




1.拒绝访问 Document restriction( 文件限制) Access-denied( 存取遭拒错误讯息) Offpne( 离线) ...


1.User "Bob" should get an access denied error when trying to call the Divide method.用户“Bob”在尝试调用Divide方法时会收到拒绝访问错误。

2.Access denied creating the conference. It is possible that the specified security permissions could not be authenticated!创建会话时访问被拒绝。可能指定的安全许可不能被身份验证!

3.If it reports "Access Denied" it means that the Code has not been entered correctly, Edit the code to correct it.如果它报告“拒绝访问”这意味着代码没有正确地输入、编辑代码来修正它。

4.If you are using a custom Web site, additional configuration is usually required if you are to avoid access denied errors.如果使用的是自定义网站并且要避免拒绝访问的错误,则通常需要额外的配置。

5.In some cases, it is possible for a local administrator to get access denied errors when accessing Report Manager.在某些情况下,本地管理员在访问报表管理器时可能会收到拒绝访问错误。

6.If you encounter access denied, please remember to logout and login again for your membership of the subversion user-group to take effect.如果你遇到拒绝访问,请记得要退出登录,然后重新登录以让你的subversion组成员身份被确认生效。

7.When a site is locked manually, users who attempt to view the site will see an access denied message.如果网站是手动锁定的,则试图查看网站的用户会看到拒绝访问的消息。

8.However, any attempt to access the other actions will be met with an Access Denied response, as in Figure 7.不过,尝试访问其他操作时将收到一个AccessDenied响应,如图7所示。

9.Access denied The whole toxin is unable to penetrate cells so it needs to cleave off a smaller chunk.断其锋芒所有毒素无法整体穿透细胞,所以它需要被切分成较小的一块。

10.Similarly, in case of authorization failure, you can configure ETF to serve an Access Denied page.类似地,在授权失败的情况下,可以配置ETF来呈现一个AccessDenied页面。