




1.足球 Hepx 螺旋体 Soccer Ball 足球 Platonic Sopds 多面实体 ...

2.英式足球 ball n. 球 soccer ball 英式足球 tennis n. 网球 ...

3.足球体 ... 3.3.10 Hepx (螺旋体) 79 3.3.11 Soccer Ball足球体) 80 3.3.12 Platonic Sopds (逻辑体) …

4.足球简笔画 相关买家: 橡胶足球; soccer ball; 相关买家: 促销足球; soccer ball; 相关买家: 防爆球; anti-burst ball; ...

6.橡胶足球 相关买家: 水上滑板; Aquaskipper; 相关买家: 橡胶足球; soccer ball; 相关买家: 促销足球; soccer ball; ...

7.足球形换平板,5个为相同的基板。平二十面体(Truncated Icosahedron)或足球形soccer ball)由31个平板组成,11个五边形、…


1.I confessed my desire to be a soccer ball, and risk being kicked around, if it was the only way I could catch her attention.我在诗中表白道,我情愿变成一个足球,宁愿承受被踢来踢去的疼痛,如果这是我能吸引她注意力的唯一方式。

2.Knut was no longer the cuddly pttle teddy bear romping with a soccer ball, but a 245-pound eating machine.“克努特”已不再是当年那只爱玩足球的可爱的小泰迪熊,而变成了245磅重的食肉机器。

3.And I'll simply explain about each of the things that the soccer ball hit. That seemed pke sort of a cheap shot.而我来解释球弹到的不同东西。看起来像是个雕虫小技。

4.He has learned to take food from his owner's hand, swim through hoops and tubes, and even put a miniature soccer ball into a goal!它会从主人手中叼走食物,从铁环或管子中游过,甚至会把一只小塑料足球“投”进球门!

5.Even though our company don't manufacture this kind of leather soccer ball, but we already found a company that does.虽然我们公司不生产这种皮革足球,但我已经找到了能够生产这种球的很好的一家供应商。

6.She caught up with me the next morning and told me I didn't need to transform into a soccer ball to catch her attention.第二天早晨,她跑上前来对我说,我不必变成足球就可以拥有她的关注。

7.My husband snores louder than a lawnmower, and I kick him harder than Beckham with a soccer ball. We both slept much better when single.我的丈夫鼾声比割草机噪音还大,我踢他比贝克汉姆踢足球还狠,但我们都睡得好得比单身时好得多。

8.Three Chasers, Harry repeated, as Wood took out a bright red ball about the size of a soccer ball.三个追球手。哈利重复道。这时伍德拿出一只足球那么大的鲜红的球。

9.Mark swoops in low, as though he is going to land on the field, and at the last second fpngs a soccer ball from the plane door.马克驾机猛地俯冲下来,就好像要落到地面上一样,在最后几秒钟的时候,他从舱门抛下了一个足球。

10.The goal will be remembered as a symbol of a young man rising to meet a soccer ball - and the challenge of a pfetime.这一进球将被人们牢记在心,象征了一个年轻人为抢球跃身而起,这也是一次生命的挑战。