

a J

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英文单词:文摘杂志(Abstract Journal);李起光(Ace Junior)



1.文摘杂志(Abstract Journal)英国科学文摘(SA)、日本科学技术文献速报和俄罗斯文摘杂志AJ)等几大国际检索系统及美国《金属文摘》、《铝文摘 …

2.李起光(Ace Junior)  外号:AJ(Ace Junior),光光,光光李,空光光,脱光光,KIKI,天然呆,嘤嘤王,咣咣,呆光   职务:Lead Vocalist,Lead Dan…


1.In retrospect, it is amazing how much I cued into and how much I knew about AJ just from those 9 hours.回想起来,在和AJ相处的九个小时里,我很高兴能知道这么多。

2.Actress AJ spoke to the General Assembly in her capacity is a board member of population services international international.女演员AJ以国际人口服务董事会一员的身份在联合国大会发表讲话。

3.On our first trip to Russia to meet AJ we were able to spend about 9 hours with him over three days and each moment was precious.我们第一次去俄罗斯见到AJ,只能跟他呆9个小时左右,所以每一秒都显得十分珍贵。

4.Aj : but life of Hemingway was the stuff of legends, but Ernest was a tormented soul who battled depression most of his life.主持人:海明威的一生充满着传奇色彩,他的内心世界总是充满了绝望与痛苦。

5.Company spokesman Alan Jeffers said there was no direct connection between those problems and the pipeline failure.公司发言人AJ称这些题目和管道泄漏没有直接关系。

6.I don't know what AJ saw, but I know Jack Garcia and he would never do something like this to us.我不知道AJ看到了什么但我了解杰克·加西亚他绝不会对我们做出这种事

7.I told AJ to say it was Mr. Garcia. I told him over and over until he believed it.我告诉AJ要说是加西亚先生做的我一遍遍地告诉他直到他相信为止

8.Resident bad boy AJ McLean had a very public breakdown at the end of the last Backstreet tour.住院的AJ在后街最后的巡回中彻底地崩溃了。

9.Jason, Victor, AJ, and Van are on the way to see a professional baseball game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the New York Yankees.杰森、维特、亚杰和维一起去看职棒纽约的洋基队对密尔瓦基的酿酒人队比赛的路上。

10.Currently, AJ is trying to develop its business and market share in Asia.目前,AJ公司正在积极的开拓亚洲市场。