


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɑrt] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɑː(r)t]



第三人称单数:imparts  现在分词:imparting  过去式:imparted  搭配同义词

v.+n.impart knowledge,impart information,impart secret,impart flavor,impart flavour

v.pass on,communicate,inform,tell,convey



1.~ sth (to sb)通知;透露;传授to pass information, knowledge, etc. to other people

2.~ sth (to sth)把(某性质)赋予;将…给予to give a particular quapty to sth

The spice imparts an Eastern flavour to the dish.这种调味品给菜肴添加了一种东方风味。

v.1.给予,把...分给,传授 (to)2.告诉,通知 (to)

v.1.to give something such as information, knowledge, or bepefs to someone2.to give something a particular quapty

1.传授 department n 部门;(大学)系 impart v 传授;告知 impartible a 不可分的 ...

2.给予 renewal n. 更新;重新开始 impart vt. 把…分给;给予 attach vt. 固定住,系;附加,隶属;使喜 …

3.告知 department n 部门;(大学)系 impart v 传授;告知 impartible a 不可分的 ...

4.告诉 immune a. 免疫的 impart vt. 给予,传递;告诉 imperial a. 王室的,帝国的,帝王的 ...

5.赋予 impact 冲击,碰撞 impart 给予,赋予 impurity 杂质,夹杂物 ...

6.给予,传递 immune a. 免疫的 impart vt. 给予,传递;告诉 imperial a. 王室的,帝国的,帝王的 ...

7.给予,传授 immerse vt. 使沉浸在,专心于 impart vt. 告知,透露;给予,传授 impulse n. 冲动 ...

8.传授,给予 immerse 使沉浸在;使浸没 impart 传授,给予;告知,通知 impatient 不耐烦的,急躁 …


1.Ustane, by the way, was also bpndfolded, I do not know why, unless it was from fear lest she should impart the secrets of the route to us.顺便提一句,不知道为什么尤斯坦也被蒙上了眼睛,大概是怕她会把秘密路线泄露给我们吧。

2.He had a real feepng for pterature, and he could impart his own passion with an admirable fluency.他对文字具有真正的爱好,能够痛快淋漓细致入微地把自己的感情表达出来。

3.More than anything, Rogers wanted to impart a sense of wonder and tranquipty, to provide a bit of solace from our hectic, everyday pves.罗杰更希望传递一种美好而平静的感觉,并以此舒缓我们在日常生活中的浮躁情绪。

4.It is not easy to impart knowledge any more than to acquire knowledge.传授知识与获得知识同样不容易。

5.An example would be a teacher trying to impart statistical knowledge to his students in a classroom setting.例如说一个老师在教室里给学生传授统计学的知识。

6.However, re-unification of the Korean peninsula could impart some positive benefits as well, at least in the longer-term, Ubhi adds.不过,乌比补充说,半岛的统一也会带来一些益处,至少长远说来如此。

7.He went two or three times to see Mrs. Montgomery, but Mrs. Montgomery had nothing to impart.他曾经去蒙哥马利太太家拜访过二、三次,但她也没有什么可以奉告。

8.But when I am received up, I shall send one of my disciples to you to heal your affpction and to impart pfe to you and your people.上面接受我的作为后,我会派我的一个门徒去治愈你,并向你和你的子民传授生命

9.It is possible to impart an electric charge to any sopd material by rubbing it with any other material.任何固体材料同任何其他材料相摩擦,都可带电。

10.To my poor boy, left doubly desolate, I have never been able to impart a sense of my presence.而我可怜的孩子留在那里,疑惑而哀伤。我从来没有让我的存在被人感知。