



美式发音: [ˈkændiˌdeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkændɪdeɪt]



复数:candidates  搭配同义词

adj.+n.independent candidate,pkely candidate,suitable candidate,prospective candidate,female candidate

v.+n.support candidate,nominate candidate,elect candidate,select candidate




n.1.one of the people competing in an election, for a job or a prize2.a person or thing that is pkely to do or be something3.<formal>someone who is taking an examination

1.候选人 tourism 旅游业 candidates 候选人 phenomenon 轰动现象 ...

2.人选SA 生成装置 (RSSR Generator) 候选项 (Candidates) 候选RSSA (Candidate RSSA) 候选项集合 (Set of Candidates) 候选RS…


1.While only half of candidates send thank-you notes, it seems to be an easy gesture everyone should use to greatly impact the hiring process.虽然发送感谢信是每个人都应该有的简单的且能够在很大程度上影响招聘过程的举动,但仅仅只有一半的候选人会这样做。

2.She had a few days to cram for a hazing most candidates spend years preparing for.对于大多数候选人需要准备数年才能接受的责难,佩林却只有十几天的时间面对这些。

3.He said he thinks most potential IPO candidates are waiting for market conditions to improve before launching their deals.他认为,有意进行IPO的公司正在等待市况转好后再做交易。

4.Helping or receiving help from another candidate, contacting, communicating, talking to any other candidates are prohibited.不得帮助他人或者接受他人的帮助,不得交头接耳、左顾右盼、喧闹考场。

5.Mr Thompson himself is said to prefer John McCain. But any of these candidates could grab some of his supporters, as could Rudy Giupani.据说汤普森个人支持约翰·麦凯恩,但这些参选人都可以瓜分他的支持者,就像瓜分朱利安尼的支持者一样。

6.Asked how candidates would be selected and whether foreign chefs would be considered she said "I cannot comment on the selection process. "当被问到怎样挑选候选人,以及是否会考虑外国厨师时,她说:“我不能对选拔过程发表评论。”

7.Minister in charge of the candidates who are not anxious to hear Wang Zhaojun is going, so she submitted the name of Emperor Hanyuan.管事的大臣正在为没人应征焦急,听到王昭君肯去,就把她的名字上报汉元帝。

8.He said candidate Dmitry Uss also had been released, after being among seven opposition candidates jailed following Sunday's election.他说,候选人梅德号航空母舰也已被释放的候选人,反对派入狱后,在以下七个星期天的选举。

9.Just over a week until election day, and the Presidential candidates are rallying voter support over the weekend.仅离选举日只有一周多的时间,而总统候选人们在周末提升选民的支持。

10.Executives, accustomed to adding only a few new people a year, interviewed more than a dozen job candidates some days.公司管理层以前每年只接收几名新员工加入,现在却要一下子面试十几个应聘者。