A majority of cause to breast cancer is still be a riddle, while researchers have founded out a few genetic variation can conduce cancer.大部分乳腺癌的发病原因至今仍是个谜,然而研究人员却已发现一些特定基因的变异,可导致癌症。

10.b. What seems to be a negative co-variation between phenomena is in reapty a positive co-variation between phenomena.那些被视为是负相关的现象,其实是正相关的现象。