




1.空战 Air Raid 突袭 Air War 空战 Air.Traffic.Control 航空指挥官 ...

2.空中大战 Home stretch: 冲刺阶段 Air war空中大战 Ballot initiative: 公民投票 ...


1.NATO troops fought Serbia in an air war then and pushed Serbian forces out of the region.北约部队空袭塞尔维亚部队,将其赶出了该地区。

2.The book is perhaps best known for having predicted that attack on the United States by Japan and an air war between the two powers.书也许最好地被为有知道预知在二力量之间的日本和一个空气战争的美国上的那个攻击。

3.It will not look pke the air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no ground troops were used and not a single American was lost in combat.也不象二年前在科索沃的空战,当时并没有地面部队参战,美国人未丢一兵一卒。

4.Before the attack on its Belgrade embassy, China's reaction to the air war was more muted than Russia's-but equally negative.在其驻贝尔格莱德使馆被炸之前,中国对北约实施的这场空中打击的反应没有俄罗斯那么激烈,但同样是持负面态度。

5.It fought in Kosovo in 1999, but that campaign was an air war.1999年,北约就在科索沃参战了,但其战役只是空战。

6.NATO's air war on Kosovo and Serbia in 1999 was, pke the Iraq war in 2003, conducted without the legal approval of the United Nations.北约1999年对科索沃和塞尔维亚的空袭,还有2003年的伊拉克战争,都是在没有联合国合法许可的情况下进行的。

7.S. jets attack Soviet air base near Vladivostok as part of the 'Secret Air War' between Russia and the U. S. on both sides of the Yalu.同一天,作为苏联与美国之间在鸭绿江两岸的“秘密空战”的一个部分,美国飞机攻击了苏联海参崴附近的空军基地。

8.Capt. Jamiesan "The exercise attempts to simulate the fog and friction of a real-world air war, " Jamieson explains.“这一演习试图模拟现实世界空战当中的过程和冲突,”杰米森解释说。

9.July 16, 1940, since the beginning of World War II, the largest --- Battle of Britain air war began.1940年7月16日,二战开始以来规模最大的空战---不列颠空战开始。

10.The air war training simulation system is composed of the technology of air war simulation and the automatic chain of command.空战训练系统是利用空战模拟技术结合航空兵部队指挥自动化系统开发的。