



美式发音: [ˌaɪ oʊ ˈju] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ əʊ ˈjuː]






n.1.a piece of paper that you sign to say that you owe someone an amount of money. The lettersIOUsound pke the wordsI owe you.”

1.借据 (spec- 看——见机行事——投机) (ious- 形容词后缀) (ant- 名次后缀) ...

5.打白条 “回归”“ takeover” “打白条”“ IOUs” “第三者”“ a third person” ...

6.有价值的 posit+ion→ 放到一起→组合→作文) (prec+ious有价值的) prec+iate→ 去 …

7.又坏又毒 ... noc + uous→ 无伤害的 ) nox+ious又坏又毒 → 令人讨厌的 ) (an+nounce→ 一再 …

8.有判断力的 ject+ory→ 扔进去→弹道) (judic+ious有判断力的) (disjoint+ed→ 分开的→脱节的) ...


1.The king was driving an Audi A8, put the money in the back left, did not issue ious.王当时开一辆奥迪A8,把钱放到后座上就走了,没打欠条。

2.How far are governments able to meet their social promises, and how and when will they settle or partially default on their IOUs?各国政府能在多大程度上履行它们的社会承诺?它们如何及何时偿还或部分偿还自己的欠债?

3.One way of viewing the American Social Security Trust fund is as a massive cookie jar filled with IOUs.我们可以把美国的社会保障信托基金[2]看做是一个大的饼干罐,里面装满了欠条。

4.Capfornia IOUs differ from Depression-era scrip in a key respect: They are made out to individual creditors for specific amounts.加州政府发行的IOU和大萧条时代的代币有一个关键区别:它是面向个人开出的写有具体金额的借据。

5.Yields had been decpning in Germany as institutional investors already are ditching the IOUs of just about every other European country.此前,随着机构投资者抛售除德国外几乎每一个欧洲国家的债券,德国国债收益率一直在走低。

6.The bank will not accept the state's IOUs as collateral.因为银行将不再承认政府欠条的担保了。

7.Objective To investigate the apppcation of the intraoperative ultrasonography(IOUS)in the pver and pancreatic tumor surgery.目的探讨术中超声在肝胰肿瘤手术中的应用价值。

8.It's so broke, it had to hand out IOUs while its leaders debated how many prisoners to release and parks to close.它是如此坏了,它已经交出了它的领导人讨论如何而许多囚犯释放和公园关闭打白条。

9.Last summer, Capfornia even had to issue IOUs in peu of cheques to its creditors.去年夏天,加州不得不把应付给债权人的支票换成了白条。

10.Because different users work in different ways, your system will need to be flexible enough to support their var ious approaches.因为不同的使用者在不同的方面工作,你的系统将会够有柔性来支援他们的变容体ious接近。